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Drums Lessons in Doerr-Steindorf, CA. Amazing Teachers.

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Private lessons with top Drums instructors near San Jose, CA

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Hand Drums
Hand Drums
Jess M.

Jess M.

Linda C.

Linda C.


I have been a public school music teacher for 30+ years. I am an optimistic, enthusiastic person, who will help you learn music reading in addition to music playing. I started on piano as a young child, and studied clarinet from elementary school through college, where I focused on french horn. I have a BA in Music Education from Humboldt State University, where I also earned my teaching credential. I have taught beginning, intermediate and advanced band and orchestra, in addition to choir and jazz band. I have been music director for over 10 middle school musicals. In my spare time I enjoy my two dogs, going horseback riding, and reading. *** Lesson Details *** I am very friendly, and encouraging to new students. I have a lot of patience for those who are new to the study of music. I can also be more demanding for those who have learned the basics and want to improve their playing. I am a proponent of teaching the basics of music reading and common musical terms. I can teach music through a variety of curricula, and will work with my students to choose a method that best suits their goals. I have a large music studio in my home that has a separate entrance,which is conducive to music making (with it's own bathroom). I accept students 8 years of age and older. *** Studio Equipment *** Has a keyboard, but no drum set *** Travel Equipment *** I prefer to teach in my home studio. *** Specialties *** I have been teaching band, orchestra & choir in public schools for 30+ years.

Private Lessons
Campbell, CA
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Just had my first lesson with Mattia and he gave me a lot of valuable tips right away. Exercises to practice on my free time every day which I think will provide a solid base for my practice in the f

Rina (Drums lessons with Mattia C.)

Mattia is an extremely patient and cheerful teacher, an excellent instructor for a first time student. My child had no previous musical experience, and Mattia worked with him to learn the basics, eve

Aaron (Drums lessons with Mattia C.)

I had a great first lesson with Mattia and he's an excellent teacher. I'm looking forward to learning more!

David (Drums lessons with Mattia C.)

Mattia is working with our 4 year old grandson and his parents. They like him, find him patient and supportive and the student looks forward to the lesson and shows the new skills to family.

Walter (Drums lessons with Mattia C.)

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