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How Easy is Singing, Really? Here's the Truth

February 14, 2023

How Easy is Singing, Really? Here's the Truth


Looking for easy songs to sing for beginners? The truth is, even the easiest songs take some work to perfect. Learn more in this article by Hicksville, NY singing teacher Kimberly F...

Singing is often considered a natural talent. But how easy is it really to sing well? In this post, we’ll take a look at the truth about singing and dispel some of the myths that surround it. 

So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced singer, read on for tips and techniques that will help you improve your voice.

So how easy is singing? Let’s take a closer look. And remember – happy singing!

How Do I Know If I Can Sing?

How easy is it to learn singing? If you enjoy singing and feel that you are able to produce a pleasing sound, then it is likely that you have at least some natural ability. However, there are a few other factors that can help to determine whether or not you have the potential to be a good singer, such as:

  • Having a well-developed sense of pitch
  • Being able to match pitch with other singers or instruments
  • Having good vocal technique

If you are interested in pursuing singing as a career, the best way to find out if you have what it takes is to consult with a professional voice teacher or coach. They will be able to assess your individual capabilities and give you an honest opinion about your potential as a singer.

How easy is singing? You’ll find out how easy it is to learn to sing in singing lessons. Here’s an example of what you might expect to learn in your singing lessons 

How Difficult is Singing?

As an opera singer, I can’t recall how many times I’ve heard: “Why are you going to grad school for singing? Isn’t singing easy? What could you possibly be learning all day?”

Well, let me tell you. Singing is a lot harder and a lot more complex than it seems. How easy is singing?

Even the easiest songs for beginners require a good amount of vocal technique and stage finesse to effectively perform. Here are just a few things that a singer must master in order to perform successfully:

Breath Control

Good breathing technique allows the singer to create a smooth and consistent sound. It requires a good amount of practice. Not only must a singer learn how to breathe correctly for singing (called “diaphragmatic breathing”), but he or she must also build up the muscles that control the breath.


Singers need to enunciate their words if they want the audience to understand the lyrics. This involves learning how to correctly produce audible consonants and clean vowels.


Without the correct alignment of the spine, breath and tone are compromised. Some singers study Alexander Technique for years simply to learn correct posture and how to release the involuntary tension from their body that interferes with good singing.

Healthy Technique

Without correct technique, a singer can easily injure him or herself, or quickly wear out the voice. This is how vocal nodes and other medical problems arise.

Stage Presence

A performer’s ease and confidence onstage can make or break a performance. Singing in the practice room won’t matter if you clam up in front of an audience.

Emotional Connection

A real performer knows how to relate to the song he or she is singing and how to convey those feelings to the audience.

How Long Will It Take to Learn Singing?

Learning to sing can be a daunting task, especially if you’re starting from scratch. However, with a little time and practice, anyone can learn the basics of singing. The key is to find a method that works for you and to stick with it. 

Depending on your natural abilities and how much time you’re willing to commit to practice, it could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to learn the basics of singing. If you’re planning on taking singing lessons, it’s important to find a qualified instructor who can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. 

With a good teacher, you’ll be able to make faster progress and avoid developing bad habits. Likewise, if you’re teaching yourself to sing, be sure to listen carefully to your own voice and strive for consistent improvement. 

Remember, there’s no magic formula for learning how to sing—it’s just a matter of putting in the time and effort.

Is it Easier to Learn How to Dance or Sing?

When it comes to learning how to sing or dance, there is no easy answer. Both activities require a great deal of coordination, timing, and practice. 

However, there are some key differences that may make one or the other easier for some people. 

For instance, singing generally requires less physical effort than dancing. In addition, singing is often less reliant on memorization than dancing, as dancers need to remember both the steps and the order in which they should be performed.

 As a result, those who struggle with coordination or memory may find it easier to learn how to sing. However, everyone learns differently, so the best way to determine which is easier is to simply try both and see which comes more naturally to you.

Can a Normal Person Learn Singing?

So there you have it, the truth about how easy singing is. It’s not as easy as some people make it out to be, but with dedication and practice, anyone can learn to sing well.

These are just a few of the basics. If you are pursuing a career in a more specific type of singing, such as musical theater or opera, there are even more components to master. A classical musician must learn music theory, music history, ear training, and various foreign languages to name a few things. Broadway singers must perfect their dancing and acting skills, as well as keep their body in prime shape.

Singing is, for all intents and purposes, an athletic endeavor. It involves the entire body. Your body is your instrument and it requires just as much, if not more, maintenance as any other instrument. Rest, exercise, and good eating are a few of the obvious ways that you can care for your body.

So the next time you hear a singer on the radio or attend a live show, you’re witnessing the product of many hours of intensive practice and study. You’re experiencing many different fine-tuned aspects at work simultaneously.

So how easy is singing? The final verdict is this: don’t take singing— and singers – for granted. A great way to learn some of these skills is to work with a local teacher. He or she can provide a safe learning environment and show you the ropes of good singing.

Because behind every great singer is a great voice teacher.


Kimberly F. teaches singing in Hicksville, NY. She received her Bachelor of Science in Music Performance from Hofstra University, and her Master of Music from Bard College. Kimberly has been teaching students since 2007.  Learn more about Kimberly here!



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Suzy S.