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Singing Basics: Where to Find Free Voice Lessons Online

December 21, 2022

Singing Basics: Where to Find Free Voice Lessons Online

Where To Find Online Voice Lessons

You don’t have to be a professional singer to enjoy the benefits of singing. Singing is a great way to relieve stress, improve your mood, and boost your overall well-being. And, thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to find free voice lessons online. 

Here are three of the best places to find free voice lessons online for beginners.

How Can I Teach Myself Voice?

Learning how to use your voice effectively can be a challenge, especially if you’ve never had any formal training. However, there are a few basic things that you can do to start improving your vocal technique:

  • First, pay attention to your posture. Slouching can constrict your breathing and make it harder to project your voice. 
  • Second, focus on breathing from your diaphragm. This will help you to project your voice without straining your throat. 
  • Practice regularly. Just like with any skill, the more you use your voice, the better you’ll become at controlling it. 
  • Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment. Try different techniques and find what works best for you. 

With a little practice, you’ll be surprised at how much your vocal skills can improve. The best tip? Sign up for singing lessons. A vocal coach will be able to show you how to work with your talent to improve. Learn more by watching the video below: 

Benefits of Free Online Voice Lessons

Want to improve your voice and feel more confident in your singing? Vocal training is great for helping you develop your range, sing with expression, and learn proper breathing techniques. 

If you’re nervous about starting voice lessons or there’s no voice teacher near you, however, online vocal lessons can offer the same benefits of in-person voice lessons. 

A growing number of vocalists, voice teachers, and music schools offer paid online voice lessons, done through video chat services like Skype, but you can also find many free voice lessons online, which can be great for supplementing your lessons. 

Where to Find Voice Lessons Free Online

Interested in free online voice lessons for beginners? Here are a few resources to check out for the best online voice lessons free:

Free Online Voice Lessons YouTube

You can find thousands of free voice lessons on YouTube, from warm-up ideas to demonstrating specific vocal techniques and more. Keep in mind, however, that these are just introductions to the techniques, and you’ll need ongoing practice and guidance to improve.

Also, keep in mind that not all YouTube channels with free voice lessons are appropriate for every level. We recommend starting out with a playlist like this one designed for beginners. Work your way through it and try incorporating one lesson a day into your practice sessions!

YouTube can also be a great resource for watching professional vocalists on stage or during performances. Instead of looking for guidance on specific techniques, examine their energy during the performance, their confidence, and how they incorporate their unique style into the piece. You can then take these observations as you develop your own style.

Sample Voice Lessons Online

Some voice teachers also offer sample lessons on their website. While these won’t replace ongoing vocal studies, they can serve as a great introduction. If you’re thinking about taking voice lessons in person, the free voice lessons on a voice teacher’s website can show you the teacher’s style, temperament, and perhaps their level of experience with the music styles you’re interested in learning.

Finally, many music schools offer similar sample courses, if you’re considering continuing your studies in an academic setting.

How Can I Get Free Singing Lessons Online?

Many people love to sing but don’t know how to get started or where to turn for help. The internet has a wealth of resources for those who want to learn to sing, and best of all, many of these resources are free. Here are just a few ways you can get free singing lessons online.

What Are the Best Online Singing Lessons Free?

One way to get free singing lessons online is to check out the websites of companies that offer music education products and services. Many of these companies offer free trials or sample lessons that you can take advantage of. You can also find a number of helpful articles and tips on their websites.

Another way to get free singing lessons online is to search for video tutorials on sites like YouTube. There are a number of instructional videos available that can teach you the basics of singing. You can also find a number of vocal exercises on these sites that can help you improve your vocal technique.

Finally, you can find a number of forums and message boards dedicated to singing and music education. These forums are a great way to connect with other singers and learn from their experiences. You can also find a number of helpful tips and tricks on these forums.

Is There a Free Singing Lessons App?

While there are many apps available that claim to offer free singing lessons, the truth is that most of them only provide a few basic tips and exercises. If you want to learn how to sing correctly, it is best to invest in a quality course or lessons from a qualified instructor. 

However, if you are just looking for some simple tips to improve your vocal skills, there are a few free apps that can be helpful. 

One example is VocalizeU, which offers short vocal exercises and tips on how to improve your tone and breath control. Another option is Sing Sharp, which provides basic instruction on breathing techniques, posture, and vocal warm-ups.

While neither of these apps can replace professional singing lessons, they can be a helpful resource for beginners who want to start improving their vocal skills.

Voice Lessons Free Online – Are They Enough?

Overall, while many free voice lessons are available online, they are not a good substitute for working with a voice teacher in person – or at the very least, with live online lessons, where you can get real-time tips and support. Your voice teacher should be able to look at your posture and breathing, which can help put a halt to bad technique before it turns into a bad habit!

In the end, whether you take singing lessons online or in person will boil down to your personal preferences. Finding the right teacher is half the battle, and that teacher might be down the road from you, or perhaps on the other side of the country. If you really want to improve, make the investment and sign up for private lessons. The one-on-one guidance you receive is invaluable, and can help you progress faster than you ever imagined.  Good luck, and have fun!

Photo by Paul Hudson


Suzy S.