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4 Signs You're Ready for Longer Piano Lessons

May 23, 2018

4 Signs You're Ready for Longer Piano Lessons

piano lessons

If you’ve been taking piano lessons for a while, you’re likely familiar with that feeling of excitement – learning the “language” of music, playing your first piece, and thinking about all the beautiful piano songs that you could learn next! Whether you’re on your way to Juilliard, hoping to perform something special at your next family gathering, or simply want to explore a new hobby, the piano is a fantastic instrument to master!

Most students, regardless of age, start out with 30-minute lessons. It’s a great starting point, and one of the best ways to gauge your interest level. Maybe you’ve committed to several lessons upfront, or perhaps you’re taking it one step at a time. Either way, you’re eventually going to reach a point in your lessons where you’re ready to take it up a notch. When you’re really enjoying yourself, that 30-minute lesson can really fly by!

So how do you know when it’s time to make the commitment and increase your lesson length to 45 minutes or even an hour? The simple answer is: whenever you feel like you’re ready! Your piano teacher will have a good sense for this, as well, and may suggest the idea before you ever think of it. If you’re unsure, consider the questions below and see where you stand:

  • Are you able to stay engaged and motivated during your current lessons?
  • Are you left itching to learn more at the end of each lesson?
  • Are you preparing for an upcoming recital or audition?
  • Are you interested in branching out and learning new things, like composition or music theory?
  • Your answers to these questions will be a good indicator that it’s time to upgrade!

    Just remember: the most important thing is to allow yourself to stay motivated and excited about your lessons! Parents, if you’re pushing your child into longer lessons before they’re ready, you might be risking a meltdown in the future. Learning how to play an instrument can be an incredible journey, but it’s not always something you can force. Consider your son or daughter’s attention span – and discuss the idea with his or her teacher – before making any changes.

    Ultimately, you’ll need to figure out what works for you or your child. Curious about taking longer lessons? Give it a try for a while, and see how it goes. Chat with your teacher about your goals, ask for his or her feedback, and do what you need to do to stay motivated – whether that’s exploring new material, or maybe even performing in front of friends and family or at an open mic night.

    Good luck on your musical journey – we’re here for you!

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    Suzy S.