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Help! I HATE My Singing Voice | Advice From a Professional

May 23, 2018

Help! I HATE My Singing Voice | Advice From a Professional


Do you wish you could sing at karaoke night or in front of your friends without feeling embarrassed? If your voice isn’t quite up to your standards, it can be easy to let that fear hold you back from something you love doing. Here, Hayward, CA voice teacher Molly R. shares her advice…


“I really LIKE to sing — the problem is… I hate my singing voice!”

Surprisingly, this is something I’ve heard quite a few times from my students, as much as I wish that it weren’t the case! I do my best to show them how they can change their attitude and appreciate what they have. Here are some things to consider if you, too, are one of those singers who wishes they were hearing something different when they sing!

  • Singing is meant to be about fun and expression rather than perfection. Try this experiment: Sing one of your ballads as if you really want to make the audience cry. Think of it as a musical monologue, and use it to show off your acting skills! Record yourself. You’ll be amazed at how much more voice comes out — and you just may like what you hear.
  • Simply get USED to your voice! Make it a goal to record yourself singing more often. Record lessons, parts of practice sessions, and your performances. Sometimes we don’t like our singing voice at first because we’re just surprised at how different we sound once we play it back; it’s not the same sound you hear as you’re actually singing. If you hear your true singing voice more often… well… the sound may just grow on you!
  • Just do your best. Listen to your voice teacher’s advice — and practice! When your muscles build strength from proper use, your voice becomes stronger and more consistent. Having a reliable technique builds confidence. Those are the most important things when it comes to being a good singer. Sometimes we don’t like the sound of our voice because it just doesn’t have a lot of presence at first.
  • Lastly, remember this: You are unique. Your voice is unlike anyone else’s. It’s determined not only by your vocal folds, but also by the shape of your face, throat, sinuses, and other factors. Know that having a voice — any voice — is a wonderful gift… so use it, honor it, and make the most of it! One person’s idea of a gorgeous voice may differ greatly from someone else’s, and that’s to be expected. Just look at the wide variety of singers out there!

Some of the most successful singers don’t necessarily have huge ranges or traditionally beautiful tone, but they own what they’ve got! The next time you start to say “I hate my singing voice!”, try one of these tips to change your thinking. Find a voice teacher to work with, if you haven’t already, and with time you’ll learn to love your voice!

mollyrMolly R. teaches online and in-person singing lessons in Hayward, CA. Her specialties include teaching beginner vocalists, shy singers, children, teens, lapsed singers, and older beginners. She joined TakeLessons in November 2013. Learn more about Molly here!



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Suzy S.