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The Super Simple Trick for How to Sing Better Instantly

August 1, 2018

The Super Simple Trick for How to Sing Better Instantly

Learn How To Sing Better InstantlyMost aspiring vocalists are on the lookout for tips on how to sing better. Everyone’s voice is different and unique. However, there is one simple trick for how to sing better that applies to singers of all styles and skill levels: learn how to relax both your mind and body.

Relaxing your mind and body will improve your singing voice dramatically. Keep reading to find out more.

How to Sing Better Instantly

What Happens When You Relax

The secret to learning how to sing better is to stay relaxed. If you learn to relax while singing, you can expect the following changes to take place:

  • Your voice will double in size. When you’re relaxed, your voice won’t get “stuck” on the way out. Instead, your voice will work naturally and without strain or injury.

  • Your tonal range and vocal colors will multiply. Think back to the last time you sang when you were tense or nervous. You may have sung accurately enough, but you may have noticed a metallic sound coming through. Now think about the last time you sang when you were relaxed. More than likely, your tone was much richer and stronger than in the other scenario.

  • You will be able to sing for longer. Tense muscles are tired muscles, and after a while, they’ll start to ache. If you are relaxed, you are less likely to tire yourself out by working too hard to achieve half the results.

3 Tips to Relax Your Voice While Singing

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people find that as soon as someone tells them to relax, they’re immediately tense. The more they try to unwind, the more wound up they become.

You may understand this tool for how to sing better instantly, but if you can’t implement it, it won’t do you much good. To combat this effect, try some of the following singing tips and see what works for you:

1. Take care of yourself.

The difference between a singer and an instrumentalist is that we are our instruments. If a violinist has a cold, for example, they can still put on a good performance. A singer will find it harder to do so as their blocked nose or scratchy throat will get in the way. Do your best to take care of yourself and avoid getting sick. Get enough rest, drink water throughout the day, and pay attention to the foods you eat.

2. Warm up your body.

You probably already know that it’s harder to sing when you’re feeling lethargic. Start with a few gentle stretches to make sure that you’re physically relaxed and ready to put your best foot forward. Proper posture is also key to learning how to sing better, and exercises will help in this area.

3. Be prepared.

There’s nothing guaranteed to make you tense up quicker than not preparing your music properly. Practicing often will help if you’re anxious about forgetting words or missing high notes during performances and auditions.

For even more tips on how to sing better instantly, check out this helpful tutorial from vocal teacher Arlys A.

Finally, no matter how well your strategies for relaxing while singing might be, there is only so much you can do by yourself. If you are a self-taught singer, there are all kinds of hidden tensions that can creep into your technique that you might not notice, and that will set you up for vocal problems or permanent damage.

The best way to avoid this is to find a qualified vocal coach who can see and hear problems as they occur, and help you fix them.  If you really want to learn how to sing better, nothing can replace having a vocal coach by your side. Good luck on your singing journey!

Photo by Ihsan Khairir

Megan L. is a writer and musician living in San Diego. She loves supporting independent artists and learning more about music every day. Megan has been working for TakeLessons since November 2011. Google+

Megan L.