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5 Helpful French Pronunciation Hacks for Beginners

October 26, 2022

5 Helpful French Pronunciation Hacks for Beginners

Are you having trouble nailing your French accent? Below, French teacher Jinky B. explains how to sound like a  français or française in just five easy steps…

If you’re just starting to learn French, congratulations! You’ve taken on one of the most beautiful languages in the world. While French may have a reputation for being difficult, it’s not as hard as you might think. A big part of learning any language is mastering pronunciation, and French is no different.

The French have an undeniably distinct accent that can be difficult for non-native speakers to perfect.

Nevertheless, it’s not entirely impossible for non-natives to learn how to speak French.

All it takes is some direction from your French teacher and a whole lot of practice.

Below are five helpful French alphabet pronunciation hacks or shortcuts to help you perfect your French accent.

How Can I Improve My French Pronunciation?

Anyone who has ever tried to learn a foreign language knows that pronunciation can be one of the most challenging aspects of the process, and for French learners, this can be especially true, as the language is known for its complex rules of phonetics. However, there are a few simple tips that can help to improve your French words pronunciation:

  • First, it is important to listen to native speakers and mimic their sounds. This will help you to get a feel for the rhythm and flow of the language. 
  • Next, pay attention to mouth position and tongue placement when forming sounds. With practice, you will be able to produce the correct sounds with ease. 
  • Finally, don’t be afraid to practice in front of others. The more you speak, the more confident you will become with your pronunciation.

 By following these simple tips, you can soon start speaking like a native Frenchman.

Ready to improve your French pronunciation? Sign up for French lessons today – you’ll learn everything you need to know about French pronunciation hacks, plus what you see in the video below: 

5 French Pronunciation Hacks

Here are five helpful French pronunciation hacks for beginners that will help you on your journey to fluency.

1. The Silent Letters

One of the first French pronunciation rules is that you don’t actually say all the letters that are in a word.

The general rule of thumb is that you don’t say the consonants at the end of a word unless there is an ‘e’ at the end of the word. Check out the examples below:

Example one: français (Frenchman)

DO NOT say the ‘s’ sound, rather it sounds like ‘frong-say’.

*See #4 for pronunciation of the ‘-an’ in the first syllable.

Example two: française (Frenchwoman)

DO say the ‘s’, but making it more like a ‘z’ sound, to sound like ‘frong-says’.

*See #4 for pronunciation of the ‘-an’ in the first syllable.

There are some notable exceptions. Use this acronym to recognize when it’s possible to pronounce the consonant at the end of a word: CaReFuL. See the examples below.

Example one: Un truc (a thing)

DO say the ‘c’ in truc to sound like ‘trook’.

*The ‘u’ sounds like the English word ‘too’, not the English word ‘crook’.

Example two: Hiver (winter)

DO say the ‘r’ in hiver to sound like ‘e-vair’.

*The ‘h’ is silent at the beginning of the word.

2. The Liaison ‘Z’

One surefire way to sound more français or française is by linking the letter -s and the vowel in the word that follows.

For example, ils sont (they are) and ils ont (they have) look very similar in writing. However, when spoken, there is a very notable difference.

In the first, Ils sont, do not say the ‘s’ sound in ils, but DO say the ‘s’ in sont to sound like ‘eel song’, paying attention to not saying the -ng sound.

In the second, Ils ont, the ‘s’ actually have the ‘z’ sound, which is known as a liaison, since the ils and ont are connected together. DO say ‘eel-zong’, paying attention to not saying the -ng sound.

3. The ‘O’ Sound

Sometimes, you will see a string of vowels in French that look a bit puzzling. Don’t do too much work, but rather make the one vowel sound, ‘o’.

When pronouncing this group of vowels, your lips should also form the ‘o’ shape. Check out the examples below.

Example one: Beau (handsome), which sounds like the ‘-bow’ in ‘rainbow’.

Example two: Eau (water), which sounds just like the letter ‘-o’.

4. The Nasal ‘On’ Sound

The nasal sound in words like Bonjour (hello) and cent (hundred) is a very recognizable French sound.

Non-French speakers can generally pick up that French is being spoken when hearing these sounds.

Think of the English word, ‘song’. Say the word, but stop when you reach the ‘-ng’ sound. In the French word chanson (song), for example, it sounds like ‘shan-song’.

5. The ‘R’ Sound

Fin (the end) is the most difficult French sound to produce as well as the  most used sound in French.

While this may take the most time to master, you will definitely feel like a true français or française once this is achieved.

It sounds a bit like you’re gargling water at the back of your throat. For example, Bonjour, Paris! (Hello, Paris!).

The ‘r’ sound is at the end of Bonjour and in the middle of Paris. Practice saying this phrase five times a day and you’ll get it down fast.

More Tips for Mastering French Pronunciation Hacks

Learning how to pronounce French correctly can seem daunting at first, but it’s definitely doable with some practice. Here are a few more tips.

1. Pay attention to vowel sounds. 

In French, there are 10 different vowel sounds, as opposed to the five or six in English. This can be one of the most difficult aspects of French pronunciation for English speakers because the vowel sounds are often different than what we’re used to. A good way to practice these is by finding a list of words with each vowel sound and saying them out loud until you get comfortable with the sound. 

2. Don’t worry about silent letters. 

One common misconception about French is that all letters are pronounced, but this isn’t true. In fact, there are a number of silent letters in French words, particularly at the end of words. For example, the letter ‘s’ is silent at the end of words like ‘bonjour’ (hello) and ‘merci’ (thank you). Once you get used to seeing these silent letters, they’ll become less and less intimidating. 

3. Know when to use a liaison. 

A liaison is when two consonants are pronounced together as one sound, even if they’re not actually attached to each other in writing. For example, the word ‘un’ (one) is usually pronounced as ‘un-nuh’ when it’s used before a word that begins with a vowel sound. Liaisons can be tricky for beginners, but don’t worry too much about them at first. Just listen for when native speakers use them and try to imitate them yourself when you can. 

4. Listen for cognates. 

Cognates are words that have the same meaning in two different languages and often look similar too. For example, the French word ‘objet’ (object) is a cognate of the English word ‘object.’ Since they share a common origin, cognates are usually easier to pronounce than other words since they tend to follow similar patterns. Learning cognates can also help you build your vocabulary more quickly since you’ll already know many of the words. 

5. Practice, practice, practice! 

Pronunciation is something that takes time and practice to master fully, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it perfect right away. The best way to improve your pronunciation is simply by speaking as often as possible with native speakers or other learners who are more advanced than you are. expose yourself to as much spoken French as possible and try imitating what you hear until it starts to become second nature. 

What is the Hardest French Word to Pronounce?

There are many words in French that can be difficult for English speakers to pronounce. In particular, vowels often have different sound values than they do in English, and certain consonants can be particularly challenging. 

However, there is one word in particular that is often cited as being the hardest French word to pronounce: œuf. This word, which means “egg,” is notoriously difficult for English speakers because it contains the French vowel “œ,” which is pronounced like a combination of the English letters “e” and “u.” 

As a result, many English speakers struggle to correctly say this word. While there are many other hard-to-pronounce words in French, œuf is often considered to be the most difficult.

How Do You Practice French Pronunciation?

Learning a new language can be a daunting task, but with dedication and practice, it can be a rewarding experience. One of the most challenging aspects of learning a new language is getting the pronunciation right. French is no exception. The French language has a reputation for being difficult to pronounce, but with a little practice, it can be mastered. 

Here are a few final tips for practicing French pronunciation

  • Listen to native speakers. This is the best way to learn how words are supposed to sound. 
  • Use a mirror. 
  • Practice making the shapes with your mouth that are necessary for producing the correct sounds. 
  • Record yourself. This will help you to identify any errors you may be making and 
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat. Practice makes perfect! 

With these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to speaking like a native in no time.

For even more tips to improve your French pronunciation, and sound like a native speaker, check out this quick YouTube tutorial.

Keep these French pronunciation shortcuts in mind when you’re practicing your accent. If you concentrate on the proper pronunciation, you’ll be sounding like a real français or française in no time.

Post Author: Jinky B.
Jinky B. teaches French lessons in Jacksonville, FL. She has her Bachelor’s of Arts in French, French Literature and Psychology from Florida State University and has over five years of teaching experience. Learn more about Jinky B. here!

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