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9 Things We Learned About Kurt Cobain from Montage of Heck

October 18, 2022

9 Things We Learned About Kurt Cobain from Montage of Heck

When you think of Kurt Cobain, what comes to mind? The voice of a generation? A tortured artist? An incredible musician? While all of those labels may be true, they only scratch the surface of who Cobain was. 

The recently released documentary Montage of Heck explores Cobain’s life in depth, and we learned a lot about him that we didn’t know before. Here are just a few things we learned.

Why is Kurt Cobain So Famous?

Here are a few reasons why Kurt was one of the most famous musicians of the century:

  • As the lead singer and guitarist of Nirvana, he helped to popularize punk and alternative rock, and he shaped the sound and style of a generation. 
  • His songwriting was incredibly prolific, and his lyrics were often dark and introspective. 
  • He was also a skilled performer, and his unpredictable onstage antics added to his appeal.
  • Cobain was a highly charismatic figure, and his unkempt appearance and DIY fashion sense were in stark contrast to the polished image of many figures in the mainstream music industry. 

Although Cobain’s career was tragically cut short by his untimely death, his legacy continues to live on through his music. 

Want to learn how to play the guitar like Cobain? Take guitar lessons if you want to learn the essentials. You can also check out the video below to find out more of the benefits of taking guitar lessons: 

What We’ve Learned About Kurt Cobain

Recently, HBO released a new documentary about Kurt Cobain’s life called Montage of Heck. Unlike past documentaries on the legendary guitarist and singer, this one highlights his humanity and shares perhaps the most intimate look at his life that his fans have ever had.  Director Brett Morgan worked with Cobain’s family, including his daughter Frances Bean Cobain, who provided home movies, photographs, and journals.

At times funny and at other times deeply sad, Montage of Heck manages to give fans a nuanced portrait of the man behind “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and many other classic rock songs of the 90s. Unlike other films that have focused heavily on the dark parts of his life, we got glimpses of his humor, resilience, and heart. Here are just a few of the things we learned about Kurt from the film.

1. Kurt worked really, really hard.

Despite his slacker image and status in the grunge scene, the portions of Kurt’s journals shown in the film reveal a hard-working driven artist intent on doing whatever it took to be successful. Although his relationship with fame was often difficult, there’s no denying that he worked incredibly hard to get where he did.

2. Kurt was a totally adorable kid.

Honestly, we weren’t surprised he was a cute kid, but watch that clip until he waves and just try not to wave back.

3. Nirvana was almost called “Nasty Rash”.

Actually, there were many names Nirvana could have had, some of them funny, some political, but none as fitting as the one they chose. Somehow, it’s hard to imagine Nasty Rash dominating the airwaves in the same way.

4. He loved being a father.

Footage of Cobain with his daughter Frances Bean reveals his profound love for her. He says many times that playing rock and roll was all he ever wanted, but later in the film there is a clip where he says he would give it up for her. He even jokes about letting her throw up in his mouth. If that’s not love, we don’t know what is.

What is Kurt Cobain’s daughter doing now? Frances Cobain is now a model and actress. She has appeared in several movies and TV shows, including The Lifetime movie “Abducted: The Jocelyn Shaker Story” and an episode of the CW show “Supernatural.” She has also done some modeling work, appearing in campaigns for Marc Jacobs and Vans.

5. He had a lighter side.

Many portrayals of Cobain focus heavily on his drug addiction, depression, and troubled relationship with Courtney Love. While Montage of Heck certainly doesn’t shy away from these issues, we get a glimpse of a lighter side to Kurt. His music was certainly dark, but he was not all doom and gloom. It’s refreshing and rare to see him crack a joke, and seeing this new side to him gave us a new perspective on on the irony and humor you hear from time to time in his songs.

6. How much money did Kurt Cobain leave behind?

Kurt Cobain’s net worth at the time of his death was $50 million. Of that, $39 million came from Nirvana’s publishing rights and merchandising, and $11 million came from his personal estate. After deducting debts and taxes, Cobain’s widow Courtney Love was left with $24.5 million. 

She later lost much of her fortune due to lawsuits and mismanagement. Today, Kurt Cobain’s net worth is estimated to be $100 million. The vast majority of that wealth comes from Nirvana’s ongoing success. The band has sold over 75 million albums worldwide, and their music continues to generate millions of dollars in revenue each year. As a result, Kurt Cobain’s legacy is secure – both financially and musically. Thanks to his seminal work with Nirvana, Cobain will continue to be remembered as one of the most influential musicians of his generation.

7. How did Kurt Cobain die?

When did Kurt Cobain die? Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of the grunge band Nirvana, was found dead at his home in Seattle, Washington on April 8, 1994. The cause of death was determined to be suicide by a single shotgun wound to the head. 

Cobain had been battling depression and addiction for many years, and his death came as a shock to fans and loved ones alike. In the days following his death, tributes and memorials were held around the world, and Nirvana’s music became more popular than ever. 

While Kurt Cobain’s death is often seen as a tragedy, his legacy continues to live on through his music and the many lives that he touched.

8. We learned more about Kurt Cobain guitar

Kurt Cobain played a number of different guitars during his career, but he is most commonly associated with the Fender Jag-Stang. The Jag-Stang was a custom guitar designed by Cobain in collaboration with Fender, and it combined elements of the Jaguar and Mustang models. 

The Jag-Stang featured two single-coil pickups, a shorter 24-inch scale length, and a unique offset body shape. Cobain was reportedly very happy with the Jag-Stang, and he used it on a number of Nirvana recordings, including “Heart Shaped Box” and “Lithium.” In addition to the Jag-Stang, Cobain also occasionally played a Fender Mustang and a Guild Navarro.

9. Why did Kurt Cobain wear baggy clothes?

Kurt Cobain was known for his unique sense of style, which included oversized sweaters, flannel shirts, and ripped jeans. While some have speculated that Cobain’s choice of clothing was simply a reflection of his slacker aesthetic, it is also possible that his baggy clothes served a more practical purpose. 

By wearing loose-fitting clothing, Cobain may have been trying to conceal his thin frame and hide his struggle with body image. In addition, baggy clothes can be more comfortable than form-fitting garments, and they may have allowed Cobain to move more freely onstage.

Kurt Cobain Quotes to Inspire You As You Learn to Play Guitar

As you learn to play guitar, it can be easy to get discouraged. After all, it takes a lot of time and practice to master this musical instrument. However, it’s important to remember that even the greats had to start somewhere. 

Take Kurt Cobain, for example. Before he rose to fame as the frontman of Nirvana, he was just another aspiring musician with a dream. These Kurt Cobain quotes will remind you that anything is possible if you’re willing to put in the hard work:

  • “The ways things have been, they’re going to change.” This quote is a reminder that nothing is set in stone. No matter how difficult things may seem, they can always change for the better. If you keep working at your guitar playing, you will eventually see progress.
  • “I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.” It’s easy to compare yourself to other guitarists and feel like you’ll never measure up. However, it’s important to remember that everyone has their own unique style. You don’t need to be like anyone else to be a great guitarist. Just be yourself and play the music that you love.
  • “It’s better to burn out than fade away.” Learning to play guitar takes a lot of dedication and hard work. There will be times when you feel like giving up. But if you keep pushing through, you’ll eventually achieve your goals. 

These Kurt Cobain quotes will inspire you to stay the course and become the best musician that you can be.

How Old Would Kurt Cobain Be Today?

Kurt Cobain would be 55 years old today if he were still alive. He was born in 1967, making him just a few months shy of 56 at the time of this writing in 2022. Cobain was only 27 years old when he died, but he achieved a lot in his short life. 

And in light of the recent documentary release, Montage of Heck, we thought it would be fitting to explore some of the lesser-known facts about Kurt Cobain. 

As we watched the film and did additional research, five key takeaways surfaced that we think are worth considering today. If you’re a Nirvana fan or simply want to learn more about one of rock music’s most iconic figures, read on for our top five insights gleaned from Montage of Heck. 

How might you apply these tips in your own life? Sign up for guitar lessons today and start rocking out like Kurt!

All in all, it was an engrossing documentary, and we came away with new ideas. Have you seen it? Do you want to? Or is there another music documentary you’d like to recommend? Tell us all about it in the comments below!


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Megan L. is a writer and musician living in San Diego. She loves supporting independent artists and learning more about music every day. Megan has been working for TakeLessons since November 2011. Google+

Megan L.