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16 Best Guitars for Beginners [2022 Guide]

February 9, 2023

16 Best Guitars for Beginners [2022 Guide]

If you’d like to learn how to play guitar, finding a good starter guitar is important for your success and enjoyment of practice time. Though brand-new players might assume that all guitars are the same, guitars can range significantly in tone, size, playability, and more. A good guitar for beginners takes this into account.

Whether you’re looking for an adult beginner guitar or a guitar designed to suit a child, there are a few key factors to consider when choosing the best guitar to learn on. Let’s explore 16 of our best recommendations when it comes to finding a good starter guitar that works for you and fits your budget.

What Is the Best Guitar for a Beginner?

As you’re starting your journey with guitar lessons, you may be more focused on learning to play songs than you are on picking out a good beginner guitar.

However, the quality of your guitar and whether it’s suited to your needs will make a huge difference in how easy it is to play. Plus, guitarists who play instruments not very well suited to them can develop injuries over time.

Ready to start searching for your perfect adult beginner guitar or child-size instrument? The first thing to determine is whether you’d like to learn on an acoustic guitar or an electric model. Here are some of our top picks for beginner acoustic guitars in 2022.

  • Yamaha LL6 ARE
  • Fender CD-60S All-Mahogany
  • Epiphone Hummingbird Studio
  • Taylor GS Mini Mahogany
  • Yamaha FG800
  • Martin LX1E Little Martin
  • Ibanez AW54CE
  • Seagull S6

If you’re in the market for a guitar perfect for a child or adolescent, you should consider the Martin LX1E Little Martin or the Taylor GS Mini Mahogany. These are excellent models from well-respected brands in reasonable price ranges, and either can act as a solid good guitar for a beginner.

The Taylor GS Mini Mahogany is particularly affordable at around $100, and both feature clear tone and high build quality.

Yamaha models such as the Yamaha FG800 and the Yamaha LL6 ARE are often considered to be great options for beginners due to their low to mid-tier price range and their easy playability.

The Fender CD-60S All-Mahogany carries the legendary Fender name and lives up to the brand’s hype with a stunning mahogany build, good tuning maintenance, and a low price at just under $200, making a fairly affordable guitar for beginners.

Epiphone, Ibanez, and Seagull are all great acoustic brands, and any new player would be lucky to learn on an Epiphone Hummingbird Studio, an Ibanez AW54CE, or a Seagull S6.

These models range in price from $300 to $500 and feature varying tone qualities, build materials, and playing benefits (i.e., the Seagull S6 is particularly known for fingerpicking-style playing).

Maybe the distinctive sound of the electric guitar is more your style. Let’s take a look at some of our best suggestions for beginner electric guitars in 2022.

  • Squier Classic Vibe ‘50s Stratocaster
  • Squier Bullet Mustang HH
  • Yamaha Pacifica 112V
  • Yamaha Revstar RS320
  • Gretsch G2622 Streamliner
  • Epiphone Les Paul Studio
  • Epiphone SG Standard
  • Ibanez Gio GRGR120EX

Squier is well-known as a great brand for beginner guitars, and the Classic Vibe ‘50s Stratocaster is a popular first-guitar choice for being budget-friendly and producing an overall balanced sound. The Bullet Mustang is a perfect choice for kids with its small body, affordable cost, and range of fun colors.

The Yamaha Pacifica 112V and Revstar RS320 would both make great adult beginner guitars with prices in the $300 range, easy playability, and their wide range of tone and volume features. Another great brand, Gretsch, is popular for its G2622 Streamliner, which features a rounded body and a bright, full tone for under $600.

Epiphone is famous for its Les Paul model, and beginners can access this iconic style for a fraction of the price with the Les Paul Studio at around $200.

Also from Epiphone, the SG Standard is an affordable model that’s great for a variety of styles, particularly classic rock. The Ibanez Gio GRGR120EX is well-known among fans of heavy metal as an excellent starter guitar for this genre at less than $150.

Should My Starter Guitar be Electric or Acoustic? 

Additionally when deciding what the best guitar for beginners is you have to decide on an acoustic or electric. Whether you’ve already started working on your guitar skills or you’re completely brand-new to the craft, you may be having trouble deciding between an electric or acoustic model when it comes to the best guitar to learn on  

The first thing to keep in mind is the fact that electric guitars require an amp and cables to be played and heard properly, while acoustic guitars don’t need any additional gear. For those working on a tight budget, this distinction may make the acoustic guitar your best guitar for beginners. 

 The next factor to consider is what kind of music you’d like to be playing once you build up your skills. If you’re a huge fan of classic rock, heavy metal, and similar genres, you may feel unfulfilled with the sound of an acoustic guitar and prefer the heavy tones of an electric.  

 If you prefer soft rock, pop, or folk music, the right acoustic guitar may be the perfect instrument to help you play your favorite songs authentically. 

Many new players trying out multiple guitars at a music shop might notice that the electric guitar feels easier to play at first due to the thinness of the strings and their increased closeness to the fingerboard compared to most acoustics.  

Luckily, you can customize the size of your strings whether you play an electric or acoustic guitar, making your instrument easier or harder to play regardless of which guitar for beginners you choose.  

Before you buy the thinnest strings available, however, it’s important to note that string thickness will affect the fullness of a guitar’s tone. Therefore, we recommend starting with thinner strings on your guitar for beginners and eventually sizing up to reach your instrument’s full tone potential as you get more comfortable with your playing ability. 

Tips for Buying a Good Starter Guitar  

As you’re picking a good beginner guitar to fit your needs and budget, there are a few other factors to pay attention to besides tone quality, size, price, and appearance. Let’s explore a few of the additional details you should be aware of before making a purchase.  

Pay Attention to Tuning  

Although many beginner guitarists aren’t aware of this, some guitars tend to stay in tune better than others. This difference is often due to the quality of the guitar’s build and the type of materials used, particularly for the tuning pegs and neck. Additionally, string size could play a role in how well a guitar for beginners stays in tune. 

Before purchasing your starter guitar, spend some time in the music shop and take note of whether the guitar stays in tune well as you’re playing or falls out of tune. For some models, you might notice a pitch difference within minutes of tuning up 

Also, try putting the guitar for beginners down for a short period of time and picking it up again to see if the tuning has changed, and stay away from models that can’t seem to hold a tune. 

Check if the Fretboard Is Comfortable for Your Fingers  

Different brands, builds, and sizes of guitar will have varying fretboards. Though the basic design remains the same, you may find as you try a few guitars that some feel easier to travel from fret to fret than others.  

Take your time perusing your music store and note how it feels to travel between notes on different guitar necks and how easy it feels to press down the frets and get a clear sound.  

Advantages of New vs. Used Guitars  

Most guitar sellers will offer both new and used models, and there are distinct advantages to each. New guitars will likely feature the most cutting-edge technological advancements as well as the latest designs.  

Plus, with a new model, you’ll receive a manufacturer’s warranty that could come in handy should anything go wrong with your instrument. 

On the other hand, used guitars can offer a unique sound and look that only a vintage model can provide. Plus, used guitars tend to be less expensive than their brand-new counterparts, and you may be able to find a model that is no longer sold new, making your instrument a rare item.  

Make sure to weigh which factors are most important to you and make your choice accordingly.  

Find a Great Starter Guitar for You  

At the end of the day, the best guitar for beginners is the one that they’ll have fun practicing on. As you’re choosing a new guitar with which to learn scales, chords, and all of your favorite songs, it’s important to keep enjoyment at the forefront. Which model of guitar for beginners makes you want to play the most? 

As you embark on your journey of learning to play the guitar, a high-quality guitar teacher can make all of the difference. With someone there to keep you accountable, show you proper technique, and guide your practice sessions, you’re much more likely to see incremental improvement and less likely to burn out or lose interest. 

Even if you have a busy schedule, you can fit in a weekly guitar lesson on your own timetable with online lesson options. Plus, it’s easy to find a teacher that fits your budget and specifications. Take the time to expand your horizons and learn a new skill with online or in-person lessons today.  

Phina Pipia is a writer, educator, and performer. Her work can be found at

Phina Pipia