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5 Steps To Embracing Your Passion For Playing Guitar

February 16, 2023

5 Steps To Embracing Your Passion For Playing Guitar

The best guitar players are passionate about their craft, spending hours studying the instrument, memorizing the chords, and learning new techniques. Even when you’re feeling frustrated, maintaining that passion is essential! Read on as Upper Marlboro guitar teacher Bako A. shares his 5 steps to success…

There’s something special about playing guitar. For some, it’s the ability to make beautiful music. For others, it’s the challenge of learning a difficult skill. 

No matter what your reason for picking up a guitar, there are steps you can take to help you embrace your passion for playing. 

Here are five tips to get you started!

 Is Guitar Easy to Play?

Though some might view the guitar as a complex instrument, there are actually several reasons why it is easy to play. Here’s why:

  • The guitar has a relatively small number of strings compared to other instruments like the piano. This makes it easier to learn chords and melodies. 
  • A guitar can be played in a variety of styles, from country to metal. This means that there is something for everyone when it comes to playing the guitar. 
  • A guitar is portable, meaning that it can be taken with you wherever you go. Whether you’re at home or on vacation, you can always pull out your guitar and play a few tunes. 

These reasons all add up to make the guitar an easy and enjoyable instrument to play.

Regardless of how difficult you think playing guitar with emotion is going to be, there’s no question about it – learning how to play guitar is an endeavor that’s worthy of your time. Sign up for guitar lessons today – and get an idea of what you might learn in your lessons by watching the video below: 

How to Play Guitar With Emotion

Think of something that you enjoy doing. Maybe it’s shopping, or maybe it’s going to the movies. Whatever it may be it does not matter. So you have that in your head of what you like to do. Alright, put that aside in your brain for a second, and think about the guitar. I’m about to pump you up.

First of all: Playing guitar is all about expressing emotion and focusing on your initial flame of inspiration. Your life can change when you embrace your passions.

Passion is one of the key elements that drives people to do things. Just like your passion that you may have with (from before) shopping, or going to the movies, guitar can be one of those things too. The great thing about guitar though is that you are able to express yourself creatively. Here are the 5 steps to embracing your passion for playing guitar:

STEP 1: Spend time looking for an amazing guitar tone that truly inspires you!

A great guitar tone is one of the secrets to playing the guitar passionately, and having a tone that inspires you will make you want to play with passion.

STEP 2: Practice expressing different emotions with the same phrase!

Do you spend time practicing your emotions on the guitar? Basically you take a musical idea such as a bend or a vibrato and express various emotions on the same note. You can express love, anger, satisfaction, frustration, success, or joy on the guitar by practicing doing a vibrato on the same note. The only difference is the way you play the note.

By learning how to express your emotions on the guitar you will definitely become more experienced at the art of passionate guitar playing. When you learn to play guitar you can play songs that other people have written and play them your own style. Slow it down or speed it up. It’s all up to you, the player. When you are learning, make it your #1 objective to express emotions while you play. Keep this in mind every time you pick up the guitar.

Also, stop seeing the fretboard as a series of notes, fret numbers, and scale patterns. Start seeing emotions that you can express on guitar. By rethinking your current guitar player mindset to work with that of a “highly expressive guitar player,” you can become a music expression virtuoso! As you practice your musical expression more, you will see huge results in all areas of your guitar playing.

STEP 3: Become a master at understanding the degrees of scales and their sound!

If you want to make more money, lose weight, or buy a new item of clothing – you’re doing it because of what you think it will give you, which is a certain emotion. For example, you believe that by losing weight you will feel more confident. Or by attracting this type of person into your life, you will feel loved. Or by making a million dollars, you will feel happy. Even if you do not understand the theory behind the music, knowing the emotion and the feeling that a particular degree produces is the most important thing.

STEP 4: Use your body and facial expression to confirm your sound!

By expressing your sound through your guitar, with the help of body movement and facial expressions, you are often able to produce a stronger, more convincing tone. However, don’t overdo your facial expressions, otherwise you might end up looking silly – do it where it make sense! The truth is, if you involve your entire body in your guitar playing, your sound and tonal expression will most certainly be more convincing and effective.

STEP 5: Become a master artist by mixing all the right elements into your guitar playing!

You must mix all the right elements to create great, PASSIONATE guitar playing! If you diligently practice your passionate side of playing the guitar, you will eventually become a master artist mixing the right elements to create an absolutely gorgeous tone. You also need great knowledge, technique, and experience to produce great guitar improvisation. If you add emotion, colors, and passion to your playing you will be able to touch the very fiber of the human heart and win over more fans listening to your guitar playing.

How to Play a Guitar: Quick Tips

For those who want to learn how to play a guitar, there are a few quick tips to keep in mind. First, it is important to practice regularly. The more you play, the better you will get at it. 

Second, it is important to listen to music. This will help you better understand how the guitar works and how to create your own sounds. 

Third, it is important to patient. Learning how to play a new instrument can be frustrating, but it is important to stick with it. Fourth, it is important to find a good teacher. A good teacher can teach you the basics and help you progress as a musician. 

Finally, it is important to have fun. Playing the guitar should be enjoyable, so make sure to find music that you enjoy and practice regularly. By following these quick tips, you will be on your way to becoming a skilled guitar player in no time.

Can Playing  Guitar Be a Hobby?

Yes, playing guitar can be a hobby

For some people, it may be a way to relax and unwind after a long day. Others may enjoy the challenge of learning new songs and mastering different techniques. 

And for many, playing guitar is a form of self-expression that allows them to share their love of music with others. 

Whatever the reason, playing guitar can be a great hobby for anyone who enjoys making music. In addition to providing a creative outlet, playing guitar can also be a great way to connect with other people who share your passion for music. 

Whether you join a band or simply play for friends and family, making music is a fun and rewarding way to spend your free time.

If you’re like most guitar players, the thought of learning a new song excites and intimidates you at the same time. You know that if you can just learn that one new song, it will open up a world of possibilities for your playing. 

But where do you start? How do you make sure that you don’t get bogged down in the details and lose sight of the big picture? We’ve put together five steps to embracing your passion for playing guitar and making steady progress on those new tunes. Hopefully, these have helped to inspire you – ask your guitar teacher if you have any other questions.

Consider this your roadmap to musical success!  

At the end of the day, touching emotion is what it’s all about. Make sure that each and every week you schedule some guitar expression and emotion practicing time. I wish you the greatest of success with your guitar development!


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Bako A. teaches bass guitar, dance, and guitar lessons in Upper Marlboro, MD. He joined the TakeLessons team in May 2013. Learn more about Bako, or search for a teacher near you!



Suzy S.