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Awesome instructor! Patient, encouraging, very knowledgeable. Highly recommend!

Richard (Ukulele lessons with Nils B.)

Zoey (6) says, "Your cat looks very soft." and "You have a lot of instruments." and "I like what you teach me." and "You are very sweet and kind."

Zoey (Ukulele lessons with Brandi B.)

Brandi was so patient and very informative. My daughter can’t wait for her next lesson.

Aryssa (Ukulele lessons with Brandi B.)

Brandi is super knowledgeable, patient and encouraging. I’m so happy that she is my instructor.

Zijun (Ukulele lessons with Brandi B.)

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Taking Ukulele Lessons in Washington, DC

So, you want to learn to play the ukulele? Though you might not think so, Washington DC is actually a wonderful place to get started with this tropical instrument! With your ukulele lessons in Washington DC, you’ll be strumming along to “America the Beautiful” in no time.

The first thing you need to get started with lessons is a uke of your own. Find a local music shop close to you that’s convenient for you to visit, because trust me, you won’t be able to stay away! Luckily, there are several fantastic shops in town where you can buy a ukulele, pick up sheet music and new strings, or even have your uke repaired if need be.

Music on the Hill ( is on Pennsylvania Ave, right in the heart of the capital. This is a wonderful shop where you can pick up a starter kit for ukulele or take your child to ukulele group classes.

Middle C Music ( is another great local music store where knowledgeable staff can help you find the best instrument for you. Middle C is also known for their excellent service when it comes to instrument repairs. Like Music on the Hill, Middle C also offers group ukulele lessons for children.

Or, you might like Chuck Levin’s ( Chuck Levin’s has a huge inventory and a great website. If you like to do your research online, this is the place for you! The shop itself has been around since 1958 and has a rich history in the local music scene.

Once you’ve got your ukulele and you’ve started taking ukulele lessons in Washington DC, the next step is to get out there and play! The Northern Virginia Ukulele Society’s Meetup group ( is a great place to meet other ukulele players and start sharing your musical skills.

Or, if you feel like getting away from it all, you can take a weekend road trip in May to the Ashokan Uke Fest ( Camp out at this family-friendly event and enjoy sharing the music with beginner to advanced ukulele players. There are workshops during the day and dancing and open mics at night.

If you’re in the mood to see a great ukulele performance, be sure to follow the Hawaii State Society of Washington, DC on Facebook ( for updates on gatherings and events. At many of their events, you’ll hear traditional Hawaiian music on the ukulele that will inspire you to keep working hard at your lessons and practice every day.

Remember, just like any other musical instrument, learning to play the ukulele takes time and practice to master. Be patient with yourself and enjoy every step of your musical journey. With so many great ukulele shops, performances and private music teachers available to you in Washington DC, you’re in the perfect position to learn. So go out there, grab a uke, and get strumming!

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