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How to Play a G Chord on Guitar

September 6, 2022

How to Play a G Chord on Guitar


Learning any instrument can be a fun and engaging process but mastering the guitar can be especially exciting for several reasons.

The guitar is used in many different genres and music styles, making guitar playing extremely useful when learning your favorite songs on your own or making music with friends. Additionally, the guitar is relatively small and portable, making it easy to take anywhere with you.

If you’re just starting to learn to play guitar, congratulations! You’ll have a lot of fun with this instrument and enjoy the experience of growing your skill. Learning G chord guitar techniques is a great place to start.

However, learning how to play any instrument will take time and practice. At first, some of the aspects of playing guitar may seem quite difficult. One of the biggest challenges that new guitar players face is learning to place the fingers of their left hand (or right hand for left-handed players) in the correct positions to play chords.

What Is the Proper G Chord Guitar Finger Placement?

For a visual demonstration of the G Chord please fast forward to 2:13 in the video.

Like any chord on the guitar, there are a few different ways to play the G chord, one of the most basic chords that every guitar student should learn. The different ways create different voicings, which means that the notes that make up the G chord are presented in different orders.

Generally, most beginners will learn this G chord finger placement within their first few guitar lessons with a teacher. It’s one of the most basic G chord guitar fingerings.

For right-handed people learning guitar, their left hand will finger these notes to create the G chord sound. The G major chord is made up of the notes G, B, and D, so this fingering is designed to make these notes sound without being too complicated for inexperienced players.

For guitar, the fingers of the left hand are labeled as such:

  • The pointer finger is 1
  • The middle finger is 2
  • The ring finger is 3
  • The pinky is 4

The thumb is not labeled on the left hand since it is not generally used to finger chords. If you are a left-handed person, you will use these numbers to label the fingers of your right hand instead. The G chord guitar fingering applies to people with either hand dominant.

As you can see in the above G chord finger placement, you will be using your first, second, and third fingers to sound the G chord.

Your second finger goes on the third fret of the low E string, sounding a G; your first finger goes on the second fret of the A string, sounding a B; and your third finger goes on the third fret of the high E string, sounding a G.

The G and B strings are left open, as these notes are naturally a part of the G major chord and therefore don’t have to be altered in any way.

This G chord guitar finger placement is great for beginners and novice players, particularly because it doesn’t involve any bar chord fingerings. A bar chord is a guitar chord in which one finger presses down multiple strings on a given fret, which is what many guitar players use tools called capos for.

Bar chords can involve just two strings being fretted by a single finger, or even all of the strings being fretted by a single finger while the other fingers create a chord shape on top of the barred strings.

Looking for a more advanced version of the G chord acoustic guitar? Though this G chord guitar fingering version may be slightly easier on acoustic guitars than electric ones due to the thickness and toughness of electric guitar strings, you can play all guitar chords on both acoustic and electric guitars as long as the guitar is in proper tuning.

Let’s take a look at the G bar chord, which is best for intermediate to advanced players:

Your first finger will be pressing down the third fret of all six strings of your guitar to create this version of the G major chord. Then, you’ll place your third finger on the fifth fret of the A string, your fourth finger on the fifth fret of the D string, and your second finger on the fourth fret of the G string.

When these fretted notes are sounded together, they will create the G, D, G, B, D, and G, all G chord notes that make a complete sound. The resulting G chord guitar resonance is a feature of many popular tunes.

Much like the infamous F chord and other bar chords, the G bar chord is difficult due to the finger and forearm strength it takes to effectively fret six strings at once with a single finger. However, this version of the G chord is a great challenge to work up to once you’ve mastered the basic version of the G major chord.

G major is not the only version of the G chord; G minor is another common G chord guitar fingering that many guitar players will learn within the first few months of guitar lessons.

While the notes found in the G major chord are G, B, and D, the chord becomes minor when you change the B to a Bb. Therefore, the fingering of a G minor chord will be relatively similar to most G major fingerings, except with each B note lowered by one fret.

Why Learn How to Play the G Chord 

Now that we’ve shown you two of the best ways to play the G chord notes to create the classic and pleasing sound of the G major chord, you may wonder why it is so important to learn how to play G chord on guitar? There are a few reasons why the G chord is one of the staples of early guitar education. 

The list of popular songs that are in the key of G major is nearly endless. Being in the key of G major means that they likely use the G major chord more than any other chord, and the sound of the G major chord is integral to the song’s overall sound. 

Some of these songs include Creep by Radiohead, You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC, Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, and Yellow Submarine by The Beatles—and this list doesn’t even include songs that aren’t in the key of G major but simply use the G major chord at some point, which provides for too many popular songs to count.

Additionally, as a beginner guitar player, you’ll notice that even if you technically know how to finger a chord, actually putting that G chord guitar fingering into practice might feel difficult at first.  

It might feel strange to stretch your fingers in such an unfamiliar way, and if you’re attempting a bar chord, you may feel discouraged when it takes a while to get your fingers in all of the right places and press down one finger hard enough to fret multiple strings.   

By learning and mastering G chord finger placement, not only will you be able to play this common and useful chord, but you’ll also get much-needed practice at controlling each of the fingers of your left hand and building up the strength needed to fret even more difficult chord shapes in the future.  

Essentially, learning the G chord guitar fingerings will make learning other chords faster and more efficient in the future.  

Tips for Beginners Learning the G Major Chord Guitar  

In addition to basic information about the G chord notes and how to place them properly, we have some tips that will help your G chord sound as clear and beautiful as possible while protecting your fingers and preventing injury.  

Improper finger placement can cause temporary hand pain and long-lasting injuries to the hand and arm muscles. Pay attention if your G chord guitar practice begins to cause you pain. 

Keep Your Fingers Arched  

As you place the fingers of your left hand into position to play a G major chord (or any other chord for that matter), make sure that your fingers have a slight arch to them rather than lying flat on the strings. Proper G chord guitar fingering requires a precise grip. 

If your fingers are lying flat, they are more likely to accidentally deaden the strings on either side. Make sure that you’re pressing down the tip of your finger on each string rather than the pad of your finger.  

Pluck Each String Individually Before Strumming  

Want to make sure that your fingers are properly arched to create the ringing sound you’re going for? Once your left-hand fingers are properly in G chord position, pluck each string individually with your right hand to make sure each one rings clear. Then, you can strum the chord all at once, knowing that each note is coming through properly.

Place your fingers close to the fret  

A common misconception is that guitar players think their fingers should be placed exactly equidistant between each fret line on the guitar’s neck. However, you’ll get a much better sound if the finger is closer to the fret that’s farther down the neck. This approach will help to prevent buzz and unclear sound.  

Practice makes perfect when you’re learning how to play G major chord guitar  

As a guitar student, you may be eager to play all of the popular songs you love. However, to become a master guitar player, you need to start with the basics, including the G chord guitar techniques that are the foundation of many songs.  

Online or in-person lessons are a great way to build up your skills with a trusted professional on your own schedule.   

Phina Pipia is a writer, educator, and performer. Her work can be found at

Phina Pipia