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Jordan was amazing! He was so nice and very professional. My 10 yr old daughter really liked him. He brought some ukulele books and left one for my daughter to practice with-she is looking forward to

Taylor (Ukulele lessons with Jordan M.)

My 8 year old son wanted to learn how to play the Ukulele. He's very active and it's difficult for him to sit still and pay attention, but Jordan was so kind and so patient with him. He learned so muc

Sean Najera (Ukulele lessons with Jordan M.)

Zoey (6) says, "Your cat looks very soft." and "You have a lot of instruments." and "I like what you teach me." and "You are very sweet and kind."

Zoey (Ukulele lessons with Brandi B.)

Brandi was so patient and very informative. My daughter can’t wait for her next lesson.

Aryssa (Ukulele lessons with Brandi B.)

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Enjoy Your Ukulele Lessons in San Diego

Sitting on the beach in America’s Finest City is the perfect place to learn to play the ukulele! If you’re looking for ukulele lessons in San Diego, you’ll find a welcoming music scene, great shops to visit, and tons of fun in your future. Even if you’ve never picked up an instrument in your life, the San Diego ukulele community will make it fun and easy to get started.

First things first, you’re going to want to head to a local music store and pick out your dream uke. Hale Ukulele ( in Clairemont is a great place to start! Not only do they carry a wide variety of ukulele brands, Hale Ukulele also stocks all the supplies you’ll need to keep your ukulele in tip top shape. Plus, if you ever need a repair, they can help you out. Hale Ukulele also features their own recording studio in the shop, for when you’re ready to lay down some ukulele tracks!

Bertrand’s Music ( is another local music shop worth checking out. Here you can buy or rent a ukulele, try out group classes, and attend ukulele events. They also have starter packs for many instruments available for purchase online.

If you’re in the market for a custom ukulele, get in touch with Hank Johnson at Kimo Ukulele ( Hank’s ukuleles are made with beautiful wood and other natural elements in a way that allows the beauty of his materials to shine.

Once you have your ukulele and a few lessons under your belt, you’re going to want to start jamming with other uke lovers! The Hau`oli Strummers (Happy Strummers) Meetup group ( is a great place to have fun playing with other musicians. Some of their meetings are done open mic style, while others are more like workshops focusing on particular skills and styles of ukulele playing. In the past, the group has even volunteered at the library in Downtown San Diego to share their love for the ukulele with the community.

Finally, don’t miss the annual San Diego Ukulele Festival ( in June! Every year, ukulele enthusiasts gather at the Cal State San Marcos campus for a day of musical fun. Catch live performances from amazing ukulele players on two outdoor stages, attend a workshop, or check out the many ukulele vendors who have brought their products to the festival. Bring a friend or your family and spend a day getting inspired to keep practicing your ukulele!

As you can see, there are many wonderful resources available to complement your ukulele lessons in San Diego. The best way to make progress in your lessons is to practice every day, and don’t expect to play like a professional overnight. All good things take time, and learning to play the ukulele is no exception. If you stick with it, keep a positive attitude, and keep playing music you love, you’ll find playing the ukulele gets easier and easier -- and more fun too!

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