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Private lessons with top Piano instructors near Ashburn, VA

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Ms. Celine is an amazing teacher. I’m lucky to have been taking piano and vocal lessons from her for the past year. She is such a patient teacher and always finds the way to help you learn complicated

Olivia (Piano lessons with Celine K.)

Celine is great! She made me feel very comfortable and taught me so much about playing piano in the short time. Celine is a wonderful teacher, very patient and encouraging! I would highly recommend he

Andrea (Piano lessons with Celine K.)

Celine has been an outstanding teacher to my daughters. She really knows how to make things fun and exciting. Ms. Celine is nice, patient, and has true love for her students.

Sophia (Piano lessons with Celine K.)

Celine is an excellent piano teacher, she is kind and full of positive energy. My son has been learning piano from Celine for over a year now, he started from 0 and improved so much! Celine focused on

Zi (Piano lessons with Celine K.)

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Private Piano Lessons with Local Ashburn Teachers

Do you want to privately learn to play the piano with local teachers in or near Ashburn? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. Private piano lessons and classes with a TakeLessons Certified™ teacher - whether in-home, studio, or online - accelerates your progress, increases enjoyment, and improves every beginner's chances of becoming an expert pianist. It's easy and affordable to book a teacher, and the lessons make a powerful, long-lasting impact.

Our piano teachers in Ashburn work with students of all ages: kids, teenagers, adults, and even seniors. Your teacher can coach you on the basic fundamentals of voice, in addition to the technical aspects such as piano chord progression, hand to keyboard posture, finger speed improvement exercises, piano songwriting, key training, note counting, chord inversion, music theory, and more. They also cover the physical, social, and emotional benefits of practicing and playing the piano. They even teach you how to play the piano for different musical genres.

Your piano instructor can teach you different piano techniques and tips, and help you develop good practice routines, so that you can hack your learning experience, and achieve your goals faster. Learn to play better music on any type of piano or keyboard.

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced student, our instructors come from a variety of backgrounds, making it easy to find the perfect match for your interest and skill level. Each instructor's specialties are listed in their profile, along with details about their background, photos, student feedback and lesson availability.

Students taking online piano lessons can learn at their own convenience, enjoy better rates, and choose from a wider selection of teachers nationwide. If you've ever taken any music classes over Skype, you'll love using our interactive TakeLessons Classroom.

We guarantee a personalized experience that will exceed your expectations. In fact, we are so committed to your happiness that we offer all new customers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on your first lesson. Find the perfect piano teacher in Ashburn today.

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Microsoft TakeLessons offers a wide array of learning resources, from 1:1 private instruction, to live group lessons, to courses specially designed for any type of student. We have grown to a global community of over 20,000 students, and we’re excited for you to join us!
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