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So far, my French classes were amazing and my instructor is amazing too. She made it very simple to learn and gave me tricks for fast learning.

Hind (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

Just the sweetest person. So much fun learning

Patrice (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

Very patient, friendly, and helpful. I am enjoying my lessons so far. I expect I will feel even more strongly positive about Evelyne's courses as I go through more of them. She is very sweet and encou

Daphne (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

She is an absolutely phenomenal instructor. Would highly reccommend.

Joelle (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

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Discovering French in Minneapolis

By Tyler S. - Minneapolis Private Language Tutor

Did you know that Minneapolis is rich with resources for those who wish to start learning French? Although Minneapolis is traditionally viewed as a community of Germanic and Scandinavian heritage, the city emanates a presence of French-speakers and French-Canadian influence! The city of Minneapolis offers a large assortment of French conversation groups, French classes of all levels, French summer camps for all ages, and many small businesses that support the Minneapolis French-speaking community. If you have the desire to take French lessons in Minneapolis, you are in luck. In Minneapolis, you can find all the resources that you need to take your French skills from amateur status, to professionnel!

Here are the resources for supplementing your French lessons in Minneapolis that I highly recommend:

  1. Weekly French Conversation Group

There is a friendly Weekly French Conversation Group that meets at the heart of downtown Minneapolis every Saturday from 10:30 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. This group meets at the local coffee shop Espresso Royale Café, and I have personally attended this conversation group on several occasions. I consider this group to be the “jewel” of resources for French in Minneapolis. The group is happy to converse in French or English, there are native French speakers that attend, people of every age, and speakers of all levels. If you would like to enjoy your Saturday afternoon over some coffee and French conversation, this is the group for you!

  1. The Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival

Every year, The Film Society of Minneapolis St. Paul organizes its international film festival. This event is the largest film event in the region, and one of the largest and longest-running film festivals in the country! Annually, the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival presents around 200 feature-length and short films from over 55 countries. I highly suggest this event for the eager French-learner, because many of the festival’s featured films come from France. Year after year, the festival has proven to be an educational, entertaining resource for anyone interested in French in the Twin Cities metro area.

  1. Alliance Français

The Alliance Française is one of the most popular resources for learning French in Minneapolis, as well as in the entire country! This organization is a one-stop-shop for all your French language needs. The Alliance offers high-quality classes for all levels, French book clubs, conversation groups, French cinema events, proficiency exams for TEF and DELF certification, and summer camps for children of all ages. This organization is truly unique, and you can even join with a membership for access to additional French academic resources, such as hundreds of e-books, French magazines, comics, and much more.

  1. The Pierre Bottineau French Immersion School

The Minneapolis French Immersion School is prime evidence of the significant influence of French Language that presides in Minneapolis. Because many families here believe learning French is important, there are multiple French immersion schools for children where the language of instruction is French. Many of my students in the past have been parents who are looking for resources for their child, and I would highly recommend considering this option if your child is a serious student. I have personally spoken French with current students at the immersion school, and their French skills at 9 years of age are incredible!

  1. Hennepin County Library Downtown

The Hennepin County Library in Downtown Minneapolis is the greatest free resource in the entire city. I cannot count how many times I have visited this library to find a quick reference about French grammar, or to find an interesting French film to watch. The library houses the largest collection of children’s books in French in the state, French films, French dictionaries, and hundreds of French novels for students at the intermediate or advanced level. There are more than enough books in this library’s French language section to satisfy all your language needs.

You now have the resources to learn as much French as your heart desires while taking French lessons in Minneapolis. These are not the only resources in Minneapolis, so I encourage to do more web-searching for events or conversation groups if you’re up to the challenge. It’s important to surround yourself with a language if you want to gain fluency, and taking advantage of local language resources is a way to avoid the costs of expensive travel. The more you surround yourself with people who share your interest in French, the more your language skills will skyrocket. Minneapolis is a friendly, supportive community that can help you succeed in your desire to learn French!

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