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Tips on How to Learn Italian Fast and Effectively

May 19, 2020

Tips on How to Learn Italian Fast and Effectively

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Do you want to learn Italian fast, yet effectively? In addition to taking Italian lessons with an experienced teacher, there are other ways to speed up the language learning process. All it takes is some creativity, dedication, and practice. Here are five tips and tricks on how to learn Italian fast. Try these methods in your language learning journey.

1. Find Our Borrowed Italian Words

Believe it or not, you already know quite a bit of Italian! There are the obvious words like pizza, paparazzi, and graffiti. But did you know about cello, cupola, and stanza? Just like a game of hide and seek, see if you can recognize and identify these words in everyday life! Once you start looking for them, you’ll be surprised by how much Italian you know.

Words that share meaning and sound similar across languages are called “cognates.” When it comes to Italian-English cognates, many of these words evolved from the same Latin roots. Learning how interconnected these languages are is one of the most rewarding parts of studying Italian. Another added bonus is that picking up other Romance languages, such as Spanish, French, and Portuguese, become easier as you discover the power of cognates.

2. Watch Italian Television and Movies

Another way to learn Italian fast is to watch Italian television and movies. The dialogue can happen very quickly and sometimes be difficult to follow, so it’s always a good idea to watch with English subtitles. When watching, be sure to pay attention to how the actors pronounce words and phrases and follow along with the text. Also, repeating what you hear can help to improve your pronunciation!

The idea here is to simulate language immersion as best as you can. Although total immersion is the fastest way to learn Italian, not all of us can spend our studying days in Tuscany or Rome. By surrounding yourself with Italian media, you can reap some of the daily benefits that come with immersion, no matter where you live.

3. Subscribe to Italian Blogs and Magazines

Find an Italian blog or magazine that highlights one of your favorite hobbies or interests. If you enjoy sports or travel, for example, find a magazine or blog that’s dedicated to that subject. Since you’re already familiar with the topic, you’ll be able to identify common words and phrases easily.

Becoming Italian Word by Word is a great place to start. They cover Italian vocabulary, current events, and history. We also recommend checking out Live Like an Italian, a blog devoted to “Italian lifestyle, culture, fashion, art, travel, and gastronomy.” There’s always something new to learn and a yummy recipe to try out! When you’re trying to figure out how to learn Italian fast, remember that reading in Italian will not only help you expand your vocabulary, but it will also help you perfect your grammar skills.

4. Write Your To-Do List in Italian

Want to practice your Italian writing skills? Just like when learning any language, you must take gender, conjunctions, and accent marks into consideration when writing in Italian. An accent mark put in the wrong place can alter the meaning of a word or phrase!

One of the best ways to learn Italian on your own is to incorporate the language into your daily life. For example, try writing out your daily to-do or grocery list in Italian. This is a wonderful way to practice basic vocabulary and brush up on your writing and grammar skills. You may be surprised by how much vocabulary you can pick up, just by completing your daily to-dos!

5. Throw an Italian-themed Night

Who said that learning Italian can’t be fun? Bring your friends and family in on the excitement by throwing an Italian-themed night! Cook an authentic Italian meal and watch an Italian film (remember the subtitles!). This is an excellent opportunity to practice your Italian vocabulary and pronunciation. Greet your guests with a friendly “Benvenuto al mio partito!” (Welcome to my party!) and encourage your friends and family to test out their own Italian speaking skills by labeling common household items and food in Italian.

Keep in mind that these tips are just ways to boost your Italian skills – they’re by no means substitutes for taking private lessons. By working directly with a tutor, you can build up your conversational skills and get the personalized feedback that textbooks and pre-recorded videos just can’t provide. Even if you don’t have any Italian experts in your neighborhood, online Italian lessons make it easy to connect with the perfect teacher from across the globe.

Learning how to speak Italian doesn’t happen overnight. So, watch movies, play with words, follow the guidance of your teacher, and above all, have fun! The effort you put into learning Italian is well worth it. We wish you the best on your Italian learning journey!

Now that you’ve heard our tips on how to learn Italian fast, we want to hear from you! Do you have any other tricks you’ve used to further your knowledge?

Let us know in the comment section below!

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Brooke Neuman