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So, Your Child Wants to Be an Actor? 3 Ways to Help Them Get Ahead

February 7, 2023

So, Your Child Wants to Be an Actor? 3 Ways to Help Them Get Ahead

Does your son or daughter have stars in their eyes and big Hollywood dreams? Find out how to tell if your child is ready for their acting debut–and the right things to work on–in this guest post on how to become a child actor by Glendale, CA teacher Nicole E...

Looking for a way to keep your kids busy and engaged? Acting classes for kids may be the perfect solution! Acting classes offer kids a chance to explore their creativity, learn new skills, and have fun. 

Plus, they can help improve confidence and social skills. Check out local acting studios to find classes that fit your child’s age and interests. You may be surprised at how much your kid enjoys it!

How Do I Teach My Child Acting?

There are a few ways you can teach your child acting. The best methods include:

  • Play games
  • Watch videos of your child’s favorite actors in action!
  • Use themes to encourage your child to act in a variety of settings
  • Sign your child up for local plays and auditions
  • Get into a routine so your child is used to acting on a regular basis

Of course, signing your child up for acting classes is one of the best ways to foster a love of acting and to encourage your child’s natural talents. Sign up for acting lessons here, and get an idea of what they have to offer by watching the video below:

Online Drama Classes for Kids: Are They Worth It?

Your child is the most special and precious thing in the world to you, but how do you know if they are ready for the real world of a working actor? Let’s face it, there are hundreds of kids arriving in LA every day with the same hopes and dreams, and a lot of them have more experience or better connections. Living in LA is expensive, driving to and managing auditions can be extremely stressful, and facing constant rejection is hard for any adult, much less a young child. But that can often be the harsh reality of the acting world.

Throughout a child’s development, it’s not uncommon for them to announce that they’d like to be on the big screen. Sometimes, this phase will pass as quickly as it arose, but other times, your child may actually have a real desire to become a well-known figure in acting. 

If that’s the case, you’ll need to learn the ropes on how to become an actor as a kid. So many kids and parents face this predicament as they begin to explore the world of child acting. First, determine your child’s passion for the art and, above all, avoid turning into a pushy-parent.

Maybe your kid is constantly performing in front of others at family functions or neighborhood gatherings. Or perhaps they love being the center of attention with all eyes on them. Better yet, maybe they’ve even scored a couple of big roles in productions at school or the local theater. Whatever it is, they may have the acting bug and could be on the verge of becoming the next big child acting star. However, even with loads of natural talent in their back pocket, making it big as a successful actor requires more than just talent. This is especially true if you’re a parent trying to steer your child into an acting career. 

So how do you know if it’s all worth it? In my time teaching acting classes for kids at a “find you at the mall” kind of place, I learned how to distinguish between the kids who actually had talent and the kids who were being scammed. There were parents who were struggling to pay their bills yet were dishing out thousands of dollars on acting classes for kids, fueled by the idea that their child would become a gold mine. In reality, that’s almost never the case. The percentage of kids that actually make a full-time career of acting is quite low.

The most important question you can ask yourself is, “Why are we really doing this?” If it’s for money, you will fail almost one hundred percent of the time. If it’s for fame, you will fail with almost the same amount of certainty as the prior reason. Pretty much any reason other than your child having a burning passion for what they do, you will fail. This may seem harsh, but in this industry, you have to separate yourself from the parent role and look at things from an outside perspective. You can be the best actor mom in the world, but booking the job is up to your child. 

Are Acting Classes Beneficial?

Acting classes for kids can be very beneficial. Here are a few things acting classes can help with.

When figuring out how to be a child actor, your child has to master three very important qualities:

1. Articulation

You would be amazed at how many children struggle to say their own name when put under pressure. You have to work with your child on delivering a clean, clear slate (name, age representation). When a casting director is seeing 100 kids for one line in a commercial, any mumbling or a lack of projection can be reason enough not to forward you on to the director.

2. Memorization

If your child starts booking acting jobs, they will be expected to perform at the level of adult working actors. They will have a call time, and they will have lines. Whether your child is at reading age or not, you must always be 100% off-book when you arrive on set. The best thing you can do to prepare them is to practice memorization in all aspects of life. Have them relay the plot of a movie you just watched, sing songs without looking at the lyrics, remember the grocery list, or recite the alphabet; anything you can do to stretch their memory will benefit you when it comes time to work.

3. Stage Presence

There is simply no room for shyness in an audition room. Your child will have to walk into a room full of strangers and look them in the eyes. Your child has to be okay with being seen. Notice how your child responds to attention, ask their teachers how they respond when being called on in class, and ask them to preform for family members to see if they clam up or shine under the pressure. If your child is constantly putting on shows for you in the living room, that doesn’t necessarily mean they will do the same when commanded to. Work with your child to achieve a level of professionalism that will stand out. They will start to understand that when audition time comes, they need to shift into working mode and deliver. Have your child introduce themselves when meeting new people or have them perform for people whom they may not be as comfortable around. It’s all about stretching that comfort zone.

All of these points can be practiced at home, however, your child can benefit greatly from professional coaching and acting classes for kids. You can lay the groundwork at home, but there will always be a clear separation between the children who are trained and the ones who are not. Providing them with acting classes will give them a leg up when it comes to auditioning time. You want to give your child as many tools as possible so that they feel ready and capable of delivering a solid performance.

4. Adaptation

Acting classes for kids are also beneficial in that they teach them how to be more adaptable. When new things come up, both on stage and off, your kids won’t be as reactive. They’ll be more adaptable and flexible, ready to handle anything life throws their way.

5. Increased Self-Confidence

If you sign your child up for acting lessons and they really love them, there’s a good chance that you’ll see their self-confidence increase, too. Getting up in front of new people and putting your all out there on the stage can be intimidating! Acting lessons help instill self-confidence and self-esteem in your child, helping kids who are especially shy or uncertain of themselves. 

6. Improved Public Speaking Skills

Does your child have trouble speaking in front of large audiences? Acting classes can help with this – and not only when it comes to public speaking on stage. Even if you just want your child to get better at public speaking in an academic setting, acting lessons can help.

 7. Better Group Relationships

It is very rare that actors are alone on stage – they rely on many others to be successful. Working with peers can teach your kids the value of teamwork. Plus, the friendships that are formed during acting classes are some that are sure to last a lifetime! 

What Classes Should a Beginner Actor Take?

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars a month, but you do need to find an acting coach that your child is comfortable with. This may take time, but it will be worth it when you see them start to hone their craft and become little professionals. The journey for child actors can be a long and difficult one, and it’s your job to make sure their egos and self-esteem stay intact. Focus on delivering a good performance every time, as opposed to booking the job, and be sure to let your child know that you are proud of them no matter if they score the role or not. The tools mentioned above in our guide on how to become a child actor are important, but the biggest thing you can give your child is support. From the day they enter their first acting class to the day they accept their first Academy Award, your support will be their backbone.

Where to Find Kid Acting Classes Near Me

Do a quick search for “acting classes for kids near me,” and you’ll find dozens of options. Here are some places to start your search:

Acting Classes Near Me for Kids:

Looking for an acting class for kids in your neighborhood? Here are a few of the best places to start your search, based on the city:

  • Drama Kids – Drama Kids has acting classes all over the country. You can type in your zip code to see if there are acting classes for kids near you. 
  • Tada! Youth Theater – If you live in NYC, you have no shortage of acting classes for kids near you, but this is one of the best places to start the search. 
  • Child’s Play NY – This is another NYC-based acting studio. It also hosts birthday parties and camps!
  • Children’s Theater Company – this Minneapolis-based company has themed acting lessons for kids that are both online and in-person.

Online Acting Classes for Kids

Taking online acting lessons is a great option, especially if you live in a rural area, have a hectic schedule, or otherwise have trouble getting your child to acting lessons on time:

Free Acting Classes for Kids

Again, TakeLessons has some of the best free acting classes for kids, along with plenty of videos you can watch.

Here are some of the other best websites out there if you’re interested in free acting classes for kids:

Don’t be afraid of turning to YouTube for help, either! 

Voice Acting Classes for Kids

Voice acting is another fun pastime for kids to explore! If they’re interested in taking lessons, check out the following resources:

Acting and Singing Classes for Kids 

And finally, if you have a multi talented tot in your household, you may find that you have a hard time choosing between acting and singing lessons. No worries – it’s possible to do both! Here are some of the best places to find acting and singing classes for kids:

Can Kids Learn Acting?

Can kids learn acting? Absolutely – there are plenty of child actors who have made it big to prove that point true! 

If you want to help your child build confidence and feel comfortable in social settings, consider signing them up for some acting classes. Acting can give kids a safe space to explore new emotions and relationships, and it can also teach them how to control their impulses and communicate better with others. 

And if your child loves performing, they may even end up pursuing a career in the arts! 

NicoleENicole E. teaches acting in Glendale, CA. She attended New York Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, and taught classes for International Preforming Arts Academy for two years. Learn more about Nicole here! 



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Suzy S.