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Dr. Dianala Bernard is an incredible academic success tutor. I was struggling immensly in learning Spanish and she not only raised my confidence in learning the language, but she gave me many pointers

J Allen (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

Dr. D. Was patient and engaging.

Tan (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

You will not find a better tutor! Dr D was professionally and personally invested in the success of my daughter. She is fantastic and went above and beyond to make sure my daughter was prepared.

Tiersa (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

Great first lesson. Dr D is patient, encouraging and very interactive. Looking forward to more!

Thuli (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

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Learning Spanish in Jacksonville

Are you interested in taking Spanish lessons in Jacksonville? Taking lessons with an experienced teacher is a great first step in learning how to speak Spanish. The second step is immersing yourself in the Spanish culture by speaking with natives and attending cultural events.

While Jacksonville doesn't have the same extensive Hispanic community as southern Florida, the city still has a strong Spanish influence. Students who wish to learn Spanish will have plenty of opportunities to practice their skills outside of lessons.

If you are looking to immerse yourself in the Spanish language there are a variety of festivals and gatherings in which you can take advantage.

Spanish Neighborhoods in Jacksonville

If you are looking to enhance what you've learned during your Spanish lessons in Jacksonville, a good place to start is Spanish neighborhoods. These neighborhoods have plenty of authentic Spanish restaurants and stores to visit.

The largest populations of Hispanic individuals in Jacksonville are located in the Orange Park and Southside neighborhoods. Orange Park has an extensive Spanish-speaking population and rich cultural activities that focus on the Hispanic culture.

The Annual Hispanic Art Walk presented by the Eco Latino Media Group, for example, is held in Jacksonville each fall. This festival features various traditional and contemporary dance performances by Spanish natives as well as live music. The event is a great place to learn about the culture, meet Spanish natives, and practice your conversational skills.

Spanish Meetup and Social Groups

There are several Spanish meetup groups operating in Jacksonville that focus on sharing language tips and tricks. The English-Spanish Exchange Group, founded nearly 10 years ago, is a meetup group that comes together for regular workshops. During meetings, English and Spanish speakers work together, swapping language skills and interacting with one another.

With more than 300 members, the Orange Park Spanish Workshop is another great meetup group to consider joining. The group, which gathers the first Saturday of each month, brings together native Spanish speakers and those individuals interested in learning Spanish.

The Latina Moms of Orange Park and Jax Social Club is a good resource for women. This group is largely comprised of Latina mothers and women who meet regularly to socialize and discuss their lives. In this group, you can work on your Spanish language skills while interacting with women who share your same interests.

Spanish Language Publications

Another way to enhance your Spanish speaking and reading skills is by reading local Spanish publications. In fact, experts suggest regularly reading in Spanish is a great way to gain a better understanding of the language.

Hola Noticias is a Spanish-language publication unique to Jacksonville. Both local and world news is included in the publication, as well as event notices. Not only can you brush up on your Spanish language skills, but you'll also find interesting events to go to around the city. Many of the events publicized in the publication are geared toward the Hispanic population.

Jacksonville is full of opportunities for Spanish students. In addition to lessons, make sure you take advantage of these resources as it will help you improve your skills and make learning more enjoyable.

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