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Dr. Dianala Bernard is an incredible academic success tutor. I was struggling immensly in learning Spanish and she not only raised my confidence in learning the language, but she gave me many pointers

J Allen (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

Dr. D. Was patient and engaging.

Tan (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

You will not find a better tutor! Dr D was professionally and personally invested in the success of my daughter. She is fantastic and went above and beyond to make sure my daughter was prepared.

Tiersa (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

Great first lesson. Dr D is patient, encouraging and very interactive. Looking forward to more!

Thuli (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

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Get Inspired: Spanish Lessons in Pittsburgh

So, you’ve decided to learn the Spanish language! If you currently have very little association with the Spanish language or culture, fear not. Pittsburgh offers a wide range of learning opportunities, including a Spanish language meetup group, with events for native speakers and new beginners alike, geared to ability level.

A good starting point for studying anything at all is to have a firm idea of what you want to get out of your lessons, and what your end goal might be. For example, a course of study for conversational purposes and getting by when on vacation in Spanish speaking countries will differ somewhat from a course geared towards someone who needs to learn Spanish for business purposes or for college credits.

The Hispanic population of Pittsburgh is only around 1%, but there is a wide variety of Latin American and other Spanish cultural events that take place within the city each year. Local Latino restaurants and bars run regular functions that may be of interest to new Spanish students, and the Hispanic Studies departments at the universities will offer a varied program of activities and talks to supplement and enrich your personal study of the language. If your tastes run to the performing arts - both participating and viewing - Salsa Pittsburgh's website ( offers a full dance events calendar filled with opportunities to get moving. Additionally, the Latin American Cultural Union (!clients/c1tsl) can keep you fully informed with regard to poetry readings, theatrical events, and even an annual picnic.

With regard to study of the language itself, you may want to track down like-minded individuals who can band together and practice vocabulary and conversational skills together. If you're shy, or new to learning languages, you may feel less intimidated to start with by working on a one to one basis with a teacher. Bear in mind that there's no way to learn a language faster than to use it, however, so do consider finding a buddy to learn with, even if you're both only becoming confident about asking directions, or telling new acquaintances a little about yourself with your new skills. Check out the Pittsburgh Spanish Language Meetup Group:

Not sure where to start, or how to begin? Looking for a teacher through a reputable tutoring site is an easy, safe place. Taking Spanish lessons in Pittsburgh is great for students who are looking to get involved in the language for any reason, whether they want to be a language teacher, conversational speaker, or are a career-focused individual. All students are able to polish their newfound and growing skills. All things Spanish are thriving in this city- so there's no better time to take Spanish lessons in Pittsburgh.

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