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image of Dana D.

Computer Programming with Dana D.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Teaches online
Teaches Beginner
Age: 18+
Speaks English
Teaching since 2008
Ruby on Rails Development

    About Dana D.

    Not sure you have the brain or the background to be a world-class developer? Sick of your current job and dying to try something creative, challenging, and rewarding, all in an industry that's growing? I know exactly how you feel, because I was there too and I have seen and helped dozens of people break into software development with confidence and a clearer understanding of the skills involved. I specialize in Ruby on Rails, which is a web framework that incorporates the Ruby programming language, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and database technologies--all of which you can learn quickly and master. I have been a professional Rails developer for over three years and a web developer for seven years. My background in teaching English abroad, as well as software support and mentoring developers makes it easy for me to adapt to your level of knowledge, your pace of learning, and most importantly, your STYLE of learning. I came from a non-technical background and thought for sure that I was too "right-brained" to do this work, so I know that the struggle is real. More than anything else, I want you to know that If you are interested in programming and you are willing to work hard to understand the tools involved, then you already have what it takes. Let's get started!

    Instructor details

    Teacher's Studio
    Teacher's Studio
    Pemberton Way
    Student's Home
    Student's Home
    Teaches Online
    Teaches Online

    Teaching Hours

    4 PM-8 PM
    4 PM-8 PM
    4 PM-8 PM
    4 PM-8 PM
    4 PM-8 PM
    4 PM-8 PM
    4 PM-8 PM
    Times are shown in your local timezone (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    60 minutes
    90 minutes
    120 minutes
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    Ruby on Rails Developer

    Oct, 2017 - Present

    Brilliant Chemistry

    PoleVault Admin and Pole Configurator for DWM Holdings - Built an enterprise-level, component-based Rails app with a team from scratch. - Built mission-critical light pole configuration web app, document repository, and other administrative software features. - Worked with a remote-only team of senior developers who insisted on code cleanliness, test-coverage, and Git sanity Stack: Rails 5, Ruby 2.4, Bootstrap, HAML, jQuery, Javascript, Elastic Beanstalk, Auth0, Plex ERP.

    Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer

    Mar, 2017 - Oct, 2017

    Dunrows Construction Illustrated Stack: Ruby/Rails 4, HAML/SASS/Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, Capistrano/AWS (dev), Heroku (staging) A Ruby/Rails application with minimal front-end that allows architecture firms to give detailed information about past and current projects. -Responsible for implementing an international address search/match feature leveraging the Google Maps API via the Geocoder gem. - Various bug fixes and refactors.

    Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer

    Jan, 2017 - Oct, 2017

    Goodbeing Stack: Ruby/Rails, HAML/CSS/Bootstrap, MySQL, Mina deployment to Linode servers running Ubuntu, git/Github. - Visual/template overhaul to match Rails site backend appearance with Wordpress sales site front-end. - SEO/SEM configuration - Minor CRUD feature builds/improvements.

    Full-Stack Rails Developer

    Mar, 2016 - Present


    Stack: Ruby 2.3, Rails 4.2, HAML/CSS/Sass/Less, JS/Jquery, Bootstrap, jQuery UI, React/Node.js/Webpack, PostgreSQL, Heroku, AWS S3, Rspec/Cucumber, Github Products: TipOwl Single-handedly designed, built, and launched Tipowl (, a browser-based Rails 5 tipping app. MogoTrain/MogoBook ( Develop new features across all facets of the MogoTrain software back/front end, customer-facing and administrative. Collaboration with senior and fellow devs to optimize new feature implementation. Implement new customer-facing and backend features on Haggai Connect website, including chat room, journal, goal-setting, and promotional features. JLTV-Dashboard ( A Rails 5 API backend that allows users to sign into ActiveAdmin and create content to be delivered via JSON to a mobile front-end. Jake Press Agency Overhauled and reimplemented old site as a brand new Rails 5.0 web application deployed on Heroku. Created modern, responsive, animated views from mockups.

    Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer

    Nov, 2015 - Mar, 2016


    - Adding and refactoring UI features - Writing rspec/capybara integration tests & refactoring test suite - Analytics and user tracking with Filament through various JavaScript handlers - Presented “Better Design with SOLID and GRASP” at Boulder.rb meetup

    Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer

    Nov, 2015 - Mar, 2016


    Creating a social platform and a search engine for a Fortune 500 healthcare client. Accomplishments: CarePal product- - Creating primary feature tests - Adding UI features - Refactoring and debugging LocalLink product- - Improving the Docker container build process and streamlining it to reduce build time. - Bug fixing on geolocation and search results - End-of-life documentation and open-source sanitization of LocalLink repository Skill set: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, Front-end design, Rspec, Docker (docker-compose, boot2docker, VirtualBox), Bootstrap, Utopia deployment (, Node.js, CI / CD (Jenkins), Flexirest API creation and consumption, Stash, Rally.

    Junior Ruby on Rails Developer

    Jun, 2015 - Jan, 2016

    Perfect Earth Project

    Migrated static site to a Ruby on Rails site with a robust Refinery CMS back end Accomplishments: - Created a map/database interface and querying tool using the Geocoder gem and Leaflet (JS mapping utility), and Ajax. - Aggregated Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram APIs into a single social feed on the homepage. - Ensured that the UI was mobile-responsive with Bootstrap and Vue.js. Stack: Ruby on Rails, HAML, CSS, LESS, JS, Bootstrap, Refinery CMS (Rails engines), Capistrano, API consumption.


    History / Philosophy

    Aug, 2003 - May, 2007

    Colorado State University

    Ruby on Rails Development

    Feb, 2015 - Jun, 2015

    DaVinci Coders


    Ruby on Rails Development MicroDegree

    Aug, 2015

    DaVinci Coders



    Native Proficiency

    Private Lessons

    • 1:1 lessons with a trusted instructor
    • 300+ subjects to choose from
    • Meet online or in person
    • Free on-demand videos and articles

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