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Why Stage Your Show at a Fringe Festival: A Guide for Acting Students

January 16, 2021

Why Stage Your Show at a Fringe Festival: A Guide for Acting Students

Have you been wondering about taking your show to a fringe festival, and then wondered, “why fringe theater?”

First of all, anybody in the world of theater can probably agree with me when I say that there is no such thing as “too much” exposure! 

This is especially true if you are a budding actor or writer. I am always telling my acting students that when they are just starting out, it’s wise to say “yes” to any opportunity that comes your way, as even the disappointing ones are learning opportunities, and yes- valuable experience.

Many of my acting students are also aspiring writers and directors, and dream of having their original show finding an audience and becoming a reality! There’s no better opportunity than a fringe festival, which is a special multi-day event allowing anyone from any theatrical style to get their show out there in front of a large audience. Here are the main reasons why you should seek out fringe festivals for your play. 

All Styles Welcome

The first reason why you want to consider a fringe festival is because all styles are welcome. Yes, all. It doesn’t matter what style of show you have: magic, improvisational comedy, murder mystery, musical, children’s… is all welcome and celebrated at the fringe festival. This may be especially good news if you’ve had trouble meeting a requirement for your unique show elsewhere. It’s probably even better news for those of you with hybrid shows that are a little bit of a few categories…..say a musical improvisation or a children’s magic show. Creativity is king at a fringe festival, so don’t let any supposed rules stifle you when you’re creating your show. In fringe festivals, rules are not a thing!


Fringe festivals are also an excellent idea to get exposure. Fringe festival coordinators pay professional marketing teams to get the word out there about their event. This means they are doing the work for you, and all the other participants. Fringe festivals are usually excellent about having their own website with all the shows’ information, as well as disseminating festival information to various other websites, arts organizations, social media etc. This will take a huge amount of time off of your hands, which is always a good thing when you have so many other things to think about when it comes to your show.


Networking is also a big reason you will want to consider a fringe festival for your show. Even if you’re more established in the world of the performing arts, you can never ever have too many connections. At a fringe festival, there will be several professionals looking to scout new works. They may be looking for a show just like yours! Depending on which fringe festival you perform at, people may be coming from all around the globe. In short, a fringe festival is a great way to audition for producers and arts companies from all over the world.

Experiment, Experiment, Experiment

Lastly, fringe festivals are for you to experiment, experiment, experiment. You had a vision about your show, but is it working? Getting feedback from various professionals and audience members is key. Maybe you get reactions where you never thought you would. Maybe you hear that your show has part of the plot that is clunky and may need reworking. Festival judges are here to help you hone your craft. Keep in mind it’s all about constructive feedback, as they truly do want to see your show succeed! After receiving such feedback, you have the chance to further tweak your show for when you bring it back home, or take it elsewhere in the world.

Seize an Amazing Opportunity

Fringe festivals are an amazing opportunity, no matter how you look at it.  You are gaining valuable experience for you, your actors, and your show when you participate.  Some things are just good to have on your resume, and “fringe festival participant” (or “winner!”) are one of those things!

It’s an exciting event for sure, as you never know just how your show will be received. Many big theatrical works start smaller, and maybe that’s your show! The only way to truly find out is to seek out fringe festivals and find out what you need to do to participate. Good news: fringe festivals don’t have many “rules” for getting involved – which is why there’s no need to think too hard about jumping in and trying. 

I wish you the best of luck in finding the right fringe festival to participate in! No doubt you will learn a lot and meet lots of interesting and helpful people while there. Work hard, have fun, and let’s see what happens to your labor of love!


I've been teaching acting (and singing!) for close to 20 years. Whether it's in the classroom OR online, teaching all things arts is my passion! I've taught drama/comedy for non profits, private schools, and for individuals and groups on TakeLessons and Outschool. My own training includes workshops with Improv Olympic Chicago.

Molly McLinden