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How to Become a Stage Actor: What Theater Students Need to Know

January 28, 2021

How to Become a Stage Actor: What Theater Students Need to Know

I’ve said it once and I will say it again, we are all actors by nature! Anyone can be an actor if given the proper tools and training.  There are ways to become a stronger stage actor and as performers we should always be learning and growing.

When speaking to new actors, I often quote Michael Shurtleff, the author of my favorite acting text, “Audition”. He once said, “Use what you know. Don’t worry about what you don’t know.”  This couldn’t be more true! Acting is reacting and then finding truth in imaginary circumstances.  We act every, single day. In fact, the very best actors seem not to be acting at all. 

To me, the most interesting acting moments on stage are when the actor is seemingly doing nothing at all.  There is such power in stillness and silence when it comes to acting. All you really need to be an actor is to understand human interaction and then reproduce it in a truthful way. 

Of course, there are always ways to strengthen your craft and grow as a performer and person (Yes! The two are very much connected.). Here are a few things to help you get started on your journey to becoming a stage actor. 

How to Become a Stage Actor? Let’s Take a Closer Look…

a stage actor stands in a spotlight

1.) Get into class 

Of course the best way to become an actor is by practicing!  Getting into a class is a wonderful and low stakes way to test the waters. In beginner acting classes, you will work on scenes and monologues and understand the basics of being onstage. It is important to know that screen and stage acting use very different techniques. It might behove you to do your research and find a class that is focused on stage acting. Most local theaters offer acting courses, and there are online acting classes right here at TakeLessons

2.) Read the great works 

I always tell my students to read classic plays. Shakespeare, of course, but also Arthur Miller and the like. In reading plays, you will better understand character and plot as concepts. Approaching theater from different angles is helpful when first becoming an actor.  

3.) Go to the theater! 

The best way to learn about theater acting is by watching it!! Really pay attention to the choices the actors are making and the relationships between characters. You will learn so much from observing the best! 

4.) Check out Youtube for Masterclasses 

an acting student learning how to become a stage actor

A Master Class refers to a one time class taught by an expert. Performers often teach master classes in addition to acting. You can find entire classes on YouTube. I highly recommend watching them and learning from many famous masters of the theater.  You can do it from the comfort of your own home! 

5.) Practice! 

The only way to truly become an actor is by practicing. Especially for stage acting you have to get comfortable being in front of an audience. Sign up for a local open mic night or talent show.  Audition for your community theater or get a group of friends together to read a play in your living room. Any little bit of exposure is helpful when it comes to honing your craft. 

In conclusion, there is an actor inside each and every one of us. It is less about how to become an actor and more about how to become a stronger actor. There are many ways to help grow as a performer including taking class, reading plays, watching live theater, using online resources like YouTube and of course practicing. Break a leg! 


Emily Meredith is a professional actress residing in New York City. She is a proud member of the Actor’s Equity Union and has performed in productions all across the country. An experienced acting, voice and dance teacher, Emily has worked with all grade and skill levels. Emily is extensively trained in voice, dance and acting, she attended Walnut Hill School for the Arts in Natick, MA -- where she majored in classical and musical theater and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music with a BFA in Musical Theater. She has trained at various other prestigious institutions including Festival Ballet (Providence, RI), T. Schreiber Studio (NY,NY), HB Studio (NY,NY), Ballet Prestige (Providence, RI), Steps (NY, NY), and Broadway Dance Center (NY,NY) among many others. As a teacher, Emily strives to create a fun and relaxed learning environment where her students can grow in confidence and ability. In addition to private lessons, Emily currently teaches Theater Arts, Dance and yoga classes virtually for many studios including, Kids HeArt Yoga (Chicago, IL), The Starz Program (NY,NY), Medicine for the Soul Yoga (NY,NY) and Jolie Musique School of the Arts (Monmouth County, NJ) among others. Emily shares her passion for the arts with her students enthusiastically and with love and patience. Please visit for more information.

Emily Meredith