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Voice Acting Scripts to Hone Your Craft (Tips & Free Resources)

December 28, 2021

Voice Acting Scripts to Hone Your Craft (Tips & Free Resources)

man on mic - voice acting scriptsEver since the emergence of radio as a means of entertainment 100 years ago, actors have had the opportunity to use their voices as a way to perform their craft. From radio comedy shows to television announcers, commercial voice-overs to animation, video games to podcasts, there are countless ways for an actor’s voice to be heard. And, below, we’re going to provide voice acting scripts to help you hone your craft.

Thanks to technology and high-speed internet, voice actors have more access than ever to voice-over work opportunities and gig auditions. No matter what your purpose is for your voice-over acting auditions, these scripts will help you perfect your skill!

How Can I Practice Voice Acting?

While the idea of being able to record a voiceover audition from your walk-in closet in your pajamas may sound appealing, voice-over acting is a very competitive field. It requires just as much attention as a Shakespearean play on the big stage. Just like an actor who aspires to work on the stage or screen needs to practice audition pieces and monologues, so does the voice actor who aspires to be a cartoon character, product brand voice, or meditation-app guide. 

While most voice-acting jobs will provide you with a script, it helps to use good scripts to practice voice acting between auditions. Keep reading for access to these!

Resources For Voice Acting Scripts

Here are some of our favorite resources for voice acting scripts:

  • Voice Actor Websites
  • StageMilk

*Important Note: If you’re creating a voice-over reel, be careful about using copyrighted content. While you might not get caught by the author, using someone else’s copy (by “copy”, we mean the text of the ad or script) is just not a good look to a casting director. Unless otherwise noted, use these samples for practice only!

mic - voice acting scripts is a marketplace for voice-over and audio productions. You can find and hire for voice acting gigs. But, they also provide this comprehensive list of voice acting practice scripts. You can find various options from car and travel commercial scripts to healthcare and podcasts intro scripts.

Voice Actor Websites

Voice Actor Websites provides tons of resources for voice actors including this list of over 300 pages of name-brand commercial voice-over copy. You can find just about endless free voice acting scripts for just about anything you may be looking for.

StageMilk offers a wide variety of brief samples of voice-over practice copy (perfect for beginners). Check out their ample resources for various voice-over acting scripts, including upbeat ads, emotional voice-overs, and more.


Other suggestions for practice:

Between voice over acting auditions, record yourself reading poetry, news articles, or a passage from a favorite book. This will help you keep your skills sharp. 

Again, be careful of copyrighted material. It’s best to stick with material in the public domain, where there’s no risk of copyright infringement. This way, you can share your readings with fellow actors, on social media, or even include them in your voice-over reel.

For help with perfecting voice acting scripts and skills, work with a professional acting teacher who can provide you with private, personalized lessons.


Hi! I've been a teacher all of my adult life--from coaching acting at summer camps, teaching high school theater, film and speech, English as a Second Language to students from middle school through adult professionals, research paper writing, education, and even yoga and martial arts! I love helping people discover new worlds, create new opportunities, and gain confidence through learning just about anything. The goal of a good teacher is to provide a space where the student has the tools to become successful, but still has a safe space to make mistakes and grow; and that's always the environment I aim to create in my sessions. I look forward to meeting you!

Laura Rebecca