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Private lessons with top Singing instructors near Saint Louis, MO

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Classical Voice
Classical Voice
Angela H.

My love of singing began in my freshman year of high school, when I joined the choir. It was a life-changing experience, and inspired me to make music my career. I immediately began taking private voice lessons, and became a voice teacher myself by 2005. While in college, I was presented with many opportunities to learn and grow, both as a musician and as a teacher. I sang in several different collegiate choirs, and was nominated to be in the all-collegiate choir in 2007. I also passed yearly auditions to sing in Voices Only, Lindenwood's most advanced vocal group. During my junior and senior years at Lindenwood, I worked as the assistant director of Voices Only. This was a wonderful opportunity, and I learned so much while leading warm-ups every day, running sectionals on a weekly basis, directing the group during rehearsals and even during performances when the director was away. I currently sing in the Saint Louis Harmony Chorus, one of the top 25 women's barbershop choruses in the world. I am on the music faculty of the chorus, and am also the baritone section leader. I also sing in an award-winning barbershop quartet called Executive Sweets. Vocal students are not required to purchase a curriculum for voice lessons, as lessons are based around the fundamentals of singing (breath support, head/chest voice, tone, and diction) and focused on each student's desired repertoire. For classical voice students, this will include art songs, arias, and the like. Students are encouraged to choose pieces in Italian, French, German, Latin, and Spanish, as well as in English. Students typically work on two contrasting pieces at a time, and pieces are often chosen with an eye toward preparing for one of the several recitals, competitions, and festivals my studio participates in throughout the year. Each lesson also includes warm-ups tailored to each student to develop technique and expand range, and a short theory or ear training session. Depending on student interest, these lessons may also include work on improvisation, composing, and musical dictation.

Private Lessons
Florissant, MO
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Ms. Tina is absolutely fantastic! She is welcoming, positive, encouraging, FUN and a skilled communicator. During the first lesson, it was immediately obvious that she is a great fit for my daughter.

Melanie (Singing lessons with Tina P.)

My 10 year old daughter takes voice lessons with Tina and she LOVES her. Tina makes lessons fun, keeps my daughter focused and interested and treats her as the capable mini human she is. They spend a

Tracy (Singing lessons with Tina P.)

I am a singer songwriter (in training you could say) and had struggled with singing for years, as I knew nothing other than mimicking and singing along with other songs. Tina has been able to remove s

Will LaBonte (Singing lessons with Tina P.)

Tina has done an amazing job getting to know my voice and how to push me to get better. I'm looking forward to working with her more!

Ben (Singing lessons with Tina P.)

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Singing Lessons in Saint Louis: What You Need to Know

by Dave B. - Saint Louis Vocal Instructor

Are you from Saint Louis and wondering what’s going on in the Gateway City for singers? There are many opportunities to study voice and show off your vocal skills in the city. Here are a few resources to check out as you’re taking singing lessons in Saint Louis:

  1. Perform One of the best ways to hone your singing style is just to go out and sing whenever possible! Saint Louis is alive with opportunities to stand up in front of an audience, try out new material you’ve been working on at voice lessons, or just sing old favorites you've been singing for a while. Attending one of the many open mic nights and karaoke nights Saint Louis has to offer is a fun and useful way to practice your singing skills. Check out these useful websites to stay in the know about the Saint Louis music scene: open mic nights - karaoke nights -

  2. Audition There are many excellent theater companies around Saint Louis that often have open auditions for both kids and adults. Musical theater is a great way for singers to work on their craft, because within the context of a show, a singer works on vocal technique, as well as performance skills. Any good singer needs to be an actor to some extent; no one wants to watch a singer who looks bored, scared or uncomfortable, even if his or her voice is amazing. Participating in a musical theater production will teach you how to use your singing talent in new ways. My theater company, RockShow Academy, is a perfect starting place for kids who are getting started in theater. Outside of private lessons, there are also opportunities for summer camps and programs at places such as COCA (The Center of Contemporary Arts) & Stages Saint Louis. Kids who are looking for professional experience can try out to be a “MUNY Kid” at The MUNY, Saint Louis’ premier outdoor theater.

  3. Watch One of the most important things any aspiring singer should be doing is attending as many concerts and shows as they can. Great singers are not made “in a bubble.” Rather, their talent is developed over time from working with their voice teacher, practicing and listening, and watching great singers sing. You do not have to look far to find great concerts or performances to attend in Saint Louis. Fantastic Broadway tours come through The Fabulous Fox Theater and The Peabody Opera House, and national acts often perform at The Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre.

So, get out and enjoy the culture and opportunities for singers that the Gateway City has to offer, and best of luck in your singing lessons in Saint Louis!

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