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Overcome Fear of Public Speaking in 9 Powerful Steps

March 28, 2023

Overcome Fear of Public Speaking in 9 Powerful Steps

Here’s the bad news: the number one fear for most people is speaking in public. Here’s the good news: Public speaking is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. Whether you’re a student giving a presentation, a professional at a conference, or an entrepreneur pitching an idea, with the right preparation and guidance, you can become a confident and compelling public speaker. 

Keep reading to learn how to overcome those nerves and give a stellar presentation in 9 easy steps.

1. Prepare

The first step in any public speaking engagement is to prepare. Take time to research your topic and practice your presentation. Not just practice your words, but also your delivery. Will you move or stand at a podium? Will you make a joke or ask an introspective question? Knowing exactly what you’re going to say to begin and finish your speech will help keep you organized and confident.

It’s also important to practice your presentation in front of someone. This will help you get used to speaking in front of people and build your confidence.

2. Practice Your Jokes

To capture and maintain the audience’s attention, it’s important to engage them. Humor is a great way to help people remember things, but it can make or break a public speaking engagement. Make sure to practice and ask for feedback from your friends and family.

3. Get Used to Making Eye Contact

One of the most important aspects of public speaking is confidence. Even if you’re nervous or unsure of yourself, it’s important to project an air of confidence. As intimidating as it can be, eye contact conveys confidence and that you care enough about your audience to engage them directly.

4. Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can be a great way to engage the audience and make your presentation more memorable. If possible, use slides, videos, or other visuals to illustrate your points. This will help keep the audience’s attention and make your message more memorable.

5. Know Your Audience

Before you give a presentation, it’s important to know your audience. Research the group and understand their interests and needs. This will help you tailor your presentation to their particular needs and make it more engaging.

6. Use Clear Notes

Although it’s important to be prepared, it’s also good to be flexible. Having a few notes can help you stay on track and make sure you don’t forget any key points. However, it’s essential to keep your notes concise and not rely too heavily on them.

7. Don’t Rush

When giving a presentation, it’s important to take your time. Don’t rush through your presentation in order to fit everything in. This will only make you more nervous and will make it harder for the audience to understand your message.

8. Be Positive

Your attitude can make a big difference in your performance. Make sure to stay positive and focus on the positives of your presentation. This will help you stay confident and will make the audience more receptive to your message. Practicing power poses in preparation for your presentation can help you master any nervousness, too.

9. Relax

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, so it’s important to relax before you begin. Take a few deep breaths, practice positive self-talk, and focus on the audience. This will help you stay calm and composed during your presentation.


Public speaking is an essential skill that can help you succeed in life. With the right preparation and guidance, anyone can become a confident and compelling public speaker.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of public speaking and delivering a stellar performance. Good luck!


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