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5+ Questions to Ask Yourself Before Learning the Drums

January 31, 2023

5+ Questions to Ask Yourself Before Learning the Drums

Thinking about signing up for beginner drumming lessons? Read on as teacher Lauren P. guides you through five helpful questions to help you prepare…


If you’ve ever had a hankering to learn the drums, you’re not alone. The drums have long been a popular instrument of choice for rock stars and wannabes alike. But before you get started banging out those beats, there are some questions you should ask yourself first. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself before learning the drums. 

How Do Beginners Start Drumming?

Learning the drums can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important for beginners to gain a basic understanding of the basics before jumping in:

  • It might be helpful for those just starting out to start by familiarizing themselves with the different parts of a drum set and learning proper posture when sitting at the drums. 
  • It’s also helpful to invest in a practice pad or hand pads to help develop proper technique and build strength. 
  • Having access to drum music or lessons can be instrumental as they will provide guidance and introduce various ideas such as styles, rhythms, techniques, subdivisions and musicality. 

With some patience and practice, any beginner can become an experienced drummer! 

The best way to progress quickly as you learn hw to play the drums is to sign up for drum lessons with an experienced instructor. You’ll learn everything you need to know for learning the drums, including what you see below: 

Questions to Ask Before Learning the Drums

Maybe you are obsessed with your local rock and roll band or maybe you are mandated to join the school band. Whatever your reason, consider asking yourself these five questions before taking beginner drumming lessons.

What is my end goal?

Before deciding to learn the drums, ask yourself honestly what your end goal is. Do you have to join an elective and think drums are cool or easy to learn? Have you idolized John Bonham since you heard your first Led Zeppelin song? Whether you want stardom or an easy A, the reality is you will need to work hard for both. It is important you are passionate about mastering both music theory and technique or your drums will end up collecting dust in a matter of months. Stay passionate by keeping your end goal in mind and hiring a private drum teacher to hold you accountable for practicing.

Can I soundproof my space?

You can have all the passion in the world, but your parents or neighbors may limit your practice time if they cannot stand the noise. Ask yourself, do you have a basement, attic, garage, or a decently secluded room to practice? Choose a space that is as far away as possible from potentially irritated listeners. Rooms with thick carpets, curtains, and wall hangings also absorb sound. Ask your parents or housemates’ consent to let you play during specified times of day. Reassure them that additional measures can be taken to “mute” the sound of your drums. Some examples include: placing a pillow or bundled fabric in your bass drum and toms, lining the underside of your drum heads with masking tape, or even playing on a drum pad.

How free is my schedule?

How much time can you realistically set aside every day to practice in between your beginner drumming lessons? Hopefully at this point you want to spend every waking moment learning to play the drums. You need to keep the momentum going by scheduling drum practice just like you would any formal class or appointment. Setting aside time to practice for 20 minutes every day is better than playing for three hours every Sunday. Sticking to a schedule also reduces the likelihood you will “run out of time” or forget to practice.

What can I afford?

You do not need thousands of dollars to buy an expensive, new drum set. Search the Internet or look up a local instrument shop to find an affordable drum set. Better yet, seeif you have any friends or family members who have unused drums. Send out a mass email or social media post: Explain your interest in finding a used set of drums and that you are willing to negotiate price. A family-friend may love to have you take their drums for little to no fee.

How do I find the right drum teacher?

To really commit to learning to play the drums well, you need a private teacher to help you learn music theory and technique. Ask yourself what days and times you can commit to taking lessons. The only way to improve and hold yourself accountable is to find a teacher you enjoy working with at a consistent time every week.

Other Common Questions About How to Learn to Play the Drums

Here are a few more of the most common questions about learning how to play the drums. So grab your drumsticks, take a seat at your drum kit, and let’s get started! 

Is learning the drums hard?

So are the drums easy to learn?

The answer to this question will depend on your level of dedication. Learning any new skill takes practice and patience; however, if you are willing to put in the effort, then you can master anything! It may take some time before you are able to keep a steady beat or play complicated rhythms with ease; however, with enough practice and dedication, it will eventually become second nature. 

How long does it take to learn the drums?

This is an impossible question to answer because everyone learns differently. Some people may pick up basic drumming skills quickly, while others may need more time. However long it takes for you specifically depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into learning how to play the drums. As with any skill, practice makes perfect! 

Can I teach myself the drums?

Yes! You absolutely can teach yourself how to play the drums if that is what works best for you. There are many online tutorials as well as books available that can help guide you as you learn. 

That said, working with a teacher will help you progress faster. The good news is that there are many virtual lessons available these days, so that even if there aren’t any private tutors in your area, you can still get quality instruction from home.  

What type of music do I want to play? 

One of the best parts about learning any musical instrument is being able to explore different genres and styles of music while playing it. Think about what types of music appeal most to you and make sure that whatever drumming style or techniques you learn line up with those interests. Whether it’s jazz, rock, funk, or something entirely different – make sure that your goals align with what type of music you ultimately want to play on the drums. 

Am I open-minded enough? 

Just because it’s called “the drums” doesn’t mean it’s all about hitting them as hard as possible! It takes finesse and technique in order to become a master drummer so be prepared to go through trial and error when learning as well as practice patience when things don’t come easy at first (because trust us – they won’t!). Keep an open mind when receiving input from other musicians or instructors and remember – practice makes perfect! 

What is the best way to learn the drums?

The best way for someone else might not be right for you; therefore, it is important that when choosing a method of learning drums that you go with something that works best for your own individual strengths and weaknesses. 

With that being said, one of the most effective ways of learning any instrument is through private lessons with an experienced teacher who can provide personalized feedback tailored specifically toward helping you reach your goals as quickly as possible. 

So now we know five important questions that everyone should ask themselves before embarking on their journey toward becoming a master drummer.

With these questions answered honestly and thoughtfully – and with the help of a dedicated drum teacher – anyone can start their path toward becoming an expert drummer! Have fun rocking out!

LaurenPLauren played concert snare drum and the drum set for five years and acted as a private teacher for the snare drum and drum set for three years. Currently she tutors various subjects in New York, NY. Learn more about Lauren here!




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Suzy S.