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3 Big Benefits of Taking Ukulele Lessons

February 1, 2023

3 Big Benefits of Taking Ukulele Lessons

Think you can teach yourself to play ukulele? Music teacher Willy M. shares three reasons why it’s important to take lessons and learn about your uke with an expert…

When it comes to learning a new instrument, there’s no better choice than the ukulele. Not only is it small and easy to carry around with you, but it also sounds great! 

Plus, playing the ukulele is fun and relaxing, which means that even if you’re not a particularly talented musician, you can still make some beautiful music. 

Let’s take a look at 3 big benefits of taking beginning ukulele lessons.

How Should a Beginner Learn the Ukulele?

Learning the ukulele for the first time can be an exciting but daunting task:

  • One of the best ways to start is by familiarizing yourself with the basic chords so you can start playing songs straight away.
  • It’s also a good idea to get comfortable with different strumming patterns so that you can create different sounds. 
  • Finally, make sure to take some time to listen to your favorite ukulele players and use their musicianship as inspiration for your own journey. 

With these tips in mind, any beginner can have an enjoyable learning experience as they embark upon mastering the ukulele! 

The best tip for ukulele lessons is, of course, to take lessons with someone who really knows their stuff – a professional ukulele teacher. Sign up here today and learn more about all the benefits of taking ukulele lessons by watching the video below: 

Benefits of the Best Online Ukulele Lessons

A lot of people take a vacation to Hawaii or Florida or somewhere tropical and pick up a starter ukulele as a memento of their trip. They get home to Debuke, Montana, or Bangor, Maine or some other cold place where the people have never heard of a ukulele, and decide to start to learn how to play to remind themselves of the warm time they had in the white sand. They take the beloved souvenir out of its cardboard box as if it will magically transform their frozen world into a tropical paradise, only to strum that first tender chord and then realize that they don’t know how to tune the ukulele.

Strange unearthly sounds flap out of the loose strings, not the soothing music of the islands that you were expecting. This isn’t a solitary story. Unfortunately, many people have had this same experience, but fortunately for you, ukulele teachers are out there, waiting to help you sharpen your skills on this fun instrument. So I want to give you three benefits you will get from taking ukulele lessons.

Benefit Number 1 – You will understand the basic care for your instrument.

Your instrument is a tool for making music, but unlike a hammer or a screwdriver, if you just toss your ukulele in a box and leave it sitting in a corner, it does not hold up in the same way. Most tools you can ignore, but instruments like the ukulele need to be stored in proper places (usually a cool dry place, with little temperature and humidity change), they need new strings periodically, and they need to be tuned and played on a regular basis. They don’t like being left alone in their case. They want to be used. They long to make beautiful music, and all they need to do that is your loving touch.

A good music teacher will be able to help you with that. You will not only learn how to tune your ukulele, you will also learn how to keep it clean (not by taking it in the shower with you!), and how to string it and make any adjustments that it might need.

A good music teacher should also be able to make any more complicated adjustments, such as bridge or nut adjustments, to make your ukulele more playable. Sometimes your tuners need to be oiled, or even changed, your frets might need to bet sanded or replaced, or you might have a neck that’s out of alignment. A good teacher will be able to take a look at your ukulele and help you get it to be playable. They can also tell if your ukulele is a toy souvenir or a real playable instrument.

Benefit Number 2 – You will learn techniques to help you prevent injury.

I remember one of the saddest days of my life, at least it seemed like the saddest day at the time. I spent several years honing my skill as a musician. I practiced a lot, sometimes as much as eight hours a day! I worked on technique, I worked on scales, I worked on chords and even on songwriting! I lived, ate, and breathed music.

Until one day, my right arm started going numb. At first I didn’t think anything of it, until my teacher noticed, and recommended that I immediately see a doctor. I did, and found out that I had damaged my ulna nerve (similar to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but a different nerve).

My teacher caught the damage before it became permanent. There are a lot of injuries that you can develop as a result from improperly playing instruments. A good teacher can help you learn proper playing habits that will prevent you from injuring yourself. But sometimes even with proper techniques, with overuse, injuries can occur. A good teacher can help you know how to take care of yourself.

Benefit Number 3 – Expanded Exposure to Music

A good teacher can teach you everything they want you to learn. A really good teacher will teach you what they want you to learn, but will also care about what you want to learn. But a great teacher will explore new music with you, and will become a friend who can share a passion and love of music with you, inspiring you to be not just a player, but a connoisseur of good music.

One of the major benefits of having a teacher is to help shape your love for music. Most people want to learn how to play an instrument, but they haven’t developed a passion for listening to music yet. Until they find that passion they will never be able to be a real musician. A great teacher will inspire you to be a great listener of music, which will in turn help you be a great musician.

Having a music teacher will allow someone to speak into your life, guide you and help you find more music that you might love. A great teacher will help you explore the music of the people who influenced the people who influence you. And you will come out of the lessons a better person for having learned something new.

I could probably go on with a thousand reasons, but here are three good reasons for finding a good music teacher to help you learn to play the ukulele. Find your ukulele teacher now!

Can I Teach Myself Ukulele?

Learning to play the ukulele can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s a fun and relatively easy instrument to learn. And if you do it right, you can teach yourself how to play the ukulele with very little effort. 

Below, we’ll explore some tips for teaching yourself to play the ukulele. 

Start With Basics 

The first step in teaching yourself to play the ukulele is to learn the basics of how to hold and tune the ukulele. Holding the ukulele properly is essential for producing sound correctly. The tuning process is also crucial; if your strings are too low or too high, they won’t produce sound correctly or will be uncomfortable to play. Once you understand these basics, you’re ready to start learning chords and notes. 

Learn Chords and Notes 

Learning chords and notes is essential for playing any instrument—including the ukulele—since it allows you to create music with your instrument. There are plenty of resources online that provide lessons on how to read chord charts and tablature (a type of musical notation). Take some time to familiarize yourself with these concepts so that you can begin playing simple pieces of music on your own. 

Start Practicing! 

Now that you know how to hold and tune your ukulele, as well as read chord charts and tablature, it’s time for the most important step: practicing! Practice every day—even if it’s just for 10 minutes—to ensure that your skills improve over time. 

This will also help you develop muscle memory so that when you want to play a certain song or riff, your fingers will instinctively know what they should do without having to think about it too much. Plus, by challenging yourself with different songs each day, you’ll keep things interesting and stay motivated!  

What Are the Best Online Ukulele Lessons for Beginners?

Learning the ukulele is a fun and rewarding experience. But if you’ve never picked up an instrument before, it can be hard to know where to start. Luckily, there are plenty of online resources available today that make it easier than ever to learn the basics of playing the ukulele.

Ukulele Lessons for Kids

For those with little ones who want to learn how to play the ukulele, there are plenty of options out there. Sites like Uke4Kids offer free video tutorials designed specifically for kids. These lessons cover topics like tuning your instrument, learning chords and strumming patterns, and even playing songs! 

Plus, with their cheerful cartoon graphics and upbeat music, your kids will be having so much fun they won’t even realize they’re learning!  

Free Ukulele Lessons

If you don’t have a budget for taking lessons but still want to learn how to play the ukulele, then check out websites like UkuTabs or DoctorUke. These sites offer tons of free content that can help you get started on your ukulele journey—from beginner-friendly chord charts and song arrangements to helpful video tutorials and more! 

TakeLessons Ukulele Lessons Online

If you’re serious about learning how to play the ukulele and want one-on-one guidance from experienced teachers then TakeLessons has you covered. 

TakeLessons offers private lessons with certified instructors at a variety of skill levels—so whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, they have something for everyone! Plus, their flexible scheduling makes it easy to fit in practice time around other commitments. 

Is Ukulele Difficult to Learn?

If you are looking for a new instrument to learn, the ukulele might be an excellent choice. 

Although there is a bit of an adjustment period while you get used to fingering and understanding the different chords, once you gain comfort with the basics, playing the ukulele can be quite enjoyable. 

With its small stature and comparative affordability, many who are introduced to this instrument decide to stick with it and become proficient over time. Learning proper technique will certainly speed up the process, but as long as you have ample patience and dedication, you can master this instrument quickly.

Learning how to play the ukulele can be one of life’s greatest joys—so don’t let not knowing where to start stop you from pursuing your dream! Whether you have kids interested in playing or just want some help getting started yourself, there are plenty of great online resources available today that make it easier than ever to learn properly and enjoyably.

Sign up for a ukulele lesson now – and start reaping the benefits of ukulele lessons ASAP!

Willy MWilly M. teaches guitar, ukulele, and mandolin lessons in Winston, NC. He is the author of the Dead Man’s Tuning series of mandolin songbooks, and is a former member of the American Federation of Musicians. Willy has been teaching for 20 years, and his students have ranged in age from young children to folks in their 80’s. Learn more about Willy.


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Photo by Sebastiaan ter Burg

Megan L. is a writer and musician living in San Diego. She loves supporting independent artists and learning more about music every day. Megan has been working for TakeLessons since November 2011. Google+

Megan L.