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Private lessons with top Piano instructors near Hermitage, TN

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As an adult student it was hard for me to finally commit to finally taking piano lessons. I always had the excuses that I was either too busy or too late in life to start. Julie has gave me every

Colby (Piano lessons with Julie L.)

Just had my first lesson with Julie. She was great! So energetic, fun, and personable. It’s obvious she’s a seasoned educator who knows her subject. I left our first meeting confident I had chosen a t

Jordan (Piano lessons with Julie L.)

Julie has been a wonderful experience! This is my son’s first time taking piano lessons and she is great with him. She is patient and fun at the same time!! Thank you Julie!!

Taiden (Piano lessons with Julie L.)

Julie is a superb piano instructor. She instructed my son on the piano after him having a very strict instructor. She was very encouraging and knowledgeable. We all love her and she is a great te

Christy Hamilton (Piano lessons with Julie L.)

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Teaching Piano in Hermitage

Julie L.

By Julie L.-Hermitage Piano Teacher

As a TakeLessons piano teacher in Hermitage, I have had the privilege of teaching wonderful students. They range in age from five years old to 50+, and each are delightful in their unique way.

My youngest student loves to sing. In her free time she can be found vocalizing into the microphone of her karaoke machine. She enjoys singing popular songs, but also loves playing musical games with me in their living room. We both look forward to our lesson time on Saturday afternoons.

My oldest student is a beginning pianist. This student has some musical background, but had never played the piano prior to our first lesson. They made it clear that recitals were not an option, but the lessons were strictly for personal pleasure. This student’s piano skills have blossomed, and during Christmas they are preparing to lead the family in song as they play several Christmas Carols. The diligence of this adult student is leading to steady increase in musical skills, musicianship, and personal satisfaction.

Another student I have is a delightful teen preparing for a career in Hollywood. His family plans to move to California from Tennessee in the very near future, but I have the privilege of helping him grow in his vocal technique. Although his raw talent is impressive, he still finds benefit in learning the technique I’m teaching. I’ll be able to say I knew him and taught him before his big break.

TakeLessons has afforded opportunities for me to interact with students I may not have met otherwise. While I strive to make my lesson times a meaningful experience for my students, I find that I also benefit from the rich teacher-student relationships. I love teaching piano in Hermitage for TakeLessons because of these great experiences.

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