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Learn Electric Guitar your way with a TakeLessons expert

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Private lessons with top Electric Guitar instructors near Valley Village, CA

Dive right in and start getting results with 1-on-1 lessons from expert Electric Guitar instructors.

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Cooper is an excellent musician and very patient teacher! I highly recommend you start taking lesson with him. He’s great with all age levels and made it really fun!

Brandon (Electric Guitar lessons with Cooper B.)

Highly recommend. “The pupil gets to be the star, Cooper Bombadil helps that star shine.” I asked Cooper Bombadil if I could write a review/reference for him because I was impressed with his abili

Linda Faye (Electric Guitar lessons with Cooper B.)

Nils has been working with our son for a little over the past month, and we are very happy in finding such a talented teacher. Our son has some music background, having taken some guitar instruction i

Anirban (Electric Guitar lessons with Nils B.)

Great first lesson with Claire. She listens and understands and comes up with a plan accordingly. Very highly recommend.

Matthew Terhune (Electric Guitar lessons with Claire C.)

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