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I worked with Marsha for about 10 weeks. Singing was something on my "bucket list" and I wanted to find out why I didn't know how to do it. I learned a ton from Marsha, and I also learned that I was

Beth (Singing lessons with Marsha K.)

AMAZING TEACHER! Had my first lesson and I was so inspired to keep learning to sing. Denise is so knowledgeable and so kind. 100% would recommend!

Jacky (Singing lessons with Denise B.)

Great help and feedback. I am loving my classes!

SOPHIA (Singing lessons with Denise B.)

Denise is truly an incredible singing teacher! We've only had three lessons together and I already feel so much more confident than ever before. You can tell she really cares about her students and th

Kevin (Singing lessons with Denise B.)

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Teaching Music and Voice Lessons in Roseville

By Marsha K. - Roseville Singing Teacher

I spoke with a student today who is currently in a bit of a slump where her enthusiasm is concerned. We spoke about the way that we learn, regrets and moments of pride, and inspiration. Sometimes teaching and learning are similar. We begin excited and ready to conquer anything, but somewhere find that thrill waning. We have to re-focus and figure out how to inspire ourselves or our students again, by rediscovering what inspires us.

From “The Spark” by John U. Bacon, “Only by taking risks can we hope to accomplish the extraordinary”. Sometimes in teaching we have to step outside of the box. This is something I try to do when teaching voice lessons in Roseville. There are so many brilliant and talented people here - it is a community of warmth, excellence and dedication. To become the inspiration for students, a teacher simply must risk planning and creating something unique.

“The trick is not to try and solve a problem before you know what it is” - Ibid. So many times during my voice lessons in Roseville, a student believes that their lack of inspiration is the instrument, when often it is simply the method. Little changes such as an introduction to a new type of music, some focus on technical skills, a performance or a trip to see someone else perform have the ability to spark passion again.

After our conversation, my student left saying things like, “Well, if I’m going to be the role model for the younger students at the Master Class next week, I’d better rewrite my song and dust off my Brickman piece!” She was fired up instead of dragging, suddenly excited and itching to get started.

Noticing where the joy no longer lights up a student’s eye is as important as noticing when teaching them is no longer making me stretch my limits. When we both discover reconnection, possibilities are limitless and magic happens. Take voice lessons in Roseville today and discover this magic for yourself!

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