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3 Steps for Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking

May 23, 2018

3 Steps for Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking


Fear of public speaking is a very common obstacle, but it’s not something you have to be stuck with forever! Here, Odenton, MD Life Coach Vance L.  shares his three steps for overcoming your fears…


So the cat’s got your tongue. Maybe it happens every time you are expected to speak in front of an audience. The fear of public speaking is terrifying for some. In fact, for some it is feared more than death. The good news though is that most people can overcome–or at least learn to manage–their fear. Continue reading for three steps to take.

1. Be Prepared

The number one step you can use to help banish your fears is to be fully prepared. It is human nature not to want to be embarrassed publicly or while speaking. But if you are well-prepared, that shouldn’t be an issue. Knowing your subject matter will decrease your anxiety quite a bit. Sure, you may still feel physically uncomfortable. But intellectually your confidence in being well-prepared will translate to your audience.

2. Be Honest With Yourself

The second thing to do is come clean. Do not present yourself as being a expert if you’re not. Take the pressure off yourself. If you’re not an expert and are just giving a opinion, how can you be wrong? On the other hand, if you are an expert and someone asks you a question, it is perfectly fine to say “I don’t have that answer right now.” Honesty in almost every case will be well-received.

3. Try to Have Fun!

So now that you’re going to be honest, it is time to have some fun. There is a famous television preacher that starts every sermon by telling a joke. You don’t have to tell a joke at the beginning of your talk, but don’t underestimate the power of humor. For some, opening up with a joke will work. Others may opt to tell an amusing story on the topic at hand. No matter what the subject matter is, an amusing story or well-placed joke is sure to enhance your presentation. Plus, laughter relaxes the whole body and releases endorphins.

So remember: step one is being well-prepared. That will help address your anxiety and emotional discomfort. Next, be honest in who you are and your delivery. Finally, add laughter to help deal with the physical discomfort. If you can manage to do these three simple steps, I’m willing to bet that you will be fine.

Speaking in front of large groups may not be for everyone. But if you meet your fear of public speaking head-on by using these steps, it will be much easier to appear confident and credible.

VanceVance L. has been an educator, consultant, and Life Coach for 30 years. He currently sees clients and teaches on various subjects ranging from health and relationships to spirituality. Vance holds degrees in counseling and divinity and has worked on both local and national platforms. Book lessons with Vance here!



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