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How to Measure the Success of Your Child’s Violin Lessons

November 10, 2022

How to Measure the Success of Your Child’s Violin Lessons

violin for kidsWhen it comes to violin for kids, how can you tell if your investment and energy is worth it? Here, San Francisco, CA violin teacher Carol Beth L. shares her advice…


It can be difficult to measure the success of your child’s violin lessons. You may be wondering if they are progressing as quickly as they should be, or if they are enjoying their lessons. 

Here are a few ways to gauge your child’s success in violin lessons.

Is Violin Easy to Learn for Kids?

Is violin easy to learn for kids? That really depends on the child. Some kids are quickly able to grasp the basics of playing the violin, while others may find it more challenging. However, there are a few things that can help make learning the violin easier for kids:

  • First, it’s important to find a good teacher who is patient and experienced in working with children. 
  • Second, it’s helpful to start with a smaller violin that is sized specifically for kids. 
  • And third, it’s important to make practicing fun by incorporating games and other activities into the lesson plan. 

By following these tips, you can help make learning the violin easier and more enjoyable for your child.

Still not sure whether to sign your child up for violin lessons? Why not give it a try? At the very least, your child’s violin lessons will teach them the basics of the instrument, like what you see in the video below:

How to Find Child Violin Lessons Near Me

Many parents want their children to learn how to play the violin. The violin is a beautiful instrument that can bring joy to both the player and the listener. It is also a challenging instrument to learn, which is why many parents opt for violin lessons for their children. However, finding quality child violin lessons can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to look. 

One of the best ways to find child violin lessons near you is by asking around. Talk to other parents whose children take violin lessons or who have taken violin lessons themselves. They may be able to recommend a good teacher in your area. You can also check with your local music store or music school. They may have a list of teachers who offer private lessons.

Another option is to search online for child violin lessons near you. There are many websites that offer lists of local music teachers, including those who teach private lessons. You can also search for online classes or Skype lessons if you’re not able to find anything locally. Just be sure to do your research before signing up for any online class, as there are many scams out there. 

Finally, you can always contact a professional orchestra in your area and ask if they have any recommendations for child violin teachers. Many orchestras have outreach programs that provide free or discounted lessons to young students. If you live in a large city, there is likely an orchestra near you that offers these types of programs. 

Preparing for the First Violin Lesson Child Tips

Music is a great passion to introduce to your children. It helps with their cognitive development, increases patience and can even be therapeutic! If you have decided that you would like your child to begin learning the violin, here are some tips to help you prepare for their first lesson.

Get the Right Size

Choose the right size instrument. A 1/16 size violin is recommended for a 3-4 year old, a 1/8 size for a 4-5 year old, a 1/4 size for a 5-6 year old, and so on. It is very important that the child has an instrument that is comfortable for them to hold and play. If the child is uncomfortable, it will make it more difficult for them to learn and enjoy playing.

Buy or Rent? 

You can choose to either buy or rent an instrument. If you decide to buy, make sure to do your research first! There are many different brands and types of violins available, so you want to make sure you are getting a quality instrument that will last. If you decide to rent, most music stores will have rental programs available. This can be a great option if you are not sure how long your child will be interested in playing or if they will outgrow their instrument quickly. 

Find a Reputable Teacher

It is important to find a teacher who has experience teaching young children and who can make the learning process fun! Ask around for recommendations or do an online search to find someone in your area. Once you have found a few options, set up consultations with each one so you can get a feel for their teaching style and see if it would be a good fit for your child. 

Start Slow

Don’t try to pressure your child into practicing for hours every day or becoming the next Yo-Yo Ma! Let them take their time and go at their own pace. Encourage them when they are practicing and make it clear that there is no rush to become the best player in the world overnight. 

Have Fun! 

Learning an instrument should be enjoyable for both you and your child! Attend concerts together, listen to music at home, and talk about what they are learning in their lessons. The more fun you make it, the more likely they are to stick with it in the long run.

What Age Should a Child Start Violin Lessons?

So how early can I start a child with violin lessons – and how soon is too soon for child violin lessons? 

There is no definitive answer to the question of when a child should start taking violin lessons. 

Some experts recommend starting as early as possible, while others believe that it is better to wait until a child is a bit older. 

Ultimately, the decision of when to start should be based on the individual child’s interests and abilities. However, there are a few general guidelines that can be helpful in making the decision. For example, most experts agree that children under the age of five are not likely to have the attention span or fine motor skills necessary for learning the violin. In addition, very young children may be frustrated by the difficulty of the instrument and rebel against taking lessons. 

On the other hand, waiting too long to start violin lessons can also be detrimental. Older children may find it more difficult to pick up the basics of the instrument, and may become discouraged if they don’t see quick results. 

For these reasons, many experts recommend starting violin lessons between the ages of six and eight. This age range provides a good balance between readiness and motivation, and can help set children up for success with the instrument.

How to Measure the Success of Child’s Violin Lessons

Parents and teachers want the best for their children and students. Both want to believe in their children’s potential. So do the children themselves. All groups want the child to be successful. But not all of them measure success in the same way. When children, parents, and teachers disagree on what it means to be successful – and how to reach that success within music lessons – it can cause conflict that impedes the child’s progress as he or she learns to play violin.

Keep Your Child’s Goals in Mind

The first step is to make sure you know what your goals are, and to ensure that the goals of the child, parent, and teacher are compatible. Success for a budding professional and for a casual amateur may look very different. Like your definition of success, your goals need not be identical with your child’s or your teacher’s – merely compatible.

Once you have set your goals, success is much easier to define. If your goals are lofty, however, be careful not to let it undermine your child’s lessons. Many violin teachers are familiar with parents for whom success means finishing one song and starting the next one really quickly. We realize that not all parents think this way. But for those that do like to go fast, not so fast. If it happens, it happens. But if it doesn’t, don’t rush.

Keep Your Expectations in Check

A few years ago, I taught a summer camp with a viola student who joined at the last minute. I only knew he was supposed to be a book two student by Suzuki standards. On the first day, I listened to each student play. He took out music for “Bourree,” which is indeed a book two piece in the Suzuki method. He prefaced his performance by saying, “I’m not very good at viola.” He was right, but it was not his fault. When he played, it was clear that he had been pushed to play music that was too difficult for him. He realized his true level, and became demotivated because he couldn’t play the songs he was being assigned.

Another summer, a violin student was considering coming to my area and was interested in continuing lessons. He had had three teachers over the course of two years. When the first teacher didn’t push him to go fast enough, the mother found him another teacher. Later, she had her son audition for an orchestra. The people auditioning gave an honest assessment of his level, and noted that he was missing some basic technique. Fortunately, the mother respected their opinions very much. Unfortunately, some damage had already been done. His third teacher asked him to redo some songs in order to pinpoint technical skills he had failed to learn previously. He became frustrated and bored, and he was no longer as motivated to practice. Pushing him forward so quickly with his second teacher undermined the child’s ability to do his best.

A student is much more likely to be successful if he or she does not rush, but advances steadily and solidly, learning each piece with precision and solving any problems along the way.

Make Sure FUN is Part of the Equation

Some parents and children also come in with the view that violin for kids should be fun. I agree. Fun and humor help students learn and assimilate information, and also stay motivated. At the same time, it should not come at the expense of being serious. And yes, it is definitely possible to be serious and have fun at the same time!

Using music to connect with others and make friends is a wonderful way to incorporate fun into music. As I grew up, my mother and her friends made a point to bring us young musicians together to play music. One of my college friends only takes her violin out when we meet to play duets – but loves it when we do. Many Suzuki teachers have group classes for their students in addition to private lessons, even as beginners. Local Suzuki teachers around the world also organize and host local summer institutes – week-long camps for violinists and other musicians ages 18 and under, again including beginners. For more advanced students, many cities have youth orchestras students can join.

Other Types of Violin Lessons to Consider for Kids

If you’re thinking about signing your child up for violin lessons, you might be wondering what types of lessons are available. 

Private and Group Lessons

Private lessons are the most common type of violin lesson, but they’re not the only option. Group lessons can be a great way for kids to learn to play the violin, as they can learn from both their instructor and their peers.

Parent Child Violin Lessons

Parent child violin lessons are a great way for parents and children to learn how to play the violin together. In these lessons, parents and children will work together to learn the basic skills necessary to play the violin. 

These skills includes things like how to hold the bow, how to produce a good sound, and how to read music. 

By working together, parents and children will be able to develop a strong bond while also learning a new skill. In addition, parent child violin lessons can be a great way for parents to spend time with their children and teach them about the importance of practice and dedication. 

By taking these lessons together, parents and children will be able to create beautiful music while also creating lasting memories.

Online Violin Lessons Child

Online lessons are also becoming more popular, as they offer a convenient and flexible option for families with busy schedules. Whichever type of lesson you choose, make sure to find an instructor who is experienced in teaching young students. 

A Few Final Thoughts About Child Violin Lessons

The best way to measure the success of your child’s violin lessons is by talking to their teacher, listening to them play, and asking them how they feel. These three factors will give you a well-rounded picture of how your child is doing, and whether or not they are enjoying their lessons. 

With this information, you can make sure that your child is getting the most out of their violin lessons!

Success looks slightly different for nearly every violin student out there, since the combination of goals and interests is different for everyone. Nevertheless, having a clear understanding of each party’s goals and the opportunities in your area will help you, your child, and your teacher know what success looks like. This in turn will help you measure the success of your child’s violin lessons.

Editor’s Note: Still looking for more info? Check out these video resources from the SmartMusic Blog, including tips for purchasing a string instrument and concert etiquette.

CarolCarol Beth L. teaches viola and violin in San Francisco, CA. She currently plays viola in the San Francisco Civic Orchestra and has been teaching students since 2012. Learn more about Carol Beth here!



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