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Don't Forget to Celebrate National Book Month!

March 19, 2014

national book monthOctober is coming to a close, but it’s not too late to celebrate National Book Month (and to get warmed up for National Novel Writing Month in November). Here at the TakeLessons HQ, we’ve been sharing some of our favorite books from childhood to reconnect with the excitement and joy of getting lost in a good book. There’s something about these books that speak to us and remind us why reading is so important in the first place. 

Reading introduces kids to new worlds, teaches important skills like imagination and empathy, and improves memory. For many of us, the first books that tapped into these parts of our brains hold a special place in our hearts. Here’s a short list of a few of the great books that we treasure from our younger days that continue to delight children and adults alike:

Celebrate National Book Month by checking out one of these suggestions, re-reading one of your favorites, or passing a copy along to a youngster in your life who will appreciate it. Here are some more ideas from the National Book Foundation for different ways schools and other organizations can celebrate books in October:

Art projects
Each classroom can decorate a door based on a book, which every student has read. Classroom with the best decorations wins a pizza party.

Reward students for reading.
For every book read, students receive a gold star. At the end of semester, students receive a test grade based on the number of books read. For example, a student who read 5 books gets an A, while a student who read 3 books gets a B.

Send letters to authors.
Encourage students to write letters to their favorite authors. They may get a response.

Book Trivia
Instead of a spelling bee, students answer questions about books and authors previously assigned as homework.

Read your students a bedtime story.
Host a special evening in your school gym where students and parents are invited to a school-wide slumber party where students, teachers, and parents all read to each other.

Take a picture.
Take pictures of students reading and post them all over the school.

Book Swap Meets
Students bring books they have already read into school to exchange for new books brought in by other students.

Reading Recess
Devote a block of time every day for students to read to themselves.

Book Drops
Place book drops throughout the school so students can pick up a new book or drop off an old one.

No matter how you choose to celebrate National Book Month, remember you can keep sharing your love for reading all year!
TakeLessons Staff Member and Blogger


If your child needs a little extra help with reading, writing, or any other academic subjects, TakeLessons tutors can help! From now until 10/31/2013, we’re offering 15% off on our tutoring lessons. Find your perfect tutor now and use the code TUT15 to receive your discount when you book lessons today.





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Photo by horrigans

Megan L. is a writer and musician living in San Diego. She loves supporting independent artists and learning more about music every day. Megan has been working for TakeLessons since November 2011. Google+

Megan L.