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Introducing the TakeLessons Team: Meet Marc

May 31, 2016

MarcMarc has been a member of the TakeLessons team since February 2010 and is part of our recruiting team.  His responsibilities include interviewing potential TakeLessons teachers to find those who are the best possible fit for our company!

What do you like most about working at TakeLessons?
Free Lunch Monday (just kidding)…honestly, it’s the people. I genuinely love working with everyone at TakeLessons. Every one of us has such a unique story and a great set of talents to bring to the organization. Brainstorming with my teammates about ways to better our business and to accomplish the challenges we are presented with is always a highlight of my day. Basically, I love being a part of something bigger than myself that allows me to better the world through music. Our actual office is pretty rad too. It’s right in the middle of the Gaslamp. Where else can you grab some amazing New York style pizza, or chocolate mole enchiladas, or delicious Mediterranean food all on the same block?

Do you have any musical experience or play any instruments?
I actually started off playing the piano when I was about 8 years old, but it wasn’t until I began learning the drums when I was about 11 that my passion for music really began. Recently I have picked up the bass. Learning the guitar is my next project.  Luckily, once you learn the basic language and concepts of music, each subsequent instrument is easier to learn than the last.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
So, does this question mean that I’m grown-up now? Because that’s debatable. But as a young kid, I wanted to be some kind of Superhero. Preferably one that could fly, had super human strength and enhanced healing abilities, had a really cool talking car, was amazing at basketball, could eat as much pizza/candy as he wanted without getting full, could shoot confetti out of his hands, could talk to animals and make a mean apple cobbler. So, essentially, I wanted to be Superman/Wolverine/NightRider/Michael Jordan/The Ninja Turtles/a Carnival Magician/BeastMaster/my Mom. What can I say – I’ve always dreamed big.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am very proud of having such amazing friends and family. I am also very proud of being able to play music/do humanitarian work all over the world. Receiving Summa Cum Laude Honors and graduating from the SDSU Media Studies program at the very top of my class was pretty cool too.

What is your favorite thing about living in San Diego?
I love all the distinct neighborhoods of this city, each with their own feel and flavor. The laid-back people, the amazing local food and beer, the music and art scene, the Pacific – they all capture my heart. However, I’m not a big fan of the famously sunny weather. Cold, cloudy days are like beloved, faraway friends that I never seem to see enough of.

What are your activities outside of work?
Traveling is one of my first loves, and I find few things as interesting or exciting as meeting new people and exploring new places. I also like hiking, playing basketball, riding dirt bikes, camping and playing games. I am also a huge nerd, albeit a high-functioning nerd as I like to say, so I love to read too. Whether it’s a newspaper, a novel, a poem, a sports magazine, a comic book or an encyclopedia, chances are I’ve already read it or really want to. Also, enjoying a good meal with good friends is one of my favorite things to do in this world. I am also a SparkGood volunteer group leader and active member of a faith community located in North Park, San Diego called Mosaic.

What are one professional goal and one personal goal that you hope to achieve this year?
Professional Goal: Become an expert in the recruiting department, and continue to grow the company through finding and hiring qualified and enthusiastic teachers. I want there to be constant improvement in this area.
Personal Goal: Intentionally take at least one risk a week to help someone else. Visit another city/state/country that I have not yet been to.  Also, I would really love to write a novella (short novel) – that is, if I can ever find the time to sit down and start it.

What is the best place you’ve traveled to (or the place you’d love to go to)?
I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to travel all over the world on both humanitarian trips and music tours. Some of my favorite places have been are Switzerland, Holland, Peru, Chile, France, the Black Forest and the Northern California Coast. (yes, I put it in the same league as the other locations).  But I think the most amazing, eye-opening place I have been is Kenya, Africa. I went there three years ago to bring school supplies and volunteer in several urban development programs in Kibera, the largest slum in Africa (featured in films like Blood Diamond and The Constant Gardener). Kenya is such a place of paradoxes. It is full of pain and suffering, life and beauty. And the people – they are unforgettable. It was there, in the heart of one of the most desperate cities in the world, that I experienced some of the greatest generosity and joy I have seen anywhere. It is one of those places that changes you.

Check back every Friday for a new profile on one of our TakeLessons Team members!

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