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Private lessons with top Arabic instructors near Boston, MA

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She is very good and personable!

Yohance (Arabic lessons with Basma N.)

My daughter said she really enjoys her Arabic lessons and that Basma is "friendly, funny, helpful and nice."

Bryce (Arabic lessons with Basma N.)

Basma taught me basic and intermediate Arabic. I can have conversations now without any struggle thanks to her.

William (Arabic lessons with Basma N.)

I developed my Arabic with Basma as she was able to take me from my intermediate level into advanced Arabic very fast. I loved the way she lead the lessons. Very informative and entertaining.

Liam (Arabic lessons with Basma N.)

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Learn Arabic in Boston

About 313 million people speak Arabic, making it the fifth-most spoken language in the world. It's the official language of 25 countries across North Africa, the Middle East, and the Arabian Peninsula. Interestingly though, many of these Arabic speakers cannot understand each other because the dialects differ so drastically between regions.

One of the Semitic languages, Arabic is closely related to Hebrew and Aramaic. These three languages share lots of similarities. Also, after learning to read and write the Arabic alphabet, you’ll be able to read words from other languages like Farsi/Persian, Urdu, Kurdish, and Pashto, which all use the same alphabet!

Why Take Arabic Classes in Boston?

About 35,000 people who speak Arabic as their first language call Massachusetts “home.” A long history of Arabic speakers living in and around Boston has created a rich, Arabic cultural tapestry in the area. So if you choose to learn Arabic in Boston, you'll enjoy immersing yourself in many cultural experiences in and around the city.

A quick search will direct you to a variety of Middle Eastern businesses located in the Boston area. You’ll find a diverse array of Arabic restaurants, markets, lounges, and entertainment. Plus, the Center for Arabic Culture has two locations in the outskirts of Boston that host a calendar of events such as film screenings, festivals, dinners, concerts, lectures, and readings.

In addition to these cultural opportunities, Boston also offers a long list of career opportunities for Arabic speakers. Speaking Arabic will provide you with opportunities to work in tourism and hospitality, education, business, law enforcement, and even as an interpreter. The local Network of Arab-American Professionals can also help you find more career opportunities.

Selecting an Arabic Tutor in Boston

When selecting an Arabic tutor in Boston, consider the reason you wish to learn Arabic as this will dictate the form and dialect you study. Do you have plans to travel to an Arabic-speaking region? If so, you should select a tutor from that same region. 

If you want to read religious texts, choose a teacher with experience teaching Classical Arabic. Or, if you want to enhance your career in journalism, then Modern Standard Arabic is the language you'll need to learn.

In our directory, you'll find pages of top-rated Arabic tutors from a variety of regions, with extensive teaching experience. Our teachers customize Arabic language classes in Boston based on your specific goals, interests, and needs. 

Possible lesson topics include the Arabic alphabet and syntax, reading, writing, speaking, listening, and conversational skills. In addition, our teachers will help you navigate the social conventions and etiquette of the Arab culture.

One of our highest rated tutors, Amani A. is a native Arabic speaker. She has several years of teaching experience and a degree in educational development. "I really appreciated Amani's patience, understanding, and willingness to teach me," wrote one five-star reviewer. "She was very encouraging which made me relax and get more comfortable."

Where to Take Arabic Language Classes in Boston

While taking Arabic classes in Boston, feel free to experience the city at the same time. Plan to meet your teacher at a Middle Eastern or North African restaurant to pair lessons with a culinary experience. Tarboosh, Azama Grill, or Baraka Cuisine are just a few local favorites. In addition to meeting in a public location, you can also take lessons in your home or your teacher’s studio. 

If you decide to take online Arabic lessons in Boston, all you'll need is a strong internet connection and a quiet location. But you can still enjoy the city's cultural experiences during lessons. For example, bring headphones and your laptop to a peaceful table at Cafe Beirut, and order a delicious traditional dish while you’re at it!

Making the Most of Arabic Lessons in Boston

Prepare to meet up with your Arabic teacher in Boston, MA by getting all the supplies you need in advance. You can purchase a new notebook, note cards, pens, and highlighters at Papyrus, or a similar stationery store, for taking pristine notes. 

Then, browse the foreign language section at your local branch of the Boston Public Library and check out a couple of books that pique your interest. Be sure to check out an Arabic-English dictionary, as well!

Once you've completed a couple of lessons, you can put your Arabic skills to the test by joining a local language group. Get to know the 1,200 members of the Boston Area Arabic & English Language Meetup, where all skill levels are welcome. However you choose to enjoy your new language skills, working with a TakeLessons tutor will help you reach your goals!

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