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3 Easy Ukulele Songs Kids Can Play With Just 2 Chords

Septiembre 6, 2023

3 Easy Ukulele Songs Kids Can Play With Just 2 Chords

Little girl playing easy ukulele songs JGI/Tom Grill / Tetra images / Getty Images

Are you ready to learn how to play the ukulele for kids? Try these fun, two chord ukulele songs from music teacher Teresa Y. to get started.

For those just learning to play the ukulele, it can feel like a long, uphill battle until you’re playing all your favorite songs. But just because you only know a handful of chords so far doesn’t mean you can’t play any song. Actually, it’s quite the opposite! When it comes to playing this instrument, there are tons of easy, two-chord ukulele songs that you can play even if you’re new to the uke. 

To prove it, we’ve created a list of some of the best ukulele songs for kids and beginners alike that only require two chords. So as long as you know how to play the C and G7 chords, you’ll be well on your way to mastering these ukulele songs with two chords.

What is the Hardest Ukulele Chord Ever?

If you’re new to playing this instrument, you might be wondering why you would want to learn two chord songs for ukulele in the first place – and the short answer is because chords take a long time to learn! Here’s the evidence:

  • The hardest ukulele chord to play is commonly considered to be G7b9.
  • G7b9 requires a particular fretting hand position, with four fingers placed on two frets at the same time.
  • There are benefits, though – this challenging chord can be used to create tension and dissonance in songs, making them more interesting.

Whether you’re interested in learning how to master this tough ukulele chord  – or just want to learn some easy two chord ukulele songs – hiring a ukulele teacher can go a long way. You’ll learn all the simple two chord ukulele songs you need to rock away happily, plus more challenging techniques like what you see in the video below: 

3 Easy Ukulele Songs for Kids and Beginners with Only Two Chords 

Before diving into these easy ukulele songs for beginners and kids, let’s review the C and G7 chords

These two ukulele chords for kids and beginners are easy to learn and put into practice. But if you need a refresher, check out the chord diagrams below. Just remember the following: 1=left hand index finger, 2=middle finger, 3=ring finger.

For now, make simple down strokes, or “strums,” on the beat using your right index fingernail or thumb pad, whichever feels better. Don’t forget to tune your ukulele to make these chords sound great!


Row, Row, Row Your Boat

When it comes to ukulele songs for kids and beginners with only two chords, you’ll recognize this one. And it’ll likely get stuck in your head! This super-simple version of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat only requires one switch from C to G7 and back to C. Bonus: It has a positive, peaceful message. It’s sweet and light, yet also wise! And the best part? Once you can successfully play it, you can invite other musicians to play or sing it in a round with you! 

In the examples below, the slashes after chord names show you where to strum.


C        /       /             /

Row, row, row your boat

/           /              /            /

Gently down the stream.

/            /            /            /

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

G7      /        C        /

Life is but a dream.

As with learning any new song, start slow and gradually speed it up the more familiar you get with the finger positions and rhythm. If you rush through it, you may wind up picking up bad or lazy habits. 

If you’re a beginner, our advice is to start with just the C chord. Pat the beat on the body of the instrument when it’s time for the G7 chord. This is an especially great technique for kids who like the percussive move, and it teaches them to do something different for a certain number of beats and then get back to C. After C sounds good (press harder until it does), add G7 to the mix. Here’s another song you can play:

London Bridge is Falling Down

Next up, “London Bridge is Falling Down.” Its quicker tempo and multiple verses reinforce successful strumming and chord changes. G7 shows up regularly this time, so get ready for some extra practice. Again, go slow and steady, and pick up the pace once you get comfortable with the song.

Remember that learning an instrument isn’t something you can “cram” for. It’s all about repetition, which makes the magic of skills development happen. The more you practice, the more you’ll develop muscle memory in which your fingers and hands will eventually learn what to do on their own. Thus the importance of creating an environment in which regular playing time, even just 15 minutes at a time, is satisfying and fun. Run through this easy ukulele song for kids a few times during each practice session until you finally nail it. Once you start playing it, you just might not be able to stop!


C           /              /         /

London Bridge is falling down,

G7       /         C       /

falling down, falling down,

C           /              /         /

London Bridge is falling down,

G7     /      C        /

my    fair  lady.

Build it up with silver and gold…

Gold and silver I have none…

Build it up with needles and pins…

Pins and needles bend and break…

Etc. There are countless versions and verses.

Three Blind Mice

Now that you’ve gotten the hang of the first two beginner and kid ukulele songs, you’re all set to add this nursery rhyme to your repertoire. Three Blind Mice is another perennial favorite. Its carving-knife drama is memorable and even scandalous to 21st century kids. Remember you can always go back to patting the instrument for a bit when transitions are challenging. If you’re singing along, your purposeful and expectant pause for the next chord will prompt you to go for it.


C        /        /        /

Three blind mice,       

/         /        /        /

three blind mice,

G7     /             C      /

see  how they run,      

G7     /              C     /

see   how they run.

C         G7         C           /

They all ran after the farmer’s wife,

C               G7              C           /

who cut off their tails with a carving knife.

C           G7              C                  /

Did ever you see such a sight in your life

C      G7     /        /

as three blind mice. 

(There are lots of variations on the next-to-the-last line. Did you ever see… You never did see… Choose the one you like best.)

What Are Some Two Chord Ukulele Pop Songs?

If you’re starting to learn the ukulele, one of the most important skills you need to develop is the ability to change chords quickly. It can be challenging to memorize chords and switch between them, especially if you’re new to the instrument. That’s why learning two-chord ukulele songs is a great way to build up your chord changing skills, while also having fun playing some popular songs.

Here are some of our favorite pop songs:

 “What Makes You Beautiful” – One Direction

If you’re a pop fan, you’ll love playing this upbeat song by One Direction. You only need to know the chords C and G for this one, and the strumming pattern is easy to follow. Experiment with changing the strumming pattern and adding pauses or accents to make this song your own.

“Ho Hey” – The Lumineers

If you’re looking for an upbeat and easy-to-play song, “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers is a great choice. This song uses just two chords, C and F, and the strumming pattern is simple and repetitive. 

You can easily find tutorials online that break down the song, so you can practice each part at your own pace.

“Counting Stars” – OneRepublic

This popular song by OneRepublic is a great choice for intermediate players who want to improve their chord-changing skills. The song uses two chords, Am and C, and the strumming pattern is a bit more complex than some of the other songs we’ve mentioned. 

But with a bit of practice, you’ll be able to play this song with ease, and impress your friends with your newfound skills.

More Two and Three Chord Ukulele Songs

Now that you have some songs with two chords ukulele options under your belt, it’s time to progress to three chord ukulele songs.

Here are some easy ukulele songs – two chords and up!

“I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz (Chords: C, G, Am, F) 

This song’s catchy melody and upbeat rhythm make it a popular choice among ukulele players. With only four chords to remember, you’ll be strumming along in no time. You can even add some vocal improvisations to make it your own.

“Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley (Chords: C, G, Am, F) 

This classic tune has been covered by various artists over the years but the original still remains a favorite. The chord progression is simple enough for beginners to follow and the slow tempo allows for easy strumming.

“Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley (Chords: C, G, Am) 

Bob Marley’s music is known for its laid-back island vibe and “Three Little Birds” is no exception. With just three chords, you’ll be able to recreate that sunny beach feeling wherever you are.

“Riptide” by Vance Joy (Chords: Am, G, C) 

This indie folk song is not only catchy but also perfect for fingerpicking practice. Once you get the hang of the chord progression, you can try adding some plucking patterns to make your playing more dynamic.

“Count On Me” by Bruno Mars (Chords: C, G, Am, F) 

Bruno Mars is one of the most popular artists of our time, but his music is also great for ukulele playing. “Count On Me” is a sweet and simple song that’s sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. With four basic chords, you can strum along and sing your heart out.

Tips for Mastering Songs with Two Chords for Ukulele

While these ukulele songs with basic chords may seem challenging at first, especially to a beginner, you just might be surprised at how quickly you’ll progress. Take your time with these kids ukulele tunes, really focusing on capturing the correct finger positions and incorporating the strumming. Once you get used to these songs, you can begin looking for other two-chord songs or even bump it up to three or more chord songs!

But if you’re struggling with learning your way around this instrument or just looking for additional guidance, then it might be time to turn to private ukulele lessons. When you sign up for these one-on-one sessions, you’ll receive private instruction catered to your specific needs. Whether you want to master certain chords or learn more challenging pieces, your teacher will help you every step of the way. Sign up for lessons today to find a teacher near you!

Easy Ukulele Songs: Two Chords are Better Than One!

So there you have it – 3 easy ukulele songs for kids that will get you making music fast. Now that you’ve got these easy ukulele songs down, find some more tunes to play on the uke in this ultimate list of ukulele songs.

Want to expand your skills even more? Look for a ukulele instructor near you, or online, to start adding more chords to your repertoire.

Do you have a suggestion for more easy ukulele songs for kids? Drop us a comment we would love to hear from you

 Teresa YPost Author: Teresa Y. teaches many subjects, including ukulele, singing, piano, and beginning drums in Northridge, CA. A multi-instrumentalist from a young age, she enjoys working with students of all ages. Learn more about Teresa here!




Photo by Tam Tam

Megan L. is a writer and musician living in San Diego. She loves supporting independent artists and learning more about music every day. Megan has been working for TakeLessons since November 2011. Google+

Megan L.