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17 Moments Everyone Has Had On The First Day Of School

Octubre 13, 2022

17 Moments Everyone Has Had On The First Day Of School

Though we all dread them, the first day of school is a memorable experience for everyone. 

Whether you’re meeting new people, reuniting with old friends, or just trying to figure out where your new classroom is, there’s always something happening on that first day

Here are 17 moments everyone has had on the first days of school.

When is the First Day of School 2022?

For students and teachers alike, the first day of school is an exciting time of year. It marks the end of summer vacation and the beginning of a new academic year. But when is the first day of school for 2022?

  • In the United States, it varies from state to state. 
  • Some schools start as early as August 8th, while others don’t start until after Labor Day. 
  • There are also a handful of states that have no set date, and each district decides on its own. 

So if you’re wondering when your child will be heading back to school next year, it’s best to check with your local district. 

If you’re worried about how your child will deal with the new academic year, you may want to consider signing him or her up for lessons with TakeLessons. They can brush up on their academic skills and have the confidence they need to greet the new year with grace. Here are some other benefits of taking online lessons: 

17 Moments Everyone Has Had on the First Day of School

Summer is winding down and it’s time to get ready to go back to school. Whether you’ve been out of school for the summer or for many, many years (parents, we’re looking at you), you’ve definitely had these back-to-school moments. And if you want to get a head start this year, be sure to check out our tutors and teachers in music, performing arts, and much more!

1. The night-before butterflies.

You can’t get to sleep because it feels like there are hundreds of tiny butterflies in your stomach. Take a few deep breaths. You’ve got this, and everything is going to be fine.

2. Why did the alarm go off so early?

If you’ve been sleeping in all summer long, maybe you’ve even forgotten what morning looks like. Plus, with the tossing and turning you did last night, you’re feeling pretty slothful.

3. Picking out the perfect outfit…

You want to make a great first impression and a fashion statement.

4. And hoping your new haircut looks okay!

Don’t worry, it’s totally you!

5. The pure joy of having new school supplies.

You’ve got your backpack packed and you’re ready to go. Is there anything better than brand new notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils, and unused erasers?

6. Packing an extra special lunch.

Grab something delicious and nutritious (AKA brain food) so you have the energy you need to take on the day!

7. Seeing all your old friends again…

“It’s so good to see you! I missed you so much!”

Even if you just saw each other last week, it’s wonderful to see your friends at school.

8. And making new friends!

Say hi to the new kid! Or, if you’re new in school, try to meet people on the first day. The time is right to make new friends.

9. “What did you do this summer?”

Did you go on an awesome trip or pick up a cool new hobby over the summer? Whether you traveled the world or just learned how to skateboard, everyone will be asking what you did over the summer. You better have a good answer ready!

10. Oops, wrong classroom!

Well that was embarrassing! Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

11. Picking up your new text books.

Time to make book covers and customize them with your favorite markers and stickers. If you love your classes, you might even take a moment to peek ahead and see what the school year has in store for you.

12. Getting to know your new teachers.

Even on the first day, you can tell who your favorite teachers will be.

13. Recess!

It’s always nice to have a break between classes to catch up with your friends and have a good time!

14. Getting back into extra-curriculars.

Whether you’re into sports, choir, theater, or French club, going back to school means getting back into your favorite after-school activities too. Slam dunk!

15. Homework? On the first day of school?

“I’ll do it, but I won’t like it.”

16. Yawn, so sleepy now.

The first day can be exhausting! There’s lots of hustle and bustle, and rushing to get to classes, which can leave you feeling pretty worn out by the last bell.

17. But it’s also great to be back!

You’re all set to have a great year at school. You know you’ll have lots of fun and learn a lot too!

How Do You Plan the First Day of School?

The first day of school is always a special occasion. It’s a chance to start fresh, set goals, and make new friends. But it can also be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure what to expect. That’s why it’s important to take some time to plan for the first day of school. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

First, be sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before. You’ll want to be well-rested for the big day. 

Second, choose an outfit that you feel comfortable in and that expresses your personality. You’ll be spending a lot of time in class, so you might as well look and feel your best. 

Third, review your schedule and familiarize yourself with where your classes are located. This will help you avoid getting lost on your first day. 

Finally, take some time to relax and clear your mind. The first day of school can be stressful, but try to focus on the positive aspects of starting fresh. 

With a little planning, you’re sure to have a great first day!

Fun First Day of School Activities to Celebrate the Occasion!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for students! Back-to-school time is full of so much excitement. New pencils, books, teachers and friends await classrooms of eager students. Even more special is the first day of school. It’s a time to celebrate and start the year off right with some fun first day of school activities. 

One great way to get students excited and build anticipation for the first day is to hold a special event the night before school starts. 

This could be a picnic dinner at a nearby park or an ice cream social in the school cafeteria. 

Students and families can mingle and get to know each other before the big day. Then, on the first day of school, students can walk into their classroom with big smiles on their faces, ready to learn and grow in the new school year. 

What a great way to start off the year!

Rock the First Day of School – This Year and Every Year!

It can be tough to get back into the swing of things after a summer break, but by following these tips and preparing in advance, you’ll make your first day a breeze. 

And if all else fails, remember that everyone is in the same boat; there’s comfort in knowing that you’re not alone. 

How did your first day go? Let us know in the comments below

And if you or your child need extra help at school this year, consider signing up for academic tutoring. Learn more and search for your perfect tutor today!

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Megan L. is a writer and musician living in San Diego. She loves supporting independent artists and learning more about music every day. Megan has been working for TakeLessons since November 2011. Google+

Megan L.