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So far, my French classes were amazing and my instructor is amazing too. She made it very simple to learn and gave me tricks for fast learning.

Hind (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

Just the sweetest person. So much fun learning

Patrice (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

Very patient, friendly, and helpful. I am enjoying my lessons so far. I expect I will feel even more strongly positive about Evelyne's courses as I go through more of them. She is very sweet and encou

Daphne (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

She is an absolutely phenomenal instructor. Would highly reccommend.

Joelle (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

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French Lessons in San Jose

By C Beth L. - TakeLessons French Instructor

Taking French lessons in San Jose? Language exchanges and cultural events can supplement what you’re learning with your private instructor. And San Jose, as the linguistically diverse city that it is, has plenty of opportunities to help you improve your linguistic and cultural knowledge!

  1. The Alliance Française Silicon Valley hosts cultural events and classes to promote French language and culture. The San Jose branch is one of over 100 branches with similar programs all over the world. Their events include French films, an annual French fair, periodic conferences relating to French culture, and a festival of French classical music. They also offer an annual French language contest for local high school seniors. Visit their website at for more information. And if you ever have to move, look them up to see if they have a branch in your new home! They just might.

  2. For regular opportunities in French conversation, check out the Silicon Valley French Language Group, which organizes via their Meetup page here: They have a regular monthly meeting, and sometimes organize a few other events, as well.

  3. The Menlo Park Conversation Group, similar in concept to the Silicon Valley French Language Group, provides opportunities via its weekly conversation Meetup. Members meet to speak French at a local cafe, announced on their Meetup page. (Historically, it's often in the same location each time.) Check out their page here:

  4. The French Film Club of Palo Alto, in conjunction with the Alliance Française of San Jose, views recently produced French films on a regular basis – usually about once per month. Attending their films is a good way to stay up to date on the French movie scene and to expose yourself to more French. They announce upcoming films on their website, in addition to past films. Films are not always rated and vary in probable ratings. Parents of younger learners may wish to check ahead of time to see if and when upcoming films are appropriate for children, and should be ready to accompany their child to the film. More information can be found on their webpage at

  5. The San Jose Public Library (, like many public libraries, sometimes hosts language groups based on demand and language lead availability. This has historically included some in French conversation. Check their main website or give them a call to find out what is available currently. If you have friends studying other relatively common languages, you may wish to recommend they try the same thing.

Visiting one outside group will often also lead to more opportunities, perhaps including hard-to-find or casually organized events and groups that are not on this list. Go immerse yourself in the surrounding culture while taking French lessons in San Jose, make some friends, and expand your knowledge of the French-speaking world!

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