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So far, my French classes were amazing and my instructor is amazing too. She made it very simple to learn and gave me tricks for fast learning.

Hind (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

Just the sweetest person. So much fun learning

Patrice (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

Very patient, friendly, and helpful. I am enjoying my lessons so far. I expect I will feel even more strongly positive about Evelyne's courses as I go through more of them. She is very sweet and encou

Daphne (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

She is an absolutely phenomenal instructor. Would highly reccommend.

Joelle (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

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A Taste of France in Sacramento

By Nadia B. - TakeLessons Language Teacher

Would you like to take your French language skills to the next level? Are you interested in taking French lessons in Sacramento? Complementing your language learning with outings on the town can help you improve more quickly and develop a greater appreciation of French culture. Sacramento is a wonderful place to do so, as French activities, gatherings and locales abound. As a lover of Romance languages and French in particular, I thoroughly enjoyed exploring French culture in Sacramento during the many years I lived there before relocating to New York. Read on for several appealing options to take your French out for some practice.

If you’re ready to intensively focus on French, why not attend an event of the Sacramento French Language Meetup Group? This group focuses on practice in spoken French, and with 200 plus members, you’re sure to find friendship with fellow Francophiles. The group meets twice weekly in various locations.

Another great resource is the Alliance Française de Sacramento, which features conversation groups, cinema and a lending library with many forms of media, among other things. The Alliance Française is an ideal place to deepen your understanding of French and find like-minded French language learners.

After spending an afternoon at the Alliance Française, you might want to stop by the Waterboy, a restaurant featuring cuisine from northern Italy and southern France. It’s a classy place that uses local, in-season produce. Not only will you try delicious cuisine representative of southern France, you will also experience the delight of eating fresh, local food - a concept that is central to French culture’s appreciation of food.

A more casual option for lunch or dinner is the sweet Cafe Rolle, named after its chef, William Rolle. The cafe’s offerings are extremely traditional, so you can experience authentic, typical French cuisine right at home in Sacramento. What’s even better about Cafe Rolle is that the waiters are French speakers, so you can listen to their chatter throughout your meal and even order your food in French, si vous désirez!

If you’re craving dessert, try Estelle’s Patisserie. This bakery and espresso bar is a beautiful spot to become inspired to speak and learn French. You can sit and read a book in French, meet a conversation partner or just enjoy a gorgeous pastry and a delicious espresso. Estelle’s has a stunning variety of French pastries (as well as sandwiches), and it’s worth the trip to sample them.

If you want to take your French language skills to the next level and take French lessons in Sacramento, the city offers many opportunities to do so. As you explore the above places, feel free to ask the French speakers you encounter along the way or your French instructor for their suggestions – often the best places can be found through word of mouth and personal recommendations.

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