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Private lessons with top Piano instructors near Minneapolis, MN

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Schroeder is an amazing musician, he has a great ear for music, and is a fantastic teacher. He's really fun to work with, and he makes you feel comfortable. I always look forward to our lessons!

Aaron Johnson (Piano lessons with Schroeder S.)

Wealth of knowledge.

Patrick (Piano lessons with Schroeder S.)

I didn’t have any musical background but always wanted to try. And I got so lucky to met Keith. He is very encouraging and scrupulous teacher. We have piano and singing lessons, he offers me to practi

Svetlana (Piano lessons with Keith D.)

We just had our first lesson with Keith. Keith is a wonderful instructor. He is very patient to 6 years old daughter and he tailors the lesson to fit her. He challenges her without making her feel unc

Helen (Piano lessons with Keith D.)

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Minneapolis Music

Elizabeth V.

By Elizabeth V.-Minneapolis Piano Teacher

As a piano teacher in Minneapolis, I’d like to write today about how lucky musicians are to have the Twin Cities.

Saint Paul Minneapolis is a region filled with artists, musical and otherwise. Although there are plenty of hobbyists and part-timers living here who contribute to our wonderful culture, we also have many full-time craftsmen who have built their career on their own creativity. If you don’t believe me, check out MN Original , a television show dedicated to exploring local artists.

I know what you’re thinking: you had no idea Minnesota would have enough artists and musicians locally to build an entire television series. Is there something in the water over here? Close. It’s built into the school system. In addition to the dozens of music colleges in the area, Minnesota has arguably one of the most organized and detailed k-12 academic standard guidelines for the arts. A glance at the Academic Standards for Music Education posted on the Minnesota Department of Education website is testimony that Minnesotans value music education.

We also have an important company in music locally. MakeMusic Inc. is the producer of Finale® and SmartMusic . They are extremely dedicated to delivering tools that enhance musicianship not just in our community, but all over the world.

Whether you have dreams to pursue a serious music career, or simply embrace your inner hobbyist, Saint Paul Minneapolis is the place to live. Do not hesitate to get involved in music and sign up for piano lessons in Minneapolis.

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