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50+ Fun Facts About Germany You Didn't Know

Noviembre 16, 2021

50+ Fun Facts About Germany You Didn't Know

Interesting Facts About Germany

Are you planning a trip to Germany? If so, you’ll want to check out these fun facts about Germany first! 

Twenty-five million people visit Germany each year to explore its picturesque scenery, quaint towns, and delicious foods.

From Berlin to Munich to Hamburg, there are a ton of German cities to explore. What’s more, Germany is home to some of the most spectacular celebrations and festivals, such as Oktoberfest and Carnival.

Germany has a rich and diverse history, with varied landscapes and a range of cultural traditions. As an English speaker, you’ll find that many Germans have a good grasp of your language, especially in cities like Berlin. Still, it’s a good idea to learn some German before you visit.

There are plenty of interesting facts about Germany that will inspire you to learn more about the language and culture. Before you jump on the plane to embark on your German adventure, why not explore some of the quirkier German culture facts that are out there? We’ve picked over 50 of our favorite fun facts about Germany to fuel your own interest in this beautiful country!

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What is Germany Famous For?

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If you’re planning a visit to Germany  – or are just curious about what this country has to offer!  – you will be interested to learn that Germany is famous for the following attributes:

  • It is known as the “Land of Poets and Thinkers”
  • Germany has many famous Christmas traditions
  • Its most famous foods are beer and sausages
  • It is known for its major cities – including Berlin and Hamburg – along with its natural areas like the Alps and the Black Forest

Looking to take your own German skills to the next level so you can experience German culture for yourself? Online German lessons make it easy to connect with a native Deutsch speaker from anywhere in the world!

What Are 10 Interesting Facts About Germany and its History?

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Here are some fun facts about Germany’s history.

  • Before Berlin, there were five other German capitals including, Aachen, Regensburg, Frankfurt-am-Main, Nuremberg, and Bonn.
  • Those who hate daylight savings time (DST) can blame the Germans, as they were the first to adopt it in 1916.
  • Although the population is on the decline, Germany boasts the largest population in the European Union with 81 million people.
  • If you look at a satellite image taken of Germany at night, you can clearly see where East and West Germany used to be. That’s because the majority of the streetlights on each side were installed before the wall came down and appear as different colors due to the bulbs’ chemical makeup.
  • Almost one-third of Germany is powered by renewable energy, such as solar panels and windmills. Many Germans consider the amount of energy that the average American uses to be wasteful.
  • Here are some fun facts about Hamburg Germany – it has the most bridges of any city in the world and is often considered the birthplace of The Beatles!
  • In Germany, the sweets maker Haribo runs a program in which local children can swap acorns for candy, with the collected acorns being sent to nature preserves to feed animals.  
  • More than a third of the country is still covered in forests and woodlands.
  • 65% of the highways have no speed limit at all – the famed Autobahn!
  • More than 1.5 million people move to Germany each year – it’s the second most popular destination for expats. 

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What Are 5 Interesting Facts About Germany and the German Language?

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The German language is something to be marveled at! Here are 5 interesting facts about this fun language. 

  • German is the official language of five countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. These dialects can be quite distinct from one another!
  • German is the third most commonly taught language in the world.
  • In German, the word “danke” or “thanks” actually means “no.” If someone asks you if you would like a drink, make sure you say “bitte” or “please,” as this means “yes.”
  • The German alphabet has more than 26 letters. The German pronunciation of these extra letters ä, ö, ü, and ß don’t exist in the English language.
  • There are two principal divisions of the German language: High German, or “Hochdeutsch,” and Low German, or “Plattdeutsch.”
  • Looking to take your own German skills to the next level? Online German lessons make it easy to connect with a native Deutsch speaker from anywhere in the world!

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German Culture Facts and Superstitions

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Here are some fun facts about superstitions and general culture in Germany.

  • Most Germans believe that open windows will cause illness, such as achy joints or the flu. Because of this, the window panes stay tightly shut even in the most beautiful weather.
  • Germans consider it bad luck to celebrate birthdays early. They believe in a philosophy that roughly translates into “don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”  An early congratulation for a birthday reminds the recipient that he or she could die before the actual date occurs.
  • In Germany, it’s thought that if you bury your deceased dog under your doorstep, its ghost will guard the house.
  • Rather than wave to your German friends, greet them by knocking on the table. It’s believed that knocking on oak is good luck because the devil isn’t able to touch the “holy” wood.
  • Whatever you do, don’t cheers with water. Doing so means you’re wishing death upon your drinking buddies, and you definitely wouldn’t want to do that.

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What’s So Special About Germany? The Brew! Fun Facts About German Beer

It’s all about the beer! Here’s what you should know about this country’s favorite beverage.

  • The Weihenstephaner Brewery just north of Munich has been operating since 1040, making it the world’s oldest brewery.
  • There are 1,300 beer breweries in Germany, producing over 5,000 types of beer. No wonder why Germans are the world’s second biggest beer drinkers.
  • In Germany, beer manufacturers  are required to follow the purity law, also known as “Reinheitsgebot,” which allows only water, barley, and hops to be used in the production of beer.
  • 6.7 million liters of beer are consumed at Oktoberfest, the world’s largest beer festival, which ironically takes place in September.
  • Germans order their beer very differently. To order a single beer, raise one thumb. If you want to order two beers, raise your first finger. Be careful not to confuse your fingers and thumbs unless you want to order the whole pub a round of drinks!

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More Germany Facts: Geography

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Keep reading to find out some German geography facts.

  • The capital of Germany, Berlin, is nine times larger than the city of Paris, and actually has more bridges than Venice.
  • Germany has the world’s narrowest street in the city of Reutlingen. Called “Spreuerhofstrasse,” the street is approximately one foot wide at the narrowest point, and nearly twenty inches wide at the widest.
  • Love the good outdoors? Approximately one-third of Germany is still forested.
  • Germany has close to 700 zoological gardens, wildlife parks, aquariums, and animal reserves. The Berlin Zoological Garden is also one of the world’s largest zoos, with 84 acres and 1,500 species of animals.
  • There are over 20,000 castles in Germany, most of them being at least 100 years old. Many of these castles were turned into museums, hotels, or cultural art centers for people to enjoy.

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Interesting Facts About Germany and its Culture

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Here are more facts about culture in Germany.

  • Germans are sticklers when it comes to following the rules. This is especially true when it comes to the rules of the road. While it might be okay to jaywalk on the streets of New York City, you’ll get nasty glares if you illegally cross the street in Germany.
  • Germans can be quite direct. In fact, they have no qualms about calling you out for unknowingly or knowingly making an inappropriate comment or gesture. Try not to take offense to this, as Germans do it to each other as well.
  • While it may be normal for you to chat with the mailman or your neighbor, Germans aren’t fans of small talk. They don’t see the point in making pleasantries. Although, they will greet people with a “Guten Tag” (Good day) or “Guten Abend” (Good evening).
  • If you don’t want to get the evil eye from your waitress and other patrons, then never ask for tap water at a German restaurant. The German word for tap water is “Leitungswasser,” which means plumbing water. Gross.
  • Like Americans, Germans like their privacy. Don’t greet someone with a hug unless you are close friends and stay at least an arm’s distance or more away when having a conversation with another person.

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10 Fun Facts About Germany Arts and Education

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Here are some interesting facts about art and education in Germany.

  • Looking for a cost-effective college education? Colleges in Germany have been tuition free since 2014, even for international students.
  • Some of the most well-known philosophers were from Germany, including Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche.
  • Germans have made major contributions to classical music with the likes of Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig von Beethoven.
  • Popular fairy tales, like “Hansel and Gretel,” “Snow White,” and “Rapunzel,” were created by German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The collection of German fairy tales are commonly known in English as Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
  • Germany hosts some of the largest music festivals in the world, including Rock am Ring, Wave-Gotik-Treffen, and Wacken Open Air.
  • When children start school in Germany, they receive something known as a Schultüte – this is a cone of presents that is meant to relieve the stress of the time.
  • There are more than 380 universities in Germany with over 17,000 programs of study. 
  • Germany has a strong tradition in the visual arts and architecture, with just about all styles represented. 
  • The Renaissance never really existed in its purest form in Germany. 
  • In Germany, kids don’t start school until they’re six years old.

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Fun Facts About German Law

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If you’re planning a trip to Germany, you will need to brush up on the following legal facts.

  • In Germany, there is no punishment for a prisoner who tries to escape from jail because Germans believe it’s a basic human instinct to be free.
  • Germany is one of 22 countries that have outlawed the declawing of cats, as they find it to be unnecessarily cruel. Meow.
  • Keep your gas tank full! It’s illegal to run out of fuel on highways.
  • According to German law, an infant’s gender must be obvious by his or her first name. The civil registration office has the right to refuse names that don’t comply.
  • Don’t even think about mowing your lawn or fixing up that old shed on a Sunday afternoon. German law states that Sundays are a day of rest and silence. Neighbors are expected to keep quiet, and all grocery and other retail stores are closed.
  • In Germany, it’s against the law to address a police officer with the informal “du.” You might want to take one or two German lessons before you arrive to avoid the hefty fine of up to €600.

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Fun Facts About Germany: Its Inventions and Sports

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More fun facts about Germany below!

  • The magazine was first invented in Germany in 1663. Called Erbauliche Monaths Unterredungen, the magazine was a literary and philosophical edition.
  • During World War II, Coca-Cola syrup was difficult to import into Nazi Germany. As a result, Germans created the insanely sweet orange soda, also known as Fanta.
  • The Christmas tree was first created in Germany during the Renaissance era. Rather than being draped with illuminate lights, the original Christmas tree was decorated with apples, nuts, and other foods.
  • You can credit the Germans for inventing the accordion, which remains a staple in the German culture.
  • You can thank German entrepreneur Hans Riegel for your love of gummy bears. After seeing trained bears at festivals, the owner of Haribo created the delicious treat.

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  • Including the Winter Games of 2014, Germany has won a total of 1,681 medals, 547 of them being gold.
  • In Germany, professional soccer games draw an average of 25,000 fans. That’s one loud stadium.
  • Germany used to be a breeding ground for the world’s best tennis players. Famous players, such as Boris Becker, Steffi Graf, Anke Huber, and Michael Stich are all Germans. The Deutsche Tennis Bund, which boasts 1.8 million members, is the world’s largest tennis association.
  • Handball, a game in which two teams pass a ball using their hands with the aim of throwing it into the goal of the other team, was first invented in Germany.
  • Many Germans are active in sports clubs. In fact, one in three Germans is a member of the German Olympic Sports Federation.

Fun Facts About Christmas in Germany

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If you are planning to visit Germany during the holidays, you’ll love reading these Germany fun facts about Christmas!

  • German families prepare for Christmas throughout the entire month of December.
  • Children in Germany count the days until Christmas with an Advent calendar. 
  • Common German Christmas treats include lebkuchen, sweet bread, cakes with candied fruits, and marzipan.
  • No Santa Claus here – in Germany, children write letters to St. Nicholas instead 
  • The tradition of the Christmas tree first started in Germany. 
  • If you love listening to “Silent Night,” you can thank Germany for it – that’s where this song originated. 
  • Many families still have their children leave shoes outside the front door to be filled with treats by St. Nicholas.
  • After Christmas, people in some parts of Germany beat drums to ward off spirits.
  • Christmas decorations are put away on January 6 – the Twelfth Night or Epiphany – when boys dress up like the Three Kings and walk through town singing Christmas carols.
  • The most popular Christmas Eve dinner is potato salad with wieners. 

Things You Didn’t Know About Germany

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Hopefully, you feel fully informed now when it comes to everything you need to know about Germany. These unique, interesting facts should serve as inspiration for you to book your next trip! 

Still curious? Check out this video with even more fun facts!

We hope that these fun facts about Germany have made you even more excited to visit the country or study the language. Perhaps you’re even inspired to book your flight! Since Germans are well known for their efficiency, it makes sense to learn German in the most efficient way possible. Private German lessons, whether in person or online, are by far the best way to master the language!

As you sharpen your German skills, you’ll be sure to uncover more interesting facts about Germany. These will only inspire you to dive deeper into the language and culture!

Whenever you discover a new fun fact about Germany, come back to this page and let us know in the comments below!

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Brooke Neuman