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Singing Lessons for Kids: Does My Child Have "It"?

June 27, 2023

Singing Lessons for Kids: Does My Child Have "It"?

Singing lessons for kids are the perfect way to support your little one’s interest in music. While you know it’s important to encourage kids to dream big, how can you be sure your investment is worth it? Grand Rapids, MI voice teacher Kelsey P. has your answers.

As a voice instructor, I am often asked by the parents, “Does my child have ‘it’?”

This question relates to several different topics, including having a growth versus fixed mindset and how we encourage our kids to work toward long-term goals rather than only short-term rewards. Still, it’s understandable why a parent would want to know whether or not their child is truly interested in singing classes for kids.

When a young, ambitious student declares that they want to be the next Katy Perry in the first lesson (which has happened on more than one occasion), parents want to know how long to encourage their child’s dreams, and at what point to steer them in a new direction.

While I understand the desire to have a professional tell you where your child’s skills really lie, my response is usually not what they want or expect.

How Do I Teach My Little Child to Sing?

Teaching your little one to sing can be a rewarding experience. Here are some tips:

  • The simplest way to start is by using simple tunes that they know: classic nursery rhymes or catchy pop songs work well. 
  • Focus on singing with good posture and strong, clear pronunciation, so they learn the right habits early. 
  • Match their energy level to keep them engaged, but remember to stay positive even if their pitch isn’t perfect every time. 
  • Encourage them when they do things well and help them make small corrections if something needs improvement; celebrate successes together! 

With regular practice, kindness and patience, you’ll soon be jamming together in no time. Need more help? Don’t be afraid to ask your singing instructor for help! In singing lessons, you’ll learn everything your child needs to know, including the following: 

Types of Singing Lessons for Kids Near Me

Whether your child is a budding pop star or just loves to sing in the car, singing lessons are an invaluable tool for helping them develop their vocal skills and musicality. Singing lessons can be fun, encouraging, and give kids the opportunity to explore their own creativity. But where do you start? 

Fortunately, there are plenty of types of singing lessons available to suit your child’s needs. Let’s take a look at the different options! 

Online Singing Lessons for Kids

These days, online singing lessons have become a popular way for kids to learn without having to leave home. Online lessons allow children to learn from experienced instructors all over the world, no matter where they live. Not only that, but online singing lessons also offer more flexibility in scheduling than other types of instruction. With online lessons, kids can practice their craft at any time of day or night—perfect for busy families! 

Group Singing Lessons for Kids

Group singing classes are great for those who want the chance to bond with others and make music together. These classes teach basic vocal techniques as well as how to harmonize with others. Group singing classes also provide a supportive environment where kids can practice performing in front of an audience and build confidence in their abilities. There may even be opportunities to perform publicly with group classes!  

Private Singing Lessons for Kids

If your child prefers one-on-one coaching and individualized attention, private singing lessons may be the best option. Private sessions allow teachers to tailor instruction specifically to your child’s needs and goals, giving them the chance to work on whatever they need help with most. Private singing teachers are also great resources if your goal is professional training or competitive performance opportunities such as auditions or competitions.  

Free Singing Lessons for Kids 

Some community organizations or schools may offer free or low-cost group singing classes or private coaching sessions. Taking advantage of these opportunities can be a great way for children who are just starting out with voice training—and don’t have access to more expensive options—to get started on their musical journey!  

Singing Classes for Kids Aren’t About Fame

This is not American Idol. I am not Simon Cowell. I teach singing lessons for kids with various levels of skill and talent. Some of them may actually find careers in music, most of them probably won’t. My point of view is–that’s not the point of taking music lessons.

Let me put this in perspective. Most of my students are young – like 10 years and under. They don’t know what they want to be when they grow up. Even if they want to be Katy Perry now, they may change their minds five more times before they are old enough to make that decision, so it wouldn’t do any good for me to judge them so harshly and force them to make that decision prematurely.

What Are Vocal Classes for Kids for?

My job is to help my students have fun learning how to get better at singing. If you’ve ever worked with children, you know that they are usually learning the most when they are playing. This is why voice classes for kids are comprised of singing games, music games, and songs that kids are interested in. I allow them to have guided fun and encourage them to practice so they can get better. Any instrument gets more fun when your skill improves, so practice is key to having fun!

Not only are kids learning about music in their singing lessons, but they’re also learning about setting goals, building a positive work ethic, and how hard work can actually be enjoyable. Many studies have shown how music education can help math, verbal, and social skills. These are gifts that your child can benefit from for their entire lives. 

Keeping Enthusiasm High

When your child starts any artistic endeavor, it’s important to keep their enthusiasm levels high. Although positive encouragement is helpful, putting excessive amounts of pressure on a kid can take the fun out of the learning experience for them. If they get serious about singing, it will come from their own sense of motivation.

It’s okay to take singing lessons just for a fun way to get some energy out. Even if your child is only interested in belting along with their favorite Frozen chorus, time spent singing is never wasted. Singing lessons for kids are about the process of opening up our voices and our smiles.

Always Worth a Try

The bottom line is this: don’t worry so much about whether your kid has “it” or not. Let them develop naturally as little musicians without the pressure of a career hovering over the both of you. Investing in music education is always a good choice for your child’s development. Instead of focusing on a final goal of stardom, allow your child to discover a tool for self-expression and growth.

If your kid loves to sing, there’s no harm in taking a lesson. Today, connecting with the perfect vocal coach is easier than ever, with many voice lessons being conducted online. This added level of convenience and scheduling flexibility is giving many parents the confidence to support their child’s singing journey, no matter where it leads.

What are the Benefits of Singing Lessons for Kids?

Music is a powerful tool that can help children develop both cognitively and emotionally. Singing lessons provide kids with an opportunity to learn new skills while also providing them with a creative outlet. Read on to learn more about the benefits of singing lessons for kids

Boosts Confidence & Self-Esteem 

Singing lessons are a great way to boost confidence and self-esteem in children. When kids learn how to sing, they can express themselves freely and feel proud of their accomplishments. 

With each song they master, their confidence grows, allowing them to explore different styles, genres, and techniques. Additionally, singing in front of others helps build courage and performance experience which can be helpful in other areas of life such as public speaking or presentations. 

Improves Memory & Cognitive Skills 

Learning how to sing improves memory and cognitive skills in children by engaging both the right and left sides of the brain. When learning lyrics, melodies, pitches, harmonies, rhythms, etc., children are forced to think creatively as well as utilize their analytical skills. 

This type of multi-faceted thinking leads to improved memory skills which can help them excel in school as well as understand music theory better than those who don’t have this type of training. 

Fosters Creativity & Expression 

Singing is a great way for kids to express themselves creatively without judgment or criticism from anyone else. They get the chance to explore different styles and genres without feeling like they have something to prove or that what they’re doing is wrong somehow. It also allows them to better understand how emotions are expressed through music which helps foster empathy towards others around them as well as themselves. 

What Age Should a Child Take Singing Lessons?

Singing is an enjoyable and rewarding activity for children of all ages. As to when kids should start taking singing lessons, that depends on the individual. Generally speaking, most professionals would say anywhere from 7 to 10 years old is an appropriate time to start formal vocal training. 

This gives kids enough time to understand musical theory and develop proper techniques, such as breath control and a healthy posture while singing. For parents hoping to get their child into singing, it’s important to do some research in order to find the right instructor. 

Once you think you’ve found the right coach, it’s important to observe a few classes beforehand in order to assess whether or not it’s really a fit for your child’s interests and abilities.

No matter when or what type of instruction you choose, signing up your kid(s) for some sort of vocal lesson is a fantastic way to introduce them into the wonderful world of music! 

From online courses that allow them access from anywhere in the world, to private tutoring tailored specifically for them – there is something out there that will fit both your family’s lifestyle and budget! 

With so many options available, it’s never been easier (or more affordable!) to find quality vocal instruction near you – so why not get started today? Your child’s future self will thank you!

KelseyPKelsey P. teaches singing, songwriting, and guitar lessons in Grand Rapids, MI. I have a Bachelor’s in Music from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, MI and I have been a full time working musician for two and a half years. Learn more about Kelsey here!



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