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Study Skills for High School: 10 Crucial Steps to Succeed

August 21, 2023

Study Skills for High School: 10 Crucial Steps to Succeed

Group of high school students smiling on the first day of class Hispanolistic / E+ / Getty Images

When it comes to essential study skills for high school, what do you need to know to be successful? Here are the 10 most important skills, as outlined by tutor Matthew H.:

High school can be overwhelming, but with the right study skills, you can thrive and succeed. Developing solid study skills for high school early on can make a significant difference in your academic performance and overall success—in high school, college, and beyond.

In this blog post, we’ll be discussing 10 crucial steps that you can take to improve your study skills and set yourself up for success in high school.

Whether you’re struggling with time management, motivation, or confidence, these tips can help you reach your full potential. Let’s get started!

How Can I Motivate My High School Child to Study?

As a parent, there’s likely nothing you want more than to see your child succeed. Beyond signing your child up for online study skills tutoring for high school (a helpful strategy), you can also provide assistance and guidance in the following ways:

  • Provide encouraging words to motivate your high school child to study.
  • Create achievable goals and help your child set goals so that they have something to work toward when they’re in a rut.
  • Incorporate variety in the study material in order to make studying more interesting for your child.
  • Consider incentivizing by providing rewards when your child achieves their goals.
  • Hold your child accountable by setting expectations and providing feedback on their work.

Beyond these basic study skills for high school students, there are a few other things you can try. One of our best tips? Consider a study skills course for high school students. In one of these courses, your child will learn helpful study skills strategies for high school students along with what they need to be successful in high school and beyond. Learn more about the benefits of online tutoring by watching the video below:

What Are the Top 10 Study Skills?

High school can seem like such a scary place. After all, we often hear that the choices we make in high school will ultimately shape who we become as adults. Major stressors include the pressure to do well so that you’ll get into a good college, so that you will land an even better job. These are understandably important issues to consider, but they seem much less intimidating and much more manageable when you have the right study skills for high school to guide you.

Without further ado, here are some of the best study skills for high school students!

1. Identify what learning style works best for you.

This may seem like a no-brainer, yet many students (regardless of age) are not in tune with how they individually learn best. You could be one of many different types of learners: visual, auditory, reading-based, kinesthetic, and so on. Some people may even be a mix of various styles.

The trick is to isolate what works best for you and not confuse it with what you like to do. In other words, you may be an excellent artist, but you retain information better by hearing someone say it first. If you aren’t sure what learning style you fall under, many guidance counselors know of quick tests you can take to determine what works best for you. Also, similar quizzes are available online, although those may not be as accurate.

2. Organize more efficiently.

Organization is super important. In most cases, high schools supply each student with a personal agenda at the beginning of the academic year. You may choose to purchase a larger planner for yourself, especially if you have a ton of extracurriculars on top of different homework assignments due, projects to turn in, presentations to give, and tests to take. Having everything written down in one central location will make it much easier for you to complete all of the necessary tasks in as stress-free a way as possible, and avoid procrastination.

3. Prioritize your time and determine what is essential.

Now that you have an easy-to-follow list of upcoming assignments, rank them in order of importance, difficulty, and due date. For instance, if you have a presentation due the same week as an exam for a different class, factor in how much of each final grade those are worth.

If the presentation is 15% of your History grade and the exam is a midterm worth 20% of your Math grade, then maybe dedicate a little more time for the exam. But if you are more confident in math and need to bolster your history grade, then adjust accordingly. Flexibility is an important trait to have!

4. Incorporate your own interests into your studying habits.

Earlier I mentioned the importance of separating your interests from the way you learn in developing good study skills for high school. However, that does not mean you should never consider what you like to do. If you discover that you are a kinesthetic learner but have a passion for music, bridge the two together in some way.

This can be as simple as playing your favorite band’s album while studying geography by moving around index cards, or as sophisticated as creating your own music by playing an instrument (specifically one with a lot of tactile contact) to accompany your history project. Be creative!

5. Connect what you’re learning to other subjects.

Don’t think Algebra and foreign language have anything in common? Guess again. Neurological studies have shown that math and language skills are kept relatively close to each other in the same hemisphere of the brain.

This is in part due to the importance of the structure of patterns in language similar to those found in diverse math subjects such as geometry and probability.

The truth is virtually everything you learn can be connected in some way. Once you draw your own comparisons between different subjects, you will retain the information from both classes much easier.

Perhaps the most important study skill for high school (or for any grade level, really) is the ability to relate to what you are learning.

When you can relate to the material on some level, you will be able to apply the concepts in a more effective way. Topics will make more sense and you will feel better about yourself. Use the skills not just in high school, but for the rest of your life!

6. Make a schedule

With so many classes and extracurricular activities going on once school starts, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why it’s important to create a schedule that allows you to manage your time effectively. By scheduling specific times for homework, studying and other activities, you can ensure that you’re making the most of your time and avoiding last-minute cramming.

7. Take notes

Taking notes is key to retaining information. When you’re in class, make sure you have a pen and paper handy so that you can write down important information. When studying, review your notes regularly to help reinforce the information in your mind. You can also use different note-taking techniques, such as mind maps or flashcards, to help you organize and retain information.

8. Ask questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions in class if you don’t understand something. Asking your teacher or classmates for clarification can help you gain a better understanding of the material and ensure that you’re not left feeling lost or confused. Additionally, asking questions can make the time spent in class more engaging and interesting.

9. Manage distractions

Distractions can be a major barrier to effective studying. Whether it’s your phone, social media, or TV, it’s important to identify what’s distracting you and take steps to manage it. Try setting aside specific times of day to check your phone or social media, and create a dedicated study space that’s free from distractions.

10. Practice self-care

Finally, it’s important to take care of yourself. Eating well, sleeping enough and exercising regularly can all impact your ability to focus and learn. By taking care of your physical and mental health, you’re giving yourself the best possible chance of succeeding academically.

Consider a Study Skills Class for High School Students

With these 10 crucial steps, you can develop the study skills necessary to succeed in high school.

By setting goals, staying organized, improving your time management, and of course, taking good care of yourself, you can thrive academically and beyond.

If you’re looking for more support in developing these skills, consider signing up for a study skills curriculum for high school like the ones offered by TakeLessons.

Good luck on your academic journey—you got this!

MatthewHMatthew H. provides tutoring in various subjects both online and in New Milford, NJ.  He recently received his MA from NYU with a background in Sociolinguistics and related research. Learn more about Matthew here! 



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