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Pierre C.
5 (23)

Describing Things in French - Lesson 5 - Part 1

Bonjour ! In this 5th lesson - Part 1 video, we will learn how: - To describe something or someone. À tout de suite !

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Teacher Reviews (23)

23 Reviews
Teacher's studio
If you’re searching for a French teacher, you’ve found him and you can finally stop looking. Pierre is an excellent teacher who guided me to a much higher level of French than I expected myself to reach . I’m very grateful for his careful selection of lesson topics since it allowed me to learn French in the greater context of the language itself. His attention to my weak points has been very instrumental in helping me improve my French, and due to his efforts I can hold my own in a French conversation. Pierre’s greatest strength is his ability to teach me the nuances of vocabulary and of specific phrases; other professors I had were only able to teach textbook definitions but I am always confident of the shades of meaning for the phrases I learned from him! — Si vous cherchez pour un nouveau professeur de Français, vous pouvez finalement arrêter. Pierre est un professeur excellent qui m’a guidé vers un niveau de français plus avancé que j’ai prévu. Je suis reconnaissant pour sa sélection des leçons prudentes puisqu’elle m’a permis d’apprendre la langue dans le contexte. Son attention sur mes points faibles jouait un rôle tellement important pour mon apprentissage de Français. Grâce à ses efforts, je peux bien converser en français. Sa plus grande force est sa capacité de m'enseigner les nuances des mots et des phrases spécifiques. Autres professeurs ne pouvaient pas faire ça et ils m’enseignaient seulement les définitions du dictionnaire, mais je suis toujours confiant dans les définitions qu’il m’a données.
Posted Jul 31, 2023
I have been taking French lessons with Pierre over the last five months and it has been a great journey so far! The pace is perfect, the materials very clear to follow covering grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. You can tell Pierre put in a lot of time in organizing his course. One great plus is that he is very patient in correcting my pronunciation as I read articles from French newspaper. Excellent instructor if you are interested in learning French at your own pace - as fast as you want.
Posted Jun 8, 2023
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