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Learn Meditation your way with a TakeLessons expert

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Clases privados con los mejores instructores de Meditation cerca de Kailua, HI

Sumérgete en el conocimiento y empieza a obtener resultados con clases personalizadas impartidas por instructores especializadosc en Meditation .

23 providers
Amanda O.

Meditating has empirical evidence to back its overall positive effects on our bodies, minds, and emotions. In fact, the brains of those who meditate demonstrate physiological alterations and differences in their rate of compassion to certain troubling stimuli. It is a wonderful way to regulate the stress response, improve immune health, activate parasympathetic nervous system response, calm the body and mind, among many other benefits!!! Perhaps the most significant benefit, one that you can immediately begin to experience with practice, is PEACE. This peace is a certain kind of stillness, calm, relaxation, and balance. It is unique to the practice of meditation, especially certain kinds of meditation. The kind that I teach involves guided practices that trains the mind to eventually quiet all mental chatter. When the mind is clear, the body and emotions also follow suit. Profound healing often occurs at a deep level due to accessing this type of inherent peace. Meditation is a process of discovering the peace which is already inside of you. It is an exploration of self-discovery through the depths of your consciousness. Meditation can help you become anchored in a space of comfort, safety, security, and balance no matter where you are at. Regular meditation can increase these feelings and affect many areas of your life---creating a "calm" presence you and others will benefit from. This process usually does not involve more than one to three sessions to completely grasp and begin to utilize in your own life. Once you have these tools, you can continue reaping the benefits and to serve others by teaching these techniques for the enhancement of peace on the planet.

Private Lessons
Kailua, HI
45,00 US$/30 minutos

Earn <strong>+1,000</strong> Microsoft rewards points per class.

*Points are rewarded upon purchase. User must be signed up for a Takelessons account with an eligible Microsoft Account & Microsoft Rewards account.

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Meditation is a good tool for stress and anxiety management, and he can teach you how to make the meditation part of your daily life.

Michael (Meditation lessons with Luca D.)

Elise was fantasic! All I know is I had a hard time breathing due to stress before the session and I was able to breath after the session. I felt like I just got up from a massage. It was so good that

david (Meditation lessons with Elise M.)

Jillian is a wonderful instructor. This was my first meditation class and I am really looking forward to next week.

Tarra (Meditation lessons with Jillian V.)

Very good experience. Sometimes hard to hear. Not necessarily Jennifer's fault. Gotta love technology. Would recommend!

Chris (Meditation lessons with Jennifer P.)

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