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Music Lessons near Woodstock, GA

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Music Lessons near Woodstock

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I was a bit nervous for my first lesson and Casey made it so easy!! I’m so excited for my next one!

Lisa (Drums lessons with Casey C.)

Mr. Casey is the best. My 6 year old takes lessons from him and adores him. He is very friendly, patient, and understanding. We are very glad to have chosen him as our instructor.

Mioshey Thomas (Drums lessons with Casey C.)

I have been taking lessons now for 9 months.Casey is always patient and ready to help.I am a 60 year old male and ,reading notes and learning interdependence from legs and arms in drumming is a real h

charles lemos (Drums lessons with Casey C.)

I was skeptical at first about online learning. Now I'm a big believer in it. Casey has been absolutely incredible. Patient, fun and professional. My son has learned so much in the past year, he c

Kurt Russell (Drums lessons with Casey C.)

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