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Music Lessons near Tucker, GA

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Music Lessons near Tucker

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Uno de los mejores músicos y profesores de guitarra que conozco. Muy profesional y talentoso. Una persona llena de talento y devoción por la enseñanza a otros!!

Handys (Guitar lessons with Ricardo A.)

Excelente amigo y guitarrista! Recomendado! Seriedad y profesionalidad. Excelente maestro, es imposible no aprender con él

Yasser (Guitar lessons with Ricardo A.)

Nils is a great teacher with a lot of experience. I highly recommend employing his help to improve your guitar skills!

Daniel T. (Blues Guitar lessons with Nils B.)

Speaking with honesty. Nils is a major reason why I truly love playing and learning the guitar now. It's hilarious to me in hindsight when even the mere thought of taking an in person class would make

Thomas Diaz (Guitar lessons with Nils B.)

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