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Music Lessons near Stockbridge, GA

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Music Lessons near Stockbridge

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Mr. Kenny is a wonderful instructor of voice and piano. His knowledge and passion for his craft shines through in his instructional technique. He is well-versed in all areas of voice, piano and the

Shereta (Vocal Training lessons with Kenneth R.)

Great introductory lesson. Looking forward to a rewarding learning experience

Barry Simmons (Vocal Training lessons with Kenneth R.)

Kenneth is an amazing teacher. It had been 20 years since I took piano lessons before signing up with Kenneth. His approach is just what I needed. I am really enjoying the lessons and feel I am mak

William (Piano lessons with Kenneth R.)

He is great to work with. Trurly know how to develop the vocal skill that are needed

Michelle F. (Piano lessons with Kenneth R.)

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