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Fully Understanding the English Language

Abril 27, 2021

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, so it’s no wonder you might be interested in learning it. Maybe you want to expand your career opportunities, travel to English-speaking countries, or better engage with members of your community. Whatever your reason for wanting to learn how to understand English and speaking it, it will no doubt require plenty of practice and patience. 



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Tips for Understanding English


To help you work your way toward mastering the English language, we’ve provided some helpful tips below. While becoming fluent in English can take years of practice, following this guide will get you one step closer to achieving your language skills. 


Take English Lessons 

If you’re wondering how to learn English and improve your understanding, signing up for English lessons is a great place to start. Even if you don’t know a lick of English, your teacher will help you with everything you need to learn to understand spoken English. Your English teacher will assess your current skill sets and help you achieve all your language goals. Through guided lessons and exercises, you will receive the tools you need to better understand English


You will soon find that there are all kinds of English lessons available. Private lessons provide you with one-on-one instruction, while group lessons let you learn in a group setting. But if you would prefer to learn from the comfort of your own home, take advantage of convenient online English lessons, where you can learn via a virtual platform.


Listen to the Radio

Turn on the radio to an English station and let it stream in the background when you’re getting ready in the morning, driving in the car, or relaxing after work. Listening to pop songs is a great way to pick up on English phrases and slang, but you can also follow along to news reports, talk shows, or even podcasts. The more familiar you get with the sounds and pronunciations, the easier it will be for you to learn to understand spoken English. 


Watch TV and Movies

Watching TV shows and movies in English is the oldest trick in the book when it comes to mastering the language. Tune into your favorite movie or sitcom and see if you can follow the plot in English. Next, watch something you aren’t familiar with and see how far you get. If you’re just starting out with the language, put on subtitles and watch that way. The more comfortable you get, the less often you will find yourself looking at the written text. 


Read Whatever You Can Get Your Hands On

Listening to English isn’t the only way to learn how to understand English better. Reading is another way to put your skills and what you know to use. Start with a story you already know by heart, such as a fairytale, and then try reading it in English. You may come across some words or phrases you don’t know yet, but if you already know the plot, you may find it easier to fill in the blanks. Challenging your brain this way will help you expand your understanding of the English language. Slowly work your way up to chapter books, novels, and newspaper and magazine articles. 


Join Conversations

If you really want to learn how to understand spoken English, you can’t be afraid to talk with other English speakers. And believe it not, you might just be surprised at just how many native speakers are willing to help you practice. Not only can this help you get comfortable pronouncing words and practicing conjugations, but it’s always a great way to nip English mistakes in the bud. When having a conversation in English, ask others to provide you with advice and correct you. 



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If you live in an English-speaking country, engage with your friends and neighbors in the language. But if there aren’t any English speakers at your disposal, check community boards and online forums. You may find local meet-ups where you can practice your English with others. Better yet, you just might come across someone who wants to practice your native language, too, so you can take turns speaking in your respective tongues. 


Practice as Much as Possible

Just like learning any other skill or subject, practice makes perfect. Sing songs in English, write in your journal in English and have conversations in English as much as possible. And if no one is around, create an imaginary conversation with your pet! The more you integrate English words and phrases into your vocabulary, the easier it will be for you to understand English and improve your skills. 


Keep a Dictionary on Hand

Part of learning how to understand English involves figuring out what you don’t know and then committing it to memory. To do this, it helps to have an English dictionary or English translation app on hand at all times. Therefore, if you’re reading a book and come across a vocabulary word you don’t recognize, you can look it up. The same goes for if you’re watching an English TV show and hear some unfamiliar lingo. Once you figure out the meaning, write down the word or phrase and its definition to help you remember it in the future. To challenge yourself even more, begin incorporating it into your everyday practice. 


Plan a Trip

Fully immersing yourself in the language is another great way to work toward fluency. Book a trip to an English-speaking country and get ready to show off your skills. You can go solo or join a group tour. Traveling allows you to challenge yourself and pick up new words and phrases as you make your way around the city, ordering meals, reserving accommodations, and exploring the attractions. 




Private English Lessons

If you are ready to learn how to understand English speaking, begin by signing up for affordable and hassle-free lessons right here at TakeLessons. We offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee to ensure all new students enjoy their first lesson with us.


Maria Kusior