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English articles & Resources

English resources, articles and tips for beginner and beyond

7 Reasons Language Arts Tutoring Can Help Improve Your Child’s Grades

Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images As a parent, you always want the best for your child, especially when it comes to their education. English Language Arts (ELA) is one of the core subjects in school that can impact your child’s future greatly - and that's why you should consider language arts tutoring online.  This subject goes beyond just reading and writing—it encompasses critical thinking, communication, and creativity. That is why it’s crucial for students to have a

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Here’s Why You Need an Online English Tutor

urbazon / E+ / Getty Images English can be a difficult language to learn and master, even for native English speakers. It is full of nuances, rules, and exceptions that can be difficult to decipher. Besides being the language of global business, knowing how to speak and write in perfect English can accelerate your possibilities of landing great job opportunities, perform better academically, and work anywhere in the world.  Whether you’re preparing for an essay, a speech, or an intervi

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6 Online Games to Sharpen Your English Vocabulary | TakeLessons Blog

When you are learning English, besides learning grammar, one of your main goals will probably be to increase your vocabulary. And really, what good is all the grammar without the words.  But learning vocabulary doesn’t have to be boring. The days of just practicing with a stack of flashcards are long gone.  Even though flashcards are a very powerful memorization technique, nowadays technology offers more engaging ways we can interact with the content we wish to learn.  So, today

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Parts of Speeh in English | TakeLessons Blog

We can categorize English words into 8 basic types called "parts of speech" or "word classes". It's quite important to recognize parts of speech. This helps you to analyze sentences and understand them. It also helps you to construct good sentences. In English, the main parts of speech are nouns, verbs, articles, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. Let's learn what these parts of speech do and how they fit into English sentences. 1. NOUNS   Nouns are words that repres

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What you need to know about English Tenses

Starting to feel tense in thinking about the English Tenses? This is why I should probably stick to teaching and not be a comedian. Jokes aside, tenses are an essential part of the English language. They allow speakers to clarify the timing of when an action is happening. In this article, we will briefly go over each English tense and how it is used. But first, what are tenses? What are Tenses? Essentially a tense will indicate the timing of an action. There are three basic tenses in Englis

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The 15 Toughest English Writing Rules - and How to Remember Them

In this article, online tutor Natalie S. shares her best tricks for remembering some of the toughest English writing rules… Grammar isn’t for everyone. In fact, most people tend to forget the majority of their English grammar and punctuation lessons by the time they graduate from high school. Even though grammar tends to be a boring subject to learn about, it’s still important to understand and utilize grammar and punctuation rules correctly. These seemingly small details make a big di

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How to Fully Understand the English Language | TakeLessons

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, so it’s no wonder you might be interested in learning it. Maybe you want to expand your career opportunities, travel to English-speaking countries, or better engage with members of your community. Whatever your reason for wanting to learn how to understand English and speaking it, it will no doubt require plenty of practice and patience.    CTA Learn from an Expert English Tutor (Button)   Tips for Understanding Englis

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English Language Conversations for Beginners

Although words may be limited and simple, it is still possible to enjoy conversations in English even if you are a beginner. I think that it’s essential to be able to express basic needs and to clearly express your identity. Let’s get started with the very basics and then we’ll build from there. Greetings and Introductions: When meeting new people you need to be able to greet them. If you are in an informal situation you might say, “Hey, I’m (name), nice to meet you.” In order

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Common Core Standards for English and Math | What Parents Need to Know

You may have heard about the new Common Core Standards, which most states have adopted into their curriculum. What exactly are they, and what does it mean for your child? Learn more in this guest post by San Diego tutor Natalie S... Having a unified educational system is an incredibly important factor when considering how to make sure each child is given the best chance to learn and succeed. This is why 43 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core State Standards for E

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How Can I Support My English Language Learner Child?

Parents, you play a huge role in helping your child learn in between private tutoring sessions. Here are some ideas to help your English-learner work on their skills, from North Hollywood, CA tutor Brittany G...   When I first got my teaching credential, I was in suburban Connecticut. The majority of students in the classroom where I did my observations and student teaching were native English speakers, with a handful who spoke another language as well. When I moved to California, the

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